The end and the start of the journey

The Lee's Cafe
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God it's 12,120 words!! Am I really doing this... Sorry it's not really proofread because I can't wait to share it~! I hope you guys like it like I did!

Oh yeah, there will be a bit of bad language and implied scene. Just a bit, don't get your hopes up hehehe (I don't know if I should rate it M)



So it seems that city is not good for him. All the mixed smell, pollution, noises, traffic and jams of people passing around, it just too much for him. Kyuhyun has been travelling all around Korea for three weeks now, saving as much money he can so he’s going everywhere mainly by bus or even walking, in other word he’s what people called ‘backpackers’. He’s been going around mainly to countryside, but somehow now he’s arrived at Seoul, yep the big city.

It didn’t take long for him to hate the place, considering the first reason of why he’s travelling is to avoid human’s mass, Seoul is nightmare for him. Though he can’t deny that the city has it perks too, it’s more convenient there rather than a secluded country side. But that’s it, he prefer the fresh, quiet nature places no matter how inconvenient it is.

Oh wait, maybe there is another thing he came to like about the city. He got to meet that someone¸ the cute kind guy who offered him peppermint candies when he’s coughing all the time in train. It might be not much, but most people didn’t give a or even glance –and when they did it only to throw disapproval looks- at the suffering guy with eternal coughing fit, the cute kind guy did though. The guy didn’t even look bothered or pissed by the fact he’s standing in front of Kyuhyun and he’s most probably get drenched by spits.

He was smiling widely full of cute gums while offering the out of breathe Kyuhyun with candies, not minding the latter was unable to say thank you because he’s too out of it and keep coughing over and over again. As if it’s not nice enough, the cute guy even patted Kyuhyun’s back gently until he has to get off and wave good bye yet with another gummy smile. How cute is that?

Well, even though Kyuhyun is smitten to the guy, still it’s almost impossible to ever have another chance to meet again. So he thought rather than staying in the hellish city and wandering around searching for the guy, he chose to go to the city periphery where it’s less crowded with people. It’s a bit sad for him to never be able to say thank you to the guy, but oh well that’s life.

Kyuhyun inhale deeply, feeling the cold and fresher air of the place rather than the one at the city, a smile adorning his face. Even though he’s hungry and the water bottle is depleting, somehow he’s feeling light and happy while strolling the road, glancing around. Until he eyed a busy shop ahead of him, quite a contrast in the relatively empty road, makes him wonder what shop is it?


The Lee’s Café


What kind of café? Despite the shop is small it seems busy with a lot of customers. Most the customers is woman, but there’s also a few old folks and children too. It looked cozy and warm with a pastel color painted wall, the way all the customers interacting with the staffs seems familiar and comfortable. Maybe because the café located in the middle of neighborhood, the customers are mostly regulars.

Kyuhyun lean in his head, peeking inside while contemplating if he should get something to eat or buy some water there. As he eyed the interior he was surprised, it was simple and decorated with artsy photographs on the walls, good ambiance filling the air with big windows framed by hardwood and wooden floor. What surprised him was the plushies in some cabinets and even a few of them hanging on the wall, you might think it didn’t match with the woody theme of the café, but here in some odd way it matched well.

What a cute café, Kyuhyun thought with eyes darting all around, amazed of how the cute plushies didn’t give off a girly or even childish feeling in the café, but more like family oriented.

“Can I help you?”

Kyuhyun jolted backward, startled by the sudden deep voice coming from beside him, landed on the cold hard asphalt road while eyes stuck at the surprised guy wearing a waiter suit.

“Ow…” he hissed pathetically as his hand instinctively rubbing the pained back.

“Are you alright? I’m very sorry sir, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” the guy rushed to Kyuhyun’s side trying to help.

“No, no it’s my fault…” he hissed again as he’s standing up with the guy’s help, clearing his throat with a bit of shame. “I… Uh, I was looking if there is any vacant seat… That was, uh… Yeah,” Kyuhyun coughing nervously trying to explain why he’s behaving suspiciously peeking into the café.

The guy then assuring Kyuhyun with a smile, flashing a bit of crooked teeth, “yes, there is a seat inside. Are you alone? I’ll bring you to the table and a free chiffon cake as an apology for surprising you.”

