
blow my load

It was another restless night. Tyler and his crew were backstage, chilling after another successful performance. The rapper was sitting on a sofa, scrolling through his timeline. "So ing bored man...Ya'll sleep as ..." He muttered to everyone else.  

Suddenly, a roar of sneakers hitting against the ground and laughter of boys coming closer was heard. 

"What the ...?"

 SLAM! Tyler's backstage door opened. Right before their eyes was a bunch of 7 guys they have never seen before. They looked swag but not really who even says swag anymore they looked LIT. Tyler gasped like in those anime when the girl gasps when something happens. 

"Tyler Oppa.............." One of the boys stepped forward. He looked so emo. Tyler was so confused.


The boy inched closer and then threw himself across Tyler's lap. "BOY-" The weird kid shoved a finger to his lips. "Sh Words, i Have longed to see you." 

"BICTH WHAT THE HCK IS THSIS T;" A WEird looking goth guy came up and SHOVED the other boy off tylers lap.

" hoe mother you trying me right now the i said to you in the car you bsck off my boy right now you be catching these hands SOON," The goth kid said.

Tyler watched the scene with amazement. "Hello i am Kim Namjoon aka RAP monster youu can call me TAP Monster because I'll be getting some of you zTonight ;)," the guy said yes he even said the winky face . "Just kidding call me NamjiggyDam please." 

"Alright...NamjiggyDam.........sound fake but ok.........." Tyler side👀👀👀eyed emoji him. 

" you um you fake Tho you dont even introduce me? I, Jugnlebook Jungkook, am disrespected. Dont make me CLAP HANDS EMOJI on you. you namjomoon kik drake wouldnt treat me like this. Ya'll UGLY!" then junglebook poofed away


"get out of here uglies" ramen noodles said to the other boys. then they ran away. in fear. 

"Now It is just the two of us;):);):;;;))))" Kimmy said  to Tyler the Crate. He sat on his lap  mmm.

"Dam You fine as hell I Relaly am gay now.!" Tyler winked Real BIG and used his soft hands to carress joon non existent buttock. 




Everyone Stopped. and looked. Oh No It Couldnt Be. How? Why? When? Who? Where? What? Yes. it was true.

it was park Chañol himself. He beatboxed his way over to Tyler and namjoon. "You hear that Tyler i made that for you. ;3" he said.

"bro WHO do you EVEN know HERE" Namjoon got off tylers lap and slapped the COLORISM out of CHANYEOL. then chanol cried he just lied on the floor and cried. Tyler felt a little sadness for him he got down to the floor and pat his shoulder. "its ok ive been there man but stop crying rhats gay im not homophobic." 

"ok daddy." chanyeol got up and wiped awya his Emo tears. Gannamjoonstyle felt bad too. "sorry chsnyeol oppa. i secretly love you......" 

Tyler looked at how everyone was happy sad. he was happy now. so happy a tear came out of hisbeyes. "i love you mych....please be mine." 

" dreams will come tru...." Chacharealsmoothyeol RIPPED his shirt off and Namjohn literally devoured his pantalones. "yummy. tastes like pain and regret;)" 

then they all tylers and he was the happeist Man in the WHOLE WORLD.


and That my kids, is how the song blow my load by tyler, the creator came to be. Don't give up, believe in yourself, don't let your dreams be dreams. Dont do drugs kids

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lameshidae #1
mom ok ok ok
soulunyah #2