

He’s standing in front of him. He is dressed all in black, a stranger, who keeps staring at Jimin, leaving him hypnotized. He has taken a hold on Jimin's body. He can’t move, can’t breathe, there are no clear thoughts flowing through his head. Jimin is in a daze, his surroundings are blurring, spinning, becoming cloudy, except for the male infront of him. The stranger’s eyes scan Jimin’s body, he tilts his head studying him. His brown eyes have now changed to a piercing black color swallowing up any color in remaining in those eyes, darkness is what he sees. The warmth that was once radiating through his beautiful eyes is now replaced by emptiness, coldness, and hunger.  Jimin gulps, he knows what he wants, and he knows what is coming next. He tries to pry away from the stranger’s gaze, but he can't. Jimin is scared, he wants to run away, he wants to run back to his apartment, where nothing can get him. He wants to run back to those memories, back to the person he loved, back to the arms that kept him safe. It's no use, he can't move, he can’t leave, not just because his body isn’t allowing him, but because his hearts isn’t either.  He whimpers and bites his lip in the process.

“Don’t hurt me” Jimin manages to choke out

The stranger only smiles.

“Please don’t hurt me” he pleads as tears began to swell in his eyes, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this”

The stranger chuckles and begins to walk forward.

“Please! Don’t do this” Jimin does his best to wiggle around, but there is no movement being made. 

“Hyung, you don’t want to do this!” he screamed as this stranger s one of his hands around Jimin’s waist and the other on his head, tilting it to the side. The stranger his lips and makes and advancement to the crook of Jimin’s neck.

“You smell so sweet, Jiminie” he his neck, “So sweet” He buries his nose into his neck, “Your scent so delicious” He his fangs as they grow a little longer.

He uses his fangs to create two little hole’s on Jimin’s neck. Two blood droplets form at the entrance of the holes, before they trickle down. The stranger runs his tongue along the blood trail that was created,

“So mouthwatering, intoxicating” as he continues to off the blood that forms at the openings.

“Stop” Jimin whispers

“Mmmmm” he hums as he begins to kiss Jimin’s neck

They were small kisses trailing around the two tiny holes down to his shoulder.

Jimin suppresses any sound that is threatening