I'll go out with you

Benefits And Love
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#Chapter 3

Just then he appeared from not afar, he nodded to her and smirked, Her eyes widened in shock, ‘Oh, ’

"Fine, I'll start the plan tomorrow, see ya" He chuckled and walked away
She stopped and stared at him walking away, "He is mad"
(End of Flashback)

As much as it hurts her pride so freaking much, she ran after him, "You stupid, Oh Sehun. Stop where you are"
He stopped and turned to her, a smirk was hanging on his stupid face, she was catching her breath as she just reached him
"The miracle had happened finally, don't you think?" He said
"What the hell did you do?"
He chuckled, "Such a nice weather today, I'll go sit in the garden" He said as he walked away, towards the school's garden
"Ughhh, I hate him" She went after him again, they kept waking until Sehun stopped and turned to her

"You were saying?"
"It's your doing, right?"
"I don't understand"
"Oh, don't play like a fool with me, I know you did it"
He smirked, "I'm only helping, you know"
"No, you ruined everything"
"Wrong, see there?" He pointed through the glasses to her class, she could see Kyungsoo and Ja-young yelling at each other, Sehun leaned closer and whispered in her ears, "He is extremely jealous"
She turned to him, her eyes widened due to his closeness which made her have a hard time breathing, she looked away "Y-you .., why did you d-do that?"
"For you"
She bit her lower lips and took a step back, "You won't have me this way, and especially you, you won't have me at all"
He chuckled, noticing her red cheeks, "Make her accept Kai's date, and pass it to Kyungsoo, where the date is and etc, and I bet he'll move"
"What makes you so sure?"
"Even though he is a nerd, I can tell how much he loves her, he won't allow a handsome kingka, like Kai, to take her away just like that"
"Not bad" She smirked
He took a step towards her, "I know"
She took a step back, "I'll think about it and talk with her"

Nuri was smart, she knew his goal was to trap her against the wall, but he was smarter, he knew she was about to take a step to the right and run away, as she was about to, he grabbed her by the waist and trapped her against the wall
"What are you -"
"You are beautiful"
She panicked, she was shocked, she was nervous, anything in the world could describe her feeling right now, but she had a confident face that could hide her feelings very well.
"Are you playing with me?" She smiled, "I'm not like your girls"
"Ex girls" He corrected as he leaned in closer, "And I know that you're different"
She was literally losing her breath, it's the first time she seriously looks at him and actually stare at his features, just the same as he did, their eyes was searching each other's face, it wasn't awkward for a playboy, but he knew it was for her, as to just break this closeness, she had an idea
"What an ugly face you have" She pushed him with all her strength, which was enough to make him back off, "Keep it for yourself" She laughed as she left him in both shock and amusement
"You are really something else" He chuckled, "You even blush?" He let a laugh out

She was walking towards her class when she finally showed her panicked feeling, ‘Damn, he was this close to actually kiss me?’ her eyes widened, ‘What the hell am I thinking? This ugly bastard. Omg, is this his way of getting girl?, no wonder all the girls just melt for him’ She sighed heavily, ‘Just make sure not to slap him until Kyung and Young thing is over’ She nodded, "Fighting"

"She is just controlling herself in order not to slap you until this plan is over, she is not really about to like you" Kai said, "I know this girl very well, if you are an advantage to her, she will not slap you"
"I know that, that's why I'm planning something"
"And what is that?" Tao asked
"Let it as a secret for now, the next move for Kai's plan, come to Ja-young during class tomorrow, and ask her again, and make sure that girls notice"
"No need to make sure, they will automatically notice" Kai said and chuckled
"Good. And I know she will accept, I can tell"
"So? What to do then?"
"After school walk her home, and you two set a date time, and I will tell Nuri the rest"
"The weekend is only two days away, I'll tell her on the weekend, 6 pm, arcade"
"Great, deal then"

"So what are you going to do?" Nuri asked, on the phone, talking to Ja-young
"I want him to make a move, but I think this is the best way to make him" Ja-young said
"Are you sure you can handle this plan? What if it goes wrong?"
"Then I'll just break up with Kai, and make an apology, and end this"
"This Kyungsoo is mad, seriously"

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forsteye #1
Chapter 3: omg, so FUN, i love this, i don't usually read ocs but this is so fun ♡ update soon pleasee
nhmuhammad #2
Chapter 2: I love this chapter and more update please..
nhmuhammad #3
Chapter 1: Update soon pleaseee...i'm excited to continue my reading