Soft Words of Affection

Soft Words of Affection

To Hoseok, Jimin was nothing short of perfect. His eyes were graced with stars and he had a smile made of pure joy.


To himself, Jimin was no where near perfect. His eyes were too long and when he smiled, he looked like a little kid.


To Hoseok, his laugh sounded like the tinkling of bells and he was sure angels get their wings when Jimin giggled.


To Jimin, his laugh was an embarrassment. He was suppose to be the y member of BTS but he laughed like a giddy teenager in love.


When promotion periods were over and Jimin let himself indulge in ramen and candy, Hoseok would trace his fingers across Jimin’s melted chocolate abs and enjoy the natural softness.


When preparations for promotions started, Jimin would throw away the left over junk food and spew curses at them before working out until he couldn’t move.


When Jimin tried to cry himself to sleep, too overcome with self hatred to listen to reason, Hoseok would whisper soft praises and press kisses on every bit of exposed skin he could reach.


When Hoseok woke up first the next morning, he would have Jin make them breakfast in bed and would curl around Jimin so he could wake up in the arms of someone who loves him and whispered soft words of affection to him.


Jimin supposed it was all a matter of perspective, but, in the end, he supposed he could steal a bit of confidence from Hoseok’s praises and love himself a bit more.




A/N: Oh my gosh i got a subscriber to this story before I even posted it?? That's never happened to me before!!! Thank you so much!! Sorry it's not much but I hope you like it!!!

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Chapter 1: That was so cute and your style to write really matched the story
Chapter 1: I like to imagine that hoseok comforts jimin whenever he's feeling down. their relationship is the sweetest istg ;; this was so cute!
Chapter 1: That was cute ^^
Chapter 1: Such a nice story.