Kyuhyun instantly nodded by the bright gentle smile displayed to him, gulping as he find the man looked handsome and sweet. He wondered if the city filled with good looking guys, that way he will have a harder time to leave the place and that is definitely not good for his travelling plan.

By the second he step into the café though, he wondered if he will ever leave the café again.

“Hae, could you please bring this order to table seven?” another guy in waiter suit standing not too far away from them, and Kyuhyun almost forgot to breathe as the face is so familiar. Of course, it’s the guy from the train.

It felt like a loud symphony playing in Kyuhyun’s head as he thought what fate has brought them to meet again, was the city too small –of course not- or they’re simply destined to meet again. He didn’t even realize that he’s been staring at the slim guy in front of him, while the other waiter beside him already going back to him after putting the order to table seven.

A hand waved in front of his eyes, it was the guy with the crooked teeth, “sir? Are you okay?”

“Is there something on my face…?” the guy with gummy smile asked with an uneasy face.

“Oh,” Kyuhyun croaked as his throat feels dry, “sorry…”

The guy in front of him then narrowed his eyes, “you know… I have a feeling that I know you.”

“Yes!” Kyuhyun exclaimed in excitement, “it’s me! The guy from the train, do you remember?”

“Ah! The coughing man!” the guy clap his hand equally excited, “what a coincidence to see you again! Are you alright now?”

Kyuhyun smiling sheepishly, “yes I’m fine now, thank you for the candy, it really helped me.”

“I’m glad to hear that, come on in, let me take you to your seat,” the guy gestured Kyuhyun politely to get inside the café.

“So you work here?” Kyuhyun grinning giddily trying not to look like a stalker.

“Oh, this is mine and my brother’s café,” the guy smiling gummily looking a bit proud.

“Do you know each other?” a voice heard and Kyuhyun turn to the side to realize that the guy with crooked teeth is actually still there with them.

“Oh right, I’m Hyukjae by the way,” the guy with gummy smile holding up his hand for Kyuhyun to shake, “this is my younger brother, Donghae. Donghae, he’s the guy I met on train.”

“I’m Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun,” he said shaking Hyukjae’s hand and about to shake Donghae’s when he noticed a deep frown on the younger brother’s face.

“Donghae,” he said and Kyuhyun didn’t fail to notice the ill tone in the voice. The younger turn to the older brother, “you rarely remember people you met randomly outside the house, how come you remember him?”

Hyukjae sighed visibly, “of course I remember him, he was having a hard time and it’s obviously hard to forget that gorgeous face, right?”

“Uh…” Kyuhyun could only lower his gaze, blushing at the praise.

“Whatever,” Donghae walks away after glaring intimidatingly at Kyuhyun.

“I’m sorry about my brother, he’s always like that,” Hyukjae nodded to Kyuhyun with apologetic smile.

“No it’s okay, maybe he’s tired, the café looks busy,” though he’s a bit surprised since Donghae was very polite and smiling sweetly to him only a few minutes ago.

“Oh yeah, it’s always quite busy at this time a day. We have three people on the floor, but maybe it’s not quite enough.”

“Three people?”

“Right, there is also my older brother, Sungmin working in the café,” Hyukjae pointing at another guy with waiter suit near the coffee bar.

“So the café operated by three brothers…” Kyuhyun eyeing the short male with cute face, thinking how these brothers is all very good looking.

“Yep. May I take your order?”

“Actually…” Kyuhyun cleared his throat, “can I work here?”




“Are you ing kidding me?!”

“Hae, language,” Hyukjae warned sternly.

“I won’t approve of him working with us!”

“Is something the matter with him? He’s cute and when I interviewed him, he seems decent,” Sungmin clearly sided with Hyukjae.

“Right, do you have any reason to why you don’t want him to work with us?”

Donghae glared at Kyuhyun who is in turn could only look away without saying anything.

“I don’t like him, that’s it,” Donghae gritted his teeth.

“Why are you being like this…?” Hyukjae sighed, “anyway, you have no saying in this matter, so you better accept the fact he’s with us now.”

“I won’t, never,” Donghae snarled, “and why I have no saying here?!”

“Because it’s Min hyung’s and my money.”

“Why do you need another worker anyway?! Aren’t I enough?” he whined not knowing when to give up.

“You won’t always be here, in a few days your college’s break will end, so of course we need another help when you’re at college at day.”

“That’s right…” Sungmin leisurely sipping his tea.

