you know i just want to make a short chapter about Yunjae wedding but dont know it became long like this lol...

anyway lets just enjoy it neh~~~


“im sorry if it too sudden but I wish we can spend time together before we got married..i hope you don’t mind..” said Yunho as he pick up Jaejoong to their date. Actually he want to know if Jaejoong accept him willingly or been forced to. He actually restless when think about it, that’s why he made decision to spend a day with Jaejoong to get know him better and to know if Jaejoong actually like him or not.

“Its okay actually…I agree it sudden but its okay, beside Changmin and Junsu will join us right?” Jaejoong said as he blush a little.. he not sure at first to agree or not but when Yunho say that Changmin and Junsu will join them also so he agree nonetheless..

The ride to amusement park is fill with laughter as Junsu and Changmin always bicker about something that no one will care about. But since Jaejoong seem enjoy it, Yunho thankfull that he bring he donsaeng. Yunho doesn’t want Jaejoong to feel uncomfortable with him that’s why he bring Junsu and Changmin together.

“Jae hyung do you want to ride that?” ask Changmin as Jaejoong keep staring at the ferris wheel after they just sit at bench to get rest a bit, since they already try almost all the game there.

“If you want to ride it, we can go…” said Yunho as he also notice Jaejoong keep glance toward it.

“Really, we can?” ask Jaejoong as he eye became round with happiness…since he always want to ride it but scared to ride it alone and Yoochun is not really like the idea getting into ferris wheel since he afraid of height.

“Yeah, we can..Su..Min, are you want to came too?” ask Yunho as he stand up to go buy a ticket..

“Nope,we are fine here. Beside im hungry already so we just find something to eat neh hyung..” said Changmin with smirk that he hide so he hyung not notice it.

“Okay, but you will wait us here okay. And please don’t make trouble Min..”

“Why me? Aish..arraso..arasso… we just buy food and wait here ok..”

Yunho and Jaejoong walk away to ride ferris wheel, luckly there not many people that queue to ride it. So them got ride it without waiting long.

“Hyung, kajja…lets go to Teukie hyung” said Changmin as he pull Junsu.

“Ehhh..wae? Yunho hyung told us to wait there right? Min ah, hyung will got angry you know..” said Junsu as he tried to catch up with Changmin long leg, blame to he short leg that make him slow.

“Ais hyung, don’t you remember that Umma said to ditch them if we got chance…”

Ahhh!! I remember!!...but is it okay to just leave like this..” said Junsu as he remember Mrs Jung told them to leave Yunho and Jaejoong alone so they can spend time together.

“Don’t worry, we text hyung when we got to Teukie hyung. You know hyung not gonna say anything if Teukie hyung with us…”

“well that’s true..Kajja,lets ditch hyung…hahhahha” Junsu said as he jump a bit, happy to go to Leeteuk café. Junsu and Changmin used to work part time there when holiday.

Leeteuk is one of Yunho bestfriend and since he older than Yunho so he cant said anything if Junsu and Changmin go to he café. After graduate, Leteuk open a small café since he love to cook and with Yunho help he manage to open he own café.

After they walk about fifteen minute,finally they arrive at destination, ‘Angel Café’, Changmin always though ‘whats up with the name’ but just look at the owner yeah you will know the answer XDXDXD

“Hyung, you go inside first I need to text Yunho hyung… need tell him or he gonna freak if he notice we gone..” Changmin said as he took he phone to text Yunho.

“Okay…do not want same thing happen again, remember when got home late, Yunho hyung almost call police..hhhahhah.. that’s really funny right” Junsu said as he walk into café still laughing when he remember what happen before. They just late about two hour and Yunho almost call police afraid something happen to them. Luckily, Mr jung forbidden he to do that and told Yunho to wait.

Hyung, we at Teukie hyung - Changmin

What are you doing there? Did I tell you to wait – Yunho

Told you we hungry and we want to eat at Teukie hyung, so we came here -Changmin

You better with Leeteuk when I call him about right now!!! – Yunho

‘seriously!! Cant he believe that we just been fine.. aish Yunho hyung really papo…we just want to help him get alone with Jae hyung…’ Changmin thought as he quickly walk getting inside the café since he know Yunho will call Leteuk to ask if them both really at the café or not.

