There is a place

Kris and Our child


AH Jung's POV

I woke up, and walked to the kitchen, it is around 6 am. I decided to make myself a cup of coffee and decided to head out into the frontyard i grabbed my notebook, it was full of pictures of memories. I decided to putnmore picturees and write some stuff in it. 

" what are you doing up ? "- kris said whiping his eye boogers 

" good morning " - i said smiling 

" what are you doing up so early " - he asked 

" nothing i couldnt sleep so i decided to come out here and write a few things " - i said smiling 

" ah chinja? come on come to bed with me " - he said doing an aegyo 

" yah, that dosent work on me " - i said laughing 

" come please babe " - he said whining 

" arraseo arraseo " - i said walking with him inside the house to the bed 

we both climbed in bed his arms was around me, we laid down and his head was agasint mine, 

" i love you " - he said hugging me 

" i love youu " - i said kissing him on the cheek 

5 mins later he fell asleep. I climbed out of bed again and went to the kitchen, I made myself a banana strawberry smoothie. then i headed to the cafe . Sine i was early i opened the shop and i made some crossaints and some other bakery goods. Then a cusstomer came 

" hello beautiful " - a man said 

I grabbed a broom slowly turning around, 

" YAH! you scared me " - i yelled pucnhing him. 

" mianhe, what are you doing up so early ? "- he asked 

" I ouldnt sleep, but youre back in town now ? " - i asked 

" if you were with me you could be sleeping " - he smirked 

" whatever, how long are you in town for ? " - i aske d

" a few months " - he said 

" wow, chincha? " - i asked

" yes, that means i could steal you away from Kris " - he said smirking 

" sure, nice try " - i said laughing 

It was Myungsoo/ L . Its mean about 9 months since i last saw him. He was always busy with infinite. I didnt mind, but he really did scare the nuggets out of me. I even grabbed a broom i laughed . SInce is going to be in town, it would be good for him to take David out once awhile 

" hows my man ? " - myungsoo asked 

" hes good he just turned two yesterday " - i said smiling while cleaning the tables with a cloth 

" I shouldve came yesterday, but i did buy him a gift. its a car! " - he said smiling 

" haha a car yeah right " - i said laughing 

" im serious look " - he said pointing outside to this small red little vehicle 


i laughed, wow he will love this 

" hes going to love this " - i said hugging him 

" i know, im the best " - he said smiling 

" do you want something to drink or eat ? " - i asked 

" yes, a cofee and a crossiant " - he said smiling 

" arraseo hold on " - i said making his coffee 

" so what brings you back in town " - i asked handing him his coffee and crossiant 

" well we finished out album and now we are on break so i decided to come down here with the love of my life " - he said smirking

" and my my who is your lofe ? " - i asked laughing 

" i havent introduce you to her yet " - he said sipping a cup of his coffee

" wow chincha? you got a girlfriend !" - i said 

" yes yes, but ill let you meet her tonight " -he said 

" arraseo, but i kinda have plans tonight " - i said 

" ahh, what are your plans ? " - he asked 

" well Kris has a concert tonight and David and I are going to go watch him " - i said 

" oh okay, well Im going to then " - he asai d

" arraseo bring youre pretty girlfriend along to " - i said smiling 

" of course " - he said smiling 

a customer came in she it was alady with nice long blonde hair 

" hello how may i help you " - i asked smiling at he r

" ah yes, i would like a frappacino please " - she said handing me her card 

" yes mam, would you like to add some carmel ? " - i aske d

" yes please " - she said 

for some reason this blonde girl looks really familiar, i dont know why or where but she looks really familar. I tried not to think about it. I finished making her frappacino. i handed it to Myungsoo to hand to her 

" Here you go my lady " - myungsoo said signing the cup 

i laughed . he is such a dork 

" uhm, what are you doing ? " - she aske d

" you dont know me ? " - he asked shocked 

" im kidding, its an honor meeting you here " - she said smiling 

" wow you got me ther e" - he said smiling 

" can i take a picture with you ? " - she asked 

" yea of course " - he said smiling 

Myungsoo, was always a wierd guy, he does things without asking or thinking, but he is a good guy. 

"Ah Jung you dont rememebr me do you ? " - she said sking while walking up to me 

" ah no mianhe " - i said 

" its me, kina i used to bully you in highschool " - she said holding out a shirt 

" omo! you gotten so beautiful " - i said hugging her 

" sorry for all those years, i have really changed. i am know married to this nice guy who happened to be a nerd back then, but he changed me. "  she said smiling 

" im so proud of you, but how did you know i worked here " - i aske d

" well of crouse everyone does, youre with kris! " - she said laughing 

" of course " - i laughed 

" it was good seeing you, but i have to go maybe next time we can get together ? " - she smiled leaving me her number 

" wow that hot girl used to bully you ? " - myungsoo asked cheking her out 

" YAH! you have a girlfriend " - i said hitting him 

" arraseo " - he said 

" well im going to get going, my gf is waiting for me see you tonight " - he said smiled and left 

it was now 8 . Tao and Lu han came in and then Lay and Baekhyun came. 

" good morning kids " - i said smiling 

" morning noona " - they said 

" why are you here ? " - Tao asked 

" i couldnt sleep so i opened the shop early " - i said 

" ah, nooona are you going to Kris's concert tonight ? " - Lay asked 

" no i cant " - i said lying 

" AHh " - la said dissapointed

" just kidding of course im going ! " - i said laughing at his reaction 

" she got you good! " -Baekhyun said laughing

" Noona ! " - lay said 

" arraseo mianhe, are all the memebrs going ? " - i aske d

" yes, of course we are going to watch Hyung " - Tao said smiling 

we all decided to start cleaning up and put up the sign to open .

