Chapter Two

BangTan Games


Arriving at your University, without a doubt, had been the most terrifying thing you had ever done in the whole year. Since the morning you had been practically shaking with fear. Not to mention nervousness. Because what are the chances that your favorite idols are going to be hunting you down while you try to hide inside your University. Which does have an advantage because you know all hiding places within the campus. Woo Hoo! Sort of. Taking a deep breath, you walk inside the University. Already, you have the sudden urge to hide away. Since it's still around 6:00, you had been the given time of 30 minutes to walk around and talk with a few school mates about today's event. Gathering your items and emergency clothes, you head over to the cafeteria to find your best friend. Not even half way there, you had been pulled into a classroom to meet face to face with Tae Soo.

"Gae. Min. FREAKING. Sun. How dare you not tell me about you being in the next episode?!" Your angry best friend yelled into you ear. Wiping off any spit that had come in contact to your face, you greet her with a smug look.

"Well Good Morning to you too. And I was going to tell you face to face but now I guess I don't have too." Pulling away from your best friends grip, you lock the door and head over to a couple of desks.

"Alright, so I know I have no right to ask you of this but can you please help me in this?" Pleading, you grab Tae Soo's hand and kneel on one knee. Putting on your sad puppy eyed look, you pout, knowing very well that your friend won't be able to resist.
Sighing, she gives up and gives into the act.

"Fine. But what do I get out of it?"Finally escaping your grasp, she pulls you up so that you are both standing.

"'ll... Get half of the $200 and you'll be chased around by BTS." With that said, you start explaining what she needs to do.

"Okay. So how this will work is that I'm going to try and make you look like me while you try and act all suspicious like walking away when you come in contact with them. While doing so, you'll also need to be on the look out for big red ribbons across campus. If you find them, look for me okay?"

"Yeah okay but what if I get caught? You know running is not my forte."

"You just need to spare me some time while I find a few ribbons. If you get caught then tell me and I'll start looking while being cautious."

With a sigh of contentment, you start by transforming your best friend to look like you. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail and giving her a scarf for her face, you dismiss her and go your seperate ways. Walking into the girl's bathroom you bring out your disguise to change into. You put on a graphic tee, leggings, short shorts to go ontop of the leggings to hide your milky white skin, and a pair of running shoes to, of course, Run.
With less than 20 minutes left, you walk around campus to find your hiding spot.


"Alright! Welcome to...Bangtan Games!"
Clapping and shouts of joy can be heard by the seven idols behind the MC.
"Hello BTS! We are so happy to see you again this week! Of course we have a new theme for this week's guest. This guest is from Seoul and the place we will be broadcasting in is her University, which is the building behind us."

Taking the time to look back at the University, the seven idols stand with mouths agape as they see how big the University is. It has four flours and a wide track course with an open wide field.

"As you can see, we will be searching for the mystery guest in about 20 minutes so within these 20 minutes, she had given us her photo but with half her face covered so you can get an idea of how you may search for her." 

The seven boys gathered around a T.V with the face of the female guest on screen. She had fairly pale skin, jet black hair tied into a ponytail with a few baby hairs that landed on her forehead, the end of her eyes curled upward giving her an innocent type of feel, and lastly she had pink rose earrings. An important factor in finding her believe it or not.

With the that in mind, the seven idols recieved smaller versions of this picture but in black and white so that it wouldn't become too easy to find the guest.

"Now you will be needing these because in this University, tons of males and females will be walking around and you might have difficulty trying to find this mystery guest. Not only that but she will have a task and so will you." Now focusing on the screen, the MC shows the seven boys a picture of a red ribbon in the shape of a bow.

"You will also need to find these ribbons in which there are 14 in total. You will only need to find 7. When you find these, you will also need to protect them because they can be snatched away by the guest. You will need to be aware because the ribbons will need to be place on your back. Once you have all ribbons, the guest is not allowed to snatch them away, thus giving you the opportunity to find the guest. The guest's objective is to find all 14 without being caught."

With all the rules and restrictions being said, the 20 minutes had been used up. Now BTS will be able to enter the building.

Your PoV

You had been walking around for 20 minutes around the building to notice cameras in hallways, the gymnasium, the cafeteria , the track course, and basically everywhere else. Unfortunatly, you hadn't been able to find a hiding spot so you just had stuck to sticking around large chunks of people around campus. Which is also unfortunate because you have a oh so obvious cameraman following you. Great.

*ding ding ding*
"Announcement, BTS has been let into the building I repeat, BTS has been let into the building. Guest you may start your hunt now." 
Immediately, you head into hiding which is basically walking with chunks of people. Because of this, you have your cameraman stay a good distance between you two so it wouldn't be too obvious. Walking with the crowd, you see that they are headed to the main hallway in which you assume BTS is. Parting from the group of people, you head into the Science Lab which was on the right side of the hall. Calling over your Cameraman, he quickly runs into the class with you. Looking out of the window that every class has, you see your best friend and BTS.
Your best friend had caught a glimpse of you and started walking aways with head hung low. Of course this did not go unnoticed by a few members. Jin and J-Hope had noticed her and started walking away to tail her from behind leaving the other members to look around for the ribbons.
Turning back to your cameraman, you spot a glimpse of the color red on the door that you obviously locked a while ago. Heading over to the door, you find your first red ribbon.

"Wow. 1 down, 13 to go." You carefully remove the red ribbon from the door and head out.

Blending into the crowd like magic, you walk like a normal student while your cameraman slowly and cautiously try and film you without getting caught. Down the hall, you hear fast paced steps. Not long after, you see your best friend being followed by Jin and J-Hope. Mouthing a "thank you" towards the direction of your best friend, you walk towards the gym.

Too distracted by your best friends loyalty, you don't notice one of the 7 idols approach your direction. Bumping into the idol, you look up to see Suga. Exchanging an apology, you quickly escape the scene but to only find yourself in the grasp of Suga who has grabbed your wrist. Like a flash if lighting, you sprint down the hall to the emergency exit which is a flight of stairs to other floors. Running up a flight of stairs, you find yourself at the second floor. Finding the cafeteria, you run past the mess of students and hide behind the vending machine. Suddenly, you hear the chattering of students dissapear while you hear heavy steps walk into the cafeteria. 


That voice, it can't be anyone else but..

"My name is Suga and I will be particapting in today's game."

Oh No..

A/N: alright second chapter. Here we introduce Suga's encounter with the guest. The next chapter will include suga and the guest for the majority of the chapter. Nearing the end of every chapter will introduce a new encounter with a different member.

Please anticapate for the next chapter which most likely come by tomorrow or the day after.

P.S happy birthday jungkookie! Ahh he is not in his 10's anymore.
I'm so proud!

Don't forget to comment ~Juliana-Macy

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Please update, author-nim! This is really good and I really like the idea of that story! ^__^
nieltaeminlover18 #2
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!! This is getting good!!
cant wait for thissss