Well since he want to go inside faster he not notice there a person getting out in such a bad mood. When he want to inside he bump to that someone…

“Auch….yah ajjushi can’t you watch where you going???” Said Changmin angrily as he rub he temple a bit, where he hit the firm chest of certain ‘ajjushi’

‘The ajjushi’ took off he shades as he just staring at Changmin…not ever process that Changmin just call him ‘ajjushi’, still daze a bit at Changmin outburst.

“Aish,this ajjushi…oh no..” Changmin cant finish he word as he saw Leteuk is talking on the phone.

“Yah! Ajjushi move away will you, I need to get inside too you know..” Changmin said as the man still standing at the entrance…and the next thing happen is something that Changmin not expect at all…

Changmin just widen he eye not even blinking when he feel the man soft lip on his lip…

“We will meet again love..” said the man with determine. Changmin just dumbstruck as he just froze, he all body just fell like not function at all. He just watch the man walk away not even hear Junsu calling for him.

With Yunjae…

“Aish arraso Teuk hyung..yeah..will get them later…then see you later okay” said Yunho as he hung up the call.


“They with my friend…seem like they just ditch us here..” said Yunho as he glance toward Jaejoong to see he reaction.

“Ohh…its..okay then if they just fine right?

“Yeah..Jae..can I call you that?” Jaejoong just nod

“I want to ask you something…” Jaejoong blink and stare at Yunho, waiting for Yunho to continue…

“Did you agree with this married willingly or…”

“Umma not forced me..” Yunho smile softly as he glance at Jaejoong red tomato head…

“Are you agree after or before knowing its me?” Yunho ask nervously…

Jaejoong just bit he lip as he lower he head.. “After..” Jeajoong whisper softly but Yunho still hear it.  Yunho smile brightly at that..

“So,we need do this in right way, right?” said Yunho as he took something from he pocket.

“Kim Jaejoong..will you be my other half? Im already fall in love with you on our first meeting, not with our family meeting but our very first meeting… I know its not under good circumstances but still I cant help to fall in love with you at that moment..” Yunho said as he getting down on one knee..nervously waiting for Jaejoong reply.

Jaejoong look up, tears visible indicate that he more than touché with Yunho proposal. He not expecting that Yunho will share the same felling as him.

He took a minute to memorize the ring…just a simple design with heart ship diamond with two pear cut diamonds on each side but still soo pretty and elengant. 

Jaejoong just nod he head as the answer since he cry because happiness…

The people around give applaud to the couple, cheering at beautiful moment like that. Yunho smile brightly as he slip the ring on Jeajoong hand before kiss it and stand up to hug Jeajoong.

“Thank you so much…love” Yunho said kiss Jaejoong soft lip lightly as a peck and wipe Jaejoong tears.

 Yunho in true happiness since they will get married, not because of arrange married but because they love for each other…


“Hyunnngiieee…” Junsu ran up to Yunho, give him a tight hug.

“Where Jae hyung?”

“I send he home first, its late already..” Yunho said, ruffle Junsu hair.

Junsu pouting a bit. He want to introduce he new hyung to Leeteuk.

“And, why you wearing apron Junsu ah? Yah Park Jungsoo did you make my dongsaeng work for you huh?” Yunho ask as he saw Junsu wearing a apron indicate that he been working.

“We not working hyung, we helping…” said Junsu stick he tongue at Yunho playfully..

“Where your fiancé Jung? I thought you on date with him today? Since your dongsaeng is here?” Leeteuk ask as he walk to Yunho, cross he arm.

“Im send him home already…must be Junsu told you right or that brat since you feed him, surely he tell you everything right?”  Yunho ask, frown playfully to Leteeuk.

“Whatever… when we going to meet him? You know we want to meet him personally before your wedding..” Leeteuk ask as they sit.


“Of course Heechul, me and Ryewook..duh..”

