The Ones that Live

The Ones that Live

Chapter 1

The Ones that Live


“What?!” exclaimed Taeyeon, yelling for the first time in forever. The spymaster, too, was shocked by Taeyeon’s outburst.

“It can’t be,” muttered Taeyeon, pacing back and forth.

“We’re sure,” affirmed the deputy spymaster, “We checked in a five-mile radius around the site of death, and no head or body was found.”

“I’m sure I decapitated her,” said Taeyeon.

“Well then,” said a snooty council member named Lark, “Unless we find concrete proof, we cannot grant you the reward for the mission, nor the credit. Maybe next time, we should pick a better assassin, such as Ten over here.”

Taeyeon resisted the urge to roll her eyes. At this point, it was clear to everyone that Ten was Lark’s favorite. Though, Taeyeon had to admit, Ten was extremely skilled- almost as skilled as Taeyeon herself.

“We’ll keep that in mind,” said the head of the Flash council, Robin. “Meeting adjourned. Oh, and Taeyeon, I would like to speak with you in my headquarters.”

Taeyeon followed Robin into his headquarters. The man was pretty young to already be leading Flash. He had a clean-shaven, angular face, with jet-black hair that was gelled up neatly.

“Sit down,” he ordered.

Taeyeon remained standing. She’d much rather be up and moving about, in case anything were to happen.

After having his order defied, Robin scanned Taeyeon wearily.

“So Taeyeon, you might be wondering what I called you here to talk about. Well, let’s just say, the war between our faction and Rouge isn’t going too well. Not only are they winning on the field, but they’ve somehow managed to increase the number of politicians that they control. We went from having an even amount to the numbers being skewed drastically in their favor. I’ve even heard whispers that Rouge is planning to assassinate the governor, and replace him with a henchman.”

The governor had always been neutral to both factions, neither taking nor giving bribes.

“If that happens,” whispered Robin, “this might turn into an all-out war.”

“Why?” muttered Taeyeon, “Why are you guys willing to risk so much for this damned city?”

“Because we have spent a century and lost countless comrades.”

“So why lose more?”

“This is a matter of honor,” said Robin, glancing away.

“You’re hiding something from me,” deduced Taeyeon, “But no matter. If you want me to fight in your predicted war, then I shall. You know that. I am an assassin, I live for the blood on my hands.”

“What if then,” said Robin, “I wanted you to keep blood off of your hands?”

“What are you proposing?”

“That you discreetly guard the governor, and assassinate the assassins that Rouge will send after him.”

“Hm… the only problem is, how would you expect me to monitor the governor? He keeps a full company of guards around him at all times, and his palace is heavily guarded. I would expect an assassin to strike when he’s out in the public square, giving his speeches. But even then, I would not be able to react in time to save him.”

“Which is why, I was planning to send you into his palace as a new recruit for his personal guard. I have connections in the palace, and I could pull some strings.”



Taeyeon wondered why she had accepted. She loved the chase, the thrills and the kills, not babysitting some politician. Furthermore, she wondered what Robin was hiding from her. Why did Rouge and Flash go to such extreme lengths to capture the city? Even though this city had a booming trade business due to its oceanside location, Taeyeon was sure that there were plenty of other cities out there with similarly favorable locations.

Finally, what had happened to the body and head of Red? Taeyeon was absolutely positive that she had decapitated Red cleanly, but who would steal a body and head? Especially in the middle of the night, when a curfew was in place? The spymaster had sent scouts to check that Red was indeed dead just minutes after Taeyeon left, yet the scouts found nothing except a pool of drying blood.

So many questions… and no answers.

Little did she know, that she was about to get involved in something far greater than she would have ever expected.

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(junior year), but I'll try my best to keep on top of things


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Jun667 #1
Chapter 4: Is this discontinued? It's so interesting though.
HungryDog #2
I think Red is Fany and she is... Immortal? And kill bruttality or fatality? I dont Know. Please update, this story daebak!
AdrelineKiller #3
Chapter 4: I like this story. I'll be supporting
1134 streak #4
Chapter 4: Woah so tiffany has a power and is she code red?? But it's impossible tae saw code red and fought with her.. unless she tiff was disguise or have masked...
Chapter 3: Quite an interesting plot you got going. I felt elements of rwby and most importantly arachnid, don't know if you've read it though. Perhaps this fic was inspired by it or just Taeyeon's OP skills n weapon hehe.

I look forward to how this turns out.
1134 streak #6
Chapter 3: Wow just wow authorssi... Tae took 1 team cool.. n
daniel21 #7
Wow! Amazing writting skills there! And amazing plot. I can't wait to read more of this.