“And that’s why I told you I did rather help the café rather than going to college! That way the money can be used for the café too!”

“We are not talking about this again,” Hyukjae said with a low voice, it’s clear to see that he’s running out of patience now.


“That’s hyung for you,” he said turning his back to Donghae, which earning a loud bang from the younger’s anger to the table, before he run away into the house which connected by a door in the back of the café’s kitchen.

“You shouldn’t use the ‘hyung’ word…” Sungmin muttered, continue sipping his tea as calm as ever.

“That’s the only way to stop him,” Hyukjae sighed deeply, Kyuhyun wondering of how much the guy had been sighing that day, “I’m sorry you got to see this Kyuhyun, but I hope you’re not changing your mind for working with us…”

“Oh it’s okay, though it’s kind of makes me nervous but I still wish to work with you.”

“Don’t wory, he’ll eventually opening up to you,” Sungmin said with a big smile on his face.

Right, he certainly hope so, but with the hostile glare Donghae had been throwing to him, it certainly almost impossible. Why did the guy hate him so much though?




Kyuhyun had been working in the café for almost a week now, to say that Donghae slowly warming up to him is… like saying he’s got a dinosaur as a pet. The fact is the youngest brother is getting worse by each day. At first the guy only glaring or hissing at him, but by now he won’t be so discreet pushing him or bumping on him harshly whenever they encounter each other, made worse because the café is not wide enough for Kyuhyun to be able to avoid him.

Really, is the guy an elementary kid or something?

He can’t do anything about it, so he’ll always shrug it off and go on with his work. Hyukjae and Sungmin would always pat him encouragingly every time Donghae being extremely y toward him. Seven out of ten encouragements came from Hyukjae, needless to say Kyuhyun was very happy to the point he had hope for Donghae to bully him in front of Hyukjae. It took another few days for Kyuhyun to realize that Donghae always carefully bully him whenever Hyukjae wasn’t looking.


“What is your name, young man?” an old lady asked when Kyuhyun placing the order on the table.

“I’m Kyuhyun ma’am,” he’s smiling the business smile.

“You see, I’ve been a regular here for so many years, ever since those boys still snotty little kids. I often come here just to see them, it’s cute to see how close they are, a good family indeed,” she chuckled briefly as inspecting Kyuhyun’s face, “I must say ever since you’re working here, I got the feeling the café getting more energetic. Oh, there is also this spark between you and the youngest, he’s such an overprotective child…”

“What do you mean ma’am?”

“Oh you don’t realize it? Donghae-shi don’t really like when a stranger get too close with his brothers, he always acting like an overprotective brother. There is even a time when the older brothers unable to date anyone because of him, it’s cute really… He would chase out all those girls, snarling here and there, yelling about how the brothers are his and no one can have them,” she chuckling by the memory.

Oops, instantly came into Kyuhyun’s mind, did he somehow aware of me trying to woo his brother, Hyukjae?

“Or was it only Hyukjae…?” the old lady titling her head in confusion, “I remember Sungmin dating this girl… and he was okay with it, I guess it was Hyukjae he’s most protective about.”

Great, to know that I’ve been trying to get his favorite brother, of course he’s being a total jerk, Kyuhyun grimace at the fact.

“Keep up your good work Kyuhyun-shi, he’ll come around when he realize you’re a good person, and thank you for listening to an old lady,” she smiled while patting Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Certainly ma’am, it’s my pleasure,” he smile back and walk away to the bar, I don’t think he’ll come around as long as I fancy his favorite brother.

“Hey, I see that you’re talking to Mrs. Yoojin,” Hyukjae patting his back, startling Kyuhyun a bit.

“Yes, is that not okay?”

“It’s good, she’s been our customer ever since we’re just out of diaper. She’s lonely since her family relationship is not exactly good, so we’re always talking to her whenever we had a chance, I bet she’s glad to have another person to talk to other than us.”

“I see, it’s nice talking to her…”

“Please don’t tell me she’s telling you about our past,” Hyukjae’s eyebrows jerked up as his eyes widened in fear.

“Yep, she did,” Kyuhyun grinned to the devastated look of Hyukjae.

“No way, that’s embarrassing… You have to forget it!”

“How can I forget it? I heard it already, it wasn’t bad.”

“No, no erase it from your head!”

“Okay I will, but you have to give me something,” he smirked thinking of how to lure Hyukjae.


