Waking up

I know your Secret

Chunji had fallen asleep in the chair he was sitting in in your room. You couldn't talk to him to wake him up. You wanted to but every time you tried it didn't work so you moved your hand that he was holding onto. He moved and yawned then looked up at you. "~~~~~~~~~~~! You're awake!" He beamed and hugged you tight. You felt as though your stomach was going to collapse at any moment because he was leaning on it. "I'm so glad that you didn't die. Do you know how worried I was?" He stopped hugging you and looked at your face. You let out a sigh of relief and looked back at Chunji. "Do you know how bad I would've felt if you died? I would die knowing that I couldn't have saved you. I promised to protect you but I keep breaking my promise. You always get hurt when I'm not there to help." He your cheek as tears formed in his chocolate brown eyes. "I won't ever leave yo again. I promise to god I won't let anything like this happen to you again."


"You're awake!" Chanjo and Ricky came into the room along with Yori and Jonghyun.


"Do you know how worried we were?" Yori came and hugged you, and she didn't lean on your stomach which you were happy about.


"Yeah, we thought you were going to die. Don't ever do that to us again." Jonghyun came over and gave you a hug too.


"We're so sorry we couldn't protect you." Ricky gave you a sad looked and you smiled. You wanted to say something but still, your throat hurt and the words wouldn't come out.


"Okay, everyone needs to leave now." The doctor came in. "How are you feeling?" You shook your hand so signal that you were alright but not too good at the same time. "Okay, well that's expected." He smiled and looked at your charts. "I thought I told all of you to leave." He looked at everyone still standing in the room.


"Right. Let's go guys." Jonghyun said and left with everyone except Chunji.


"I'll just be outside if you need anything." He squeezed your hand and left.


"Okay, now we're going to do some tests just to see how you are doing." You nodded and two nurses came in and the tests began. After about 20 minutes they finished and you sat alone i your room. *I wonder if anyone is still outside...* You thought and lay back in your bed. You groaned in pain as your stomach was still hurting.


"You got quite a few stitches." Chunji walked in with a cup of coffee. "To keep me going." He sheepishly smiled. "You really scard me there for a minute." *As people keep saying.* You thought. "And that girl, Carice I think her name was, she had the nerve to come here." Your heat began to beat fast. "But I told her to go and I think she did." You camed down a bit. *I just hope she doesn't get into my room and try and kill me in my sleep.* You thought. Then Yori and Jonghyun came back in.


"Oh, and if you're wondering, the shop has been closed for now. When you get better we'll go back to it." Yori said and you nodded. *Thank you Yori.* You said in your mind.


"And I brought, well we brought, some stuff for you to occupy yourself when we aren't here." Jonghyun came in with a bag full of books, game consols, sweets and other things and a smile of gratitude came to your face. *I have the most thoughtful friends ever.* You thought."Do you want me to read a book to you or do you want to read it yourself?" Jonghyun asked. "I'll be happy to. I have to brush up on my outloud reading skills anyways." He smiled.


"And I brought all the gossip magazines so you can catch up on what's been going on in Korea since your absense." She pulled out a bunch of magazines. *How long was I asbent for?* You thought.


"Well I'm not reading them. I'll read a proper book but I won't read a gosspi magazine. That's why they're called Gossip Magazines, they spread gossip. Gossip isn't true." Jonhyunstated.


"Not all gossip isn't true. Some is true. Isn't it ~~~~~~~~~~~~." You nodded in reply and she poked her tounge out at Jonghyung. "See, girl power." She smiled and brought a chair over and sat on it. "I'll start to read then." She pulled out the oldest addition and started to read. *I love these guys so much... They're caring.* You reached out and held Chunji hand with tears of happyness in your eyes.



Well I updated! I hope it wasn't y. I tried to write this chapter to many times but every time I did, it came out y as. So I hope this one is okay. YAY! (Party with all my subbies) I updated!

Please comment and tell me what you thought of it!

Thank you!

P.S. Sorry, no pic. I'm waiting patiently for my poster! It's coming everyone!

P.P.S. Sorry if it's a short update....

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kissmelover123 #1
Chapter 37: NOOO SOORI STOP CRYING (sobs oh my name is park lee soo ri)
kissmelover123 #2
Chapter 12: Asdfghjkl omg
kissmelover123 #3
Chapter 6: GAHHHHH ASDFGHJKL chunji is so over protective
Chapter 37: Im like almost crying why did they have to die :'(
Chapter 37: Why must they die? ;A;
lollypurpelish #6
Chapter 37: Great story author nim!! ^_^ I hope they will be alive >_< Yeah like that... Just my suggestion but anyway I Love it!! Chunji~
Chapter 37: why do I get the feeling you must do a sequel? maybe you should. hmm... yea, you should. I dunno why but my heart tells me to tell you do a supernatural sequel bout the two lovebird. maybe like, they were reincarnated? just suggestin' ;)
jk6943 #8
Chapter 37: Aww tht so sad :((((((( i feel upset now..
Chapter 37: i feel sad :( but hey it's a good story!! you did a great job!
Krazlily #10
why must they die?? DX ><