“Right….but don’t you think its early to meet up.”

“Nope..not at all, since your wedding in two week so we need meet him before that, plus you promise already. Im not gonna trust your choice Yunho ah..” Leeteuk said getting serious a bit.

“Stiil…its not my own choice, its Umma choice actually..” Yunho said softly, lowering he head, remembering he mistake in the past.

“Whatever, we gonna meet him here next week, so make sure of it okay..”

“But hyung..”

“Do you want we meet your soon to be wife here with you or we just gonna meet him alone without you. Your choice Jung” Leteeuk said frown a bit. Its not like he not believe what Junsu and Changmin said about Yunho fiancé but the past teach him not to believe so soon.

“Hyung, don’t you believe me?” Yunho ask, a bit hurt at the leak of trust Leteeuk shown him.

“With the past, nope at all Yunho…” Leteeuk said as he pat Yunho on the back.

“We trust you and of course Umma-nim too but with what happen before we don’t what it to repeat again, don’t you think so Yun?” gently Leteukk coax Yunho.

“Beside, I told Heechul already and we are meeting him okay..” Leteeuk smirk when he see Yunho sigh defeatly…

“Yunho hyung!!! Please take this devil….he drive me crazy!!!” Ryewook come whine at Yunho, since Changmin bugging him at kitchen to make food for him.

“Ok…ok you two…stop playing now. Min, get you thing we going home now…” Yunho laugh looking these two still chasing around the café.

“We going now hyung…don’t worry you guys gonna meet him next week okay?”

“Yun ah, how about meeting with him friend too. Im mean, if he not comfortable enough so lets meet with he friend too okay..” Leteeuk suggest worry if Yunho fiancé not agree meet them.

“Lets me ask him first okay? Beside I think he agree if Changmin and Junsu is there too. It seem like he really like Junsu and Changmin.” Yunho say straightly stare at Leteeuk.

“I know that already okay, we just want to know him better okay..” Leteeuk say as he hug Yunho in comfort way.

“Then, lets meet next week okay.. Su..Min say good bye to Teuk hyung and Wookie..” Yunho say as Changmin and Junsu ready to leave.

Changmin hug Leteeuk and Ryewook a good bye, meanwhile Junsu kiss Leteeuk check before he wave freatically as he got inside care.


anyway im just going to make a short chapter about Yunjae wedding and focus more on Yoosu lol... i really need try harder on that kkkk

till then minna san~~

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Nainaap #1
Chapter 31: When I want to read a light hearted and cute story, I'll always come to this
nacchanthecloud #2
Chapter 31: This is sooo romantic ❤❤
finn96 #3
Chapter 31: Love the storyline~~~~ it's a good one!! I really like yoosu couple hope u can write more bout them :)
sisca23 #4
Chapter 31: finally,the end too xixixixi...junsu's so lucky man hehe..maybe his past wasn't good but in this present he have the best family who always be his side..always protect his..always love his just the way he are..and he have yuchun who love his so much hahaha...and i love your poem hehe...thx because you finished this story hehe..and i will wait your next stories..
tsubakisworld #5
Chapter 31: Oh my god Sun this was so sweet T___T I'm so happy for Yoosu But really sad that its the end already ToT I really loved this Story author nim thank you for your Hard work ^^~
sisca23 #6
Chapter 30: keep fighting,authornim!!! and dont forget to continue playboy love too xixixi...junsu,you're so loved xixixi..and you must be joyfull and dont be sick again hehe...
tsubakisworld #7
Chapter 30: Oh god you really scared me I thought it really is the last chapter xD But I really dont want this Story to end T_T I love it so much its really awesome and you did a really great Job author nim T^T anyway cant wait for the next chapter author nim hope you will be able to update soon ^^~
tsubakisworld #8
Author niiiiim Where Are you T_T? I really miss this Story you cant just leave Like this T^T pwwweeeaaas update super soon T~T
sisca23 #9
Chapter 29: i want happy ending!!!!and please,update soon hehe..
giggley #10
Chapter 29: Please be a happy ending!! ^^