

Jimin….might faint.

   He's usually very professional and thorough with his job, making sure all his clients are satisfied with their shoots. He knows the stylists and make-up artists work hard and he must do the same. So he always pushes himself to be good at what he does. And he manages.

   Now, however...he's a mess. Because there is one very attractive model standing in front of him with his hands tucked into his pockets, snapback turned backwards and he is giving looks at Jimin's camera that make the photographer's insides turn out. This boy has a nasty habit of sticking his tongue out a little more than what is necessary and Jimin is ready to toss his camera aside and just—

   No, stay professional. You can do this, Jimin, he thinks to himself. But damn he is gorgeous.

   "Are you alright?" The guy asks and Jimin is two seconds away from slapping his own cheeks. He clears his throat and pretends to adjust his camera lens as to try and not look foolish. Try, he said.

   When he looks up, the guy is directing a small smile at him and Jimin refuses to admit that his jaw might drop the tiniest bit. You can't exactly blame Jimin. This boy's eyeliner is on point.

   "Yeah," He says eventually, realising that he hasn't really answered him. "Just—uhm—maybe we can try a different angle?"

   "You're the photographer, not me. You call the shots."

   Jimin swallows hard and gets up from his stool, looking around while fiddling with the camera strap at his neck. "Maybe we could set you against the wall and I could take you—I mean the pictures, I could take the pictures there." Jimin swears he can hear the smack of his assistant Taehyung's palm meeting his face.

   And the model is pinching his lips together to hide his smile. He reaches up to graze his finger against his nose and then he makes his way over to the wall and leans against it, hands disappearing into his pockets again. "Right here's good?"

   "Mhm," is all Jimin can get out.


The shoot takes all day and Jimin learns that the model's name is Yoongi and that he isn't actually a model, but is actually shooting for his solo album--it's his first one away from his hip-hop group Triptych. He is a rapper. He fricking raps which means—.    

   Calm down, Jiminnie, he scolds himself as he waits—sitting on his stool, contemplating his life—for Yoongi to come out with his third outfit so far.

   The last two had been hell. One was with Yoongi sitting on the floor in a white long-sleeved shirt practically hanging off his shoulder and showing all kinds of collarbone and Jimin's urge to throw a pile of blankets at him had been strong. The other one had been Yoongi holding a bouquet of flowers at the camera and Jimin learned that this Yoongi bloke had quite a range of expressions. He went from sheepish, turning his head away from the camera with a small smile, to playful, bringing the bouquet to his lips so only the glint in his eyes were visible above the blue peonies, and then to cheeky, winking and sticking his tongue out—again.

   "Here," Taehyung tosses a water bottle at him. "You look thirsty."

   Jimin throws a notebook at him. "Shut up, you jerk." But he still chugs the water down like he hasn't had any in days. And when Yoongi emerges, in a beige sweater and a matching wide-brim hat, Taehyung is the only one keeping him from choking on it.

   "Ready when you are, mister photographer," Yoongi says while aligning his feet with the X on the floor.

   "It's Jimin, not—uhm—not mister photographer," Jimin's voice has dropped to barely-there by the end of his sentence and he sighs internally. He just knows Taehyung is glaring at him from behind his clipboard, but he is pointedly ignored by Jimin as he raises his camera and begins the shoot again.

   Jimin is fascinated by what is in front of his camera lens. He finds himself forgetting to click the shutter because the lighting is hitting the curve of Yoongi's neck perfectly as he slides his fingers along the brim of his hat. And Yoongi knows. Jimin sees it in the lilt of his lips as he tilts his head forward and flicks his eyes up towards the camera, just visible underneath his hair.

   Jimin's cheeks might just turn red behind his camera.

   When the shoot is over and the crew has clapped at the day's efforts and Jimin got flustered when Yoongi leaned a bit too close to check how his pictures turned out—Taehyung laughed-Jimin goes over to the snack table to shove a mini-quiche into his mouth and hold a cold Coke bottle to his face to calm his burning cheeks.

   He breathes out a long sigh, before he is startled by the smooth voice of one certain rapper.

   "Thank you for your hard work today."

   Jimin is pretty sure he looks like a chipmunk with his cheeks stuffed but he hurries to swallow, ignoring the dry scrape of the pastry along his throat, and nods frantically because of course his words fail him at a time like this.

   "Sorry for keeping you so long," Yoongi continues, smile telling Jimin that he has noticed the photographer's struggles with the hors d'oeuvres.

   "No, no, no," Jimin says and his mouth just kind of...stops. He stares at Yoongi for a bit before he breaks his gaze and clears his throat for what feels like the twentieth time today. "I don't mind. You're a pleasure to work with. Maybe that came out wrong. I meant—"

   "It's alright," Yoongi says with a chuckle, grabbing a mini-quiche for himself and a napkin with it. "You're a pleasure to work with too."

   Jimin snickers nervously and fiddles with the cap on his Coke bottle. "Maybe we could work together again sometime?"

   Please don't shoot me down, please don't shoot me down, Jimin thinks. On the other hand, please do. I like it when I can actually breathe.

   "I'd like that," Yoongi looks down at the ground, nodding a bit to himself and Jimin sees a little red tint to his cheekbones. Could it be that he is nervous too? "Anyways, I'm beat. I've got a recording early tomorrow so, I'll see you around, Jimin-ah."

   He leaves with a clap to Jimin's shoulder and the photographer tries to pick up his jaw because Yoongi called him "Jimin-ah" but he doesn't really succeed.


It only takes a week—with a lot of skipping heartbeats on Jimin's side—for Yoongi to return to the studio, looking to shoot for his repackage album.

   This time, Yoongi doesn't just leave Jimin with a clap to the shoulder and a smile, but with a slip of paper with a number on it and a slight smirk.



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AnnaKaterina #1
Chapter 1: niiice nice nice ! it was cuuute and super interesting, i'd love a continuation !!