Kris's POV 

I woke up once again, my wife has left. I woke up out of bed and headed to the bathroom i took a nice showe and came out i put my pants on and then i saw david coming inside 

" Appa! I want you to bathe me ! " - he said holding up his arms 

" arraseo take off youre clothes buddy " - i said smiling at him 

" appa bubbles !! " - he said pointing at the bubble soap 

" okay " - i said pouring in some bubble liquiod 

i let him play for a little bit while i put gel in my hair. tonight i had a special concert, its where i sing my songs that is about my new movies Only Somewhere We Know. I finished my hair and went to go clean up Dav 

" appa " - he said 

" wae ? " - i asked looking at him 

and out of no where he splash water at my face 

" yah ! " - i said then i splashed a huge water at him 

" aaaapppp----aaa " - he yelled 

" haha arraseo, come on you goofball " - said putting a towel over him. 

" appa, wheres umma ? " - he aske d

" she went to work already " - i said kissing him on the cheek 

" appa, am i going to the daycare today ? " - he asked 

" yes, mommy and daddy has to work today " - i told him putting him in his clothes 

when Ah Jung and I have work we take him to the daycare The daycare takes care of him, he has friends and nice teachers to play with. 

we both headed downstairs and i made some breakfast, sasauges bacon eggs and hashbrowns. I grabbed Davids Mickey mouse cup and poured some orange juice. 

" here you go Mickey " - i said playfully 

" YAy im mickey " - he said smiling 

" eat and then ill take you to the daycare " - i said smiling 

we both started eating, i was on Sns and instagram . and then i went to go clean the dishes . 

" okay you ready ? " - i aske d

" ready " - he said posing into a super hero pose 

" okay lets gooooo " - i said picking him up inside the car

i drove to the daycare and dropped him off 

" bye David, see you late! be good " - i said hugging him 

" bye appa " - he said smiling at me 

i then drove to the studio to practice my dancing and singing 

TOday is going to be a long day i thought. 

Ah Jung'sPOV 

It was already 6 pm i thought, wow today has been so tiring. I decided to close the shop all the exo members left already, I drove home and took a short nap . 

an hour later it was already 7, i decided to go pick up david rom the daycare. 

" Hello Mrs. Wu " - said a lady 

" ah anneyong " - i said bowing 

" Umma !! "" - david said running almost hitting his head 

" be careful " - i said kissining his forehead 

" kaja, lets go see daddy " - i said picking him up 

I drove back home and told david to go get his suit and tie . I curled my hair and applied makeup, i  put on some doedarent and put on my clothes. 

" umma " - dvid said calling my name . I helped him put on his suit and tie. He looked like Kris, so cute. I put some gel in his hair and some cologne, we were both ready. We both got inside the car i drove to the place. 

 " wow mommy its so big " - david said with his mout dropped

" come one honey " - i said holding his hand 

we went to go sit.I saw Myungsoo and a really pretty girl beside him. 


" Myungsoo " - i said hugging him 

" meet Krystal she is from fx " - he said smiling 

" oh anneyong Krystal Ah Jung minida " - i said smiling 

" hi, its good to meet you. " - she said hugging me. 

Krystal wow, i thought. Myungsoo really got himself a really good girlfriend. The concert was now starting. 

" ANNEYONGHASEO !!!! " - Kris Said into the mic 


the crowd was so loud, my husband has alot of fans i thought. haha. 

"How is everyone doing tonight ?"- Kris said 



" GOOOOD " - the crowd 

" alright, so this song i would like to dedicate to my beautiful wife and my handsome son " - he said smiling

he started singing There Is A Place. IT was beautiful, I never really realized how talented he was, im so glad that he is still perusing his dream. It feels good to see my handsome man on stage singing, especially to me and my son. 

"Umma , Appa Sings so good " - david he said jumping 

" Look its daddy " - I said putting him on my shoulders

" Appa " - he yelled 

" Anneyong my handsome Prince " - Kris said 

" i would like to bring my son and wife to stage " - he said calling us up there. We gt up on stage and David was singing with his Kris.


" My son is now two years old!! " - Kris yelled into the micrphone . The crowd was clapping and yelling 

" now, the finale, I will sing with my beautiful wife " - Kris said holding my hand 

" kris, i never agreed to this " - i whisperd 

" too late " - he said smirking

we both sand a duet, of Lucky By Jason Mraz. I havent sang in forever. I loved To sing but ive been busy with life and david, so i never really imagined singing to be my first priority but tonight was amazing, i had never felt this good in my entire life. I mean im on stage singing with my husband and my son. 

" WOOOOOHHHHH!!!! " - the crowd yelled 

the concert was over. 

" Tonight has been great thank you babe " - i said smiling at kris 

" youre welcome, i knew you had a beautiul voice " - he said hugging me. 

" Umma Appa, Saranghae " - david said smiling . 

we both drove home, and Kris and David went to go shower together since they both had gel, I went to go make a light dinner. Just some rice with two side dishes, eggs and a soup. 

" come eat boys " - i said 

" kamsamida we will eat deliciously " - kris said pretendnig a child. 

" arraseo, eat " - i said smiing 

we all ate and played uno 







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