Romeo & Juliet



"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 1.5


“I saw her walked by with a face of an angel, but only it be destroyed with sadness. The grief in her eyes-oh, how I want to rush to her side and wipe away the gloom out of lovely face.”



"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet."



“No, I think Shakespeare is crazy. Why end a beautiful love story with a tragedy? But never mind that, Romeo, for we will write our own happy ending.”




Dark and cold, that is now what the leader of the Kim Mafia feels. After hearing the report of an ambush to one of his buildings, he burst in outrage and cursed the Chois. Oh, how he loathed him. Oh, how he wanted to kill each one of them. President KimKang Ho dialled a number in his phone. “Tell me exactly what happened, Jaejoong?”


“Appa… I mean…Sir, the Chois ambushed the Kim Tower II  last night. Files were missing but they still couldn’t clearly determine what was lost. It was obvious that they really looked hard for it. The place looks like trashed and they killed five of our men.” Jaejoong reported.


“Damn those Chois! They just couldn’t give up!” President Kang Ho hung up. Having heard a knock from the door, he looked up. Only to find his lovely youngest daughter, Hyun-Ah.


Hyun-Ah smiled despite the fact that her father was in the peak of his anger. “Appa…” Oh, she was cute all right. She would always make his appa’s heart smile. There was something in this lovely face that would make him soft. She is the replica of her mother.


“Hyun-Ah, what are you doing here?”He asked but still in a firm voice.


“I heard noises, Appa. Could you lower down a bit so I could have my beauty sleep?” She even dared to smile. Her father groaned in frustration.


Hyun-Ah hugged her father after she left his office. In her room, she boiled in anger. Her blood boils for revenge to the Chois. She’s old enough to know that the Chois are the ones, who make their life a living hell.


They killed her mother. She just wants revenge.



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