“You have to-“


Both of them jolted at the loud sound, snapping their head to the bar where the sound came from. Donghae standing there with an angry and reddened face, hand on the counter and Kyuhyun know there is exactly where the loud sound came.

“Kyuhyun, shouldn’t you be doing table three, seven and ten’s orders?” he hissed with eyes evidently glinting dangerously.

Without saying anything Kyuhyun hurried doing the orders, not wanting to risk more when Donghae being the way he is right now.

“What are you doing? You’re scaring the customers banging on the table like that!” Sungmin rushed to the bar with concerned expression.

“Sorry, I tripped,” Donghae answered as he walking away to another table to apologize and taking order.

Hyukjae could only sighed once again for the nth times and Sungmin shaking his head in disbelief.

Not long after that, Kyuhyun finding himself serving the customers alone with Sungmin. Since the coffee machine was something he couldn’t use and it’s impossible for Sungmin to make coffees and serving the customers at the same time, Kyuhyun had to search for Hyukjae and Donghae.

He found them together at the back of the kitchen, Hyukjae was cradling the younger brother while the latter was burying his face and clutching to the older brother. It was intimate and tense, Kyuhyun wondering if something bad is happening. Maybe Donghae is sick, in the bad mood or something? Hyukjae always seems to baby him, it’s no wonder Donghae become so possessive towards the previous.

Kyuhyun decided to wait for a little bit before calling them, walking away from the kitchen only to find Sungmin coming in with a tray of dirty dishes. The moment the oldest brother saw what the two younger brothers of him are doing, he glance to Kyuhyun and winking with a big grin.

What the hell…? Whatever it is Kyuhyun decided to go back serving the customers again.




“Come on, just one dinner is all I ask from you,” a deep sweet voice sounded seductively from a y tall man with built up muscles body. If the man isn’t in the middle of flirting with his crush, Kyuhyun had to admit he would be drooling big time at those muscles.

“And I said to you over and over again, I can’t Siwon. I’m busy with the café, you should ask someone else, about time don’t you think?” Hyukjae answered still with a warm gummy smile.

“No matter if it’s a year or more, I would still asking you out,” the Siwon guy grab on Hyukjae’s wrist.

“Dear me, what should I do with you…” he sighed in defeat and Kyuhyun thought this is the time to intervene, but of course there is always someone who is faster than him.

“Your coffee Siwon,” Donghae said curtly not bothering to use ‘shi’ as he placed a cup of coffee on the table, “and please hands off of what’s mine.”

Siwon chuckled as his hand was pried off from Hyukjae’s wrist in not so gentle way, Kyuhyun saw all of that with gaping mouth, thinking if he did heard it right.

Did Donghae really said that Hyukjae is his? Isn’t that a bit too much even for a brother?

“You’re cute…” Siwon said with a smug smile towards the youngest brother, “but you are forgetting he will get married in the future while you’ll always remain only his brother.”

Donghae’s eyes darken and in a split second he was about to charge into Siwon, but Hyukjae was faster than him, grabbing his shoulder and dragging him away.

“Hae! Geez, calm yourself will you?” Hyukjae embracing Donghae tightly and hushing gently, “come on, why are you being like this lately?”

Kyuhyun didn’t fail to notice of how Donghae’s eyes getting teary and he clutching to Hyukjae like what he did few days ago in the kitchen, the older then dragging him to the back of café leaving a confused Kyuhun and sulky Siwon.

“Really that kid, being so possessive like that, is that can even be called as brotherly love anymore?” Siwon muttered tiredly before sipping on his coffee.

“Or maybe you can stop harassing Hyukjae.”

Siwon halted, jerking up an eyebrow at Kyuhyun judgingly, “you are the new worker right? Like you have the right to talk when you’re literally drooling at the sight of him.”

“Why don’t you get someone else? You’re good enough for it.”

“Don’t tell me you meant yourself,” he chuckled mockingly, “I was seducing Donghae at first, but it was because of him that I got interested to Hyukjae.”

“How did seducing him got you interested to Hyukjae? Isn’t that twisted?” Kyuhyun frowned at the explanation.

“He told me that he can only love Hyukjae, isn’t that more twisted? I mean, I knew already by then they’re brothers, so how can he say that? I thought maybe he’s trying to fool me into thinking that Hyukjae is not his brother but his lover, so I let him be and watching them from afar. Ended up with me falling over Hyukjae, but what shocked me wasn’t that, but the fact that Donghae really is attached to his brother more than it’s allowed.”

“What do you mean allowed?”

“They are brothers stupid, do you think brothers would kiss each other? Or gazing at the other intimately? They got too much skinship even as a brother, seriously, didn’t you felt the tension between them? Or at least from Donghae?”

Kyuhyun gaped with wide eyes, “kiss each other…?”

“Well, just a peck on the cheek or something,” Siwon muttered uncertain.

Kyuhyun sighed as he close his eyes, “or maybe you being a drama queen, what I saw wasn’t at all like what you said, okay maybe I found them a bit intimate too, but hey what’s the deal? Maybe they are just that close to do things like that. It’s not weird to see siblings who got along well.”

“You don’t have sibling do you?” Siwon asked with a deep frown.


“Well, for me as I have a sister, no matter how I love her and disliking all her boyfriends, I would never say it out loud. And I would definitely not kiss her, on the cheek, eyes or forehead or wherever, maybe on some occasion but other than that it just… ugh,” Siwon making a disgusted face as he’s standing up and walking out the café after putting some money.

Kyuhyun froze on his feet, looking at the table like it’s the most interesting thing in the world as his mind wondering off, processing all the information.

So… What did Siwon trying to imply? That those brothers are having a… forbidden relationship?

“Hey,” a cold voice jolting Kyuhyun from his reverie harshly, it was Donghae with a big pout on his face, “what are you doing staring at the table? Clean it slowpoke!”

Right, one time of being clueless how to operate coffee beans grinder gain me a ‘slowpoke’ nickname, Kyuhyun grimace as Donghae bumping him hard causing his shirt being soiled by coffee.

Look at him, he’s mean and a jerk, but hey look at his face! No I’m not commenting on his handsome face, but the angelic features of his face. Okay yeah, he’s not exactly angelic and maybe a bit evil, annoying the hell out of me everyday, but he never go too far at it. One look and you will know he’s the sort of innocent guy, he’s being a jerk just because he loves his brothers too much, so how can you suspect him to have that sort of relationship with his brother? Hell, I think he never even anyone with that naïve face, the plushies in the café was all his doing because he loves it, how childish is that? There is no way he’s engaging those kind of relationship… right?

“What are you looking at idiot?” Donghae snarled at Kyuhyun who didn’t move an inch and keep staring at him, “want me to poke your eyes with this fork?”

Kyuhyun hissed at Donghae’s serious expression, afraid of the latter to really stab him with the fork even though maybe not to his eyes. He decided to go to Sungmin, because whenever he’s close to the oldest brother Donghae would leave him alone –there is this one time he chose to go to Hyukjae and that resulting to Donghae pretending to massage his shoulder only to press really hard right where it hurts-.

“Having a hard time?” Sungmin smiled while munching on a gum.

“I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life,” Kyuhyun grumbled earning a heartily laugh from Sungmin.

“Well, sorry our younger brother is too hardheaded, maybe you can ask for a pay raise from Hyuk for the extra work Hae has been giving to you, he’s the one doing the financial.”

“Speaking of pay raise… I want to ask you something, do you know any cheap accommodation around here? Things in the city are too expensive and I’m low on money to stay another night at my current place.”

“How cheap?”

“Well, it doesn’t matter if the place is rundown or something, at least I got a bed to sleep on,” Kyuhyun shrugged.

“That desperate huh?” Sungmin continue to munch on the gum, eyes glancing up and down of Kyuhyun almost judgingly, “well, why don’t you stay with us? As a live in worker.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes and mouth instantly open wide in shock, “what, really?! You can do that??”

“Of course I can, but you have to ask Hyuk first, the man of the house is him.”

“But you’re the oldest…?”

“Well, I’m more of a free spirited person, Hyuk is the brain and Hae is the brawn of the family, so… yeah,” he shrugged.

“Isn’t that irresponsible?”

“Nope, I’m still the king but all the works done by the councilors, right?” he grinned smugly. “Now go on, ask Hyuk,” Sungmin waving his hand as if he’s shooing Kyuhyun.




“No! No! No! NO!”

Kyuhyun had to close his ears as the loud voice is too much to bear, amazed at how Hyukjae and Sungmin didn’t even flinch. Yep, it was Donghae who is shouting. Reason? Of course because of Kyuhyun being a live in worker.

“What do you mean by that anyway?!” Donghae shrieking as he’s denying to understand.

“Meaning he’s staying with us,” Sungmin explain with his usual indifferent face.

“He will live with us, that’s all… And he also agree to help us with some house chores,” Hyukjae added patiently.

“We don’t need that! We’re doing fine with the house chores without him, so why now?!”

“Hae, he’s having a hard time right now, so let’s just help him, okay?”

“See? He was a stranger a few days ago, and now he’s suddenly living with us, I know he’ll start to invade your heart from now on!” Donghae screamed which clenching Kyuhyun’s heart because it sounds so desperate.

“Donghae!” Hyukjae shouted with apparent rage, silencing whatever voice in the room.

“Oops…” Sungmin whispered in the intense silence, Hyukjae not calling Donghae with ‘Hae’ is not a good sign.

After a while of dreading silence Hyukjae sighed tiredly, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted like that… You’ve been so difficult to handle recently.”

“Where will he’s staying at?” Donghae muttered.

“He will be staying at the guest room beside my bedroom, you guys on the second floor right, it shouldn’t be a problem,” Sungmin explained to devastated Donghae, somehow that little bit information lifting up a bit of the latter’s mood.

Hyukjae walk closer to the youngest, brushing the hair with his fingers gently, “okay Hae?”

Donghae stare at the older for a while before eventually nodding his head reluctantly, hugging Hyukjae tightly as his eyes wet with tears, “okay…”

To say Kyuhyun perplexed at the scene is an understatement, seriously, is all the drama really necessary. He knows Donghae hate him, but this is just too absurd for him.

“Confused?” Sungmin asked with one eyebrow jerked up when Hyukjae give Donghae a peck on the forehead. Okay, it’s fine for brothers to do that, but not when they are in their twenties no matter how they have six years .

“Believe me when I say I’ve never been this confused before…”

“Well, I guess you’ll have to see even more confusing things from now on,” Sungmin chuckling as he’s standing up to help Kyuhyun bring in his luggage.

Kyuhyun shuddered at the implication, “should I be worried?”

“Oh I think you will get used to it, don’t worry,” Sungmin answered with a smirk which not reassuring Kyuhyun in anyways.

“What am I doing with my life…” he muttered to himself.


Later on that night when Kyuhyun is watching a television in the living room with Sungmin, a loud yell was heard.


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Chapter 1: 🤡
Chapter 1: wow it is cute, funny, heartwarming and also heartbreaking •́ ‿ ,•̀ this story is verryyyy interesting! thank you for writing it!♡
such an interesting story! love how you chose to tell it through kyuhyun’s perspective. thank you for writing this! ❤️
Chapter 1: I don't need to comment. I just need to upvote.
Chapter 1: Telling someone's story in point of view of other people. Nice plot and you made it interesting enough with just four characters. Different from other fics. Thank you for this fluffy story
964 streak #6
Chapter 1: I changed my comment because I didn't want the new readers to be spoiled.
But, I want you to know that I love the flow of the story, the characterization, and even the observer's point of view of Kyuhyun. The story told of real feelings and situations that the reader could grasp.
Thank you so much for sharing this unique story.
this was just perffffffff and I'm so so so happy I found this kind of story (you do realize that this kind is not your ordinary story you can found as easy as breathing out there, right?) I give you a bigggggg and hugeeeeee loves for you<3333 write more about smthg like this okkkk?
gonna upvote thisssssss!
Chapter 1: This story is interesting and new to me because it is the first story i read which it the character telling the stories of another character.... and this seem the kyumin is the main character... Its will be great if the story will write in Eunhae own view and the continuous of kyumin ... Thanks for the amazing story...
Alice_K26 #9
Chapter 1: Oh my gooddddd... it so long but it didnt make me boring or something... it sooo goodddd.... i really like the way sungmin tell his past to kyu...
At first i think ming is a free spirit person but later on i know he was suffering too as the oldest...
I really curious bout ming... what is he thinking bout kyukyu... since when he take interest in kyu... hope there is a sekuel for kyumin story....
Chapter 1: This is the first time I read a fiction eunhae which is another character who tells the story. I liked it. Hae is a bit annoying but I love his forbidden relationship with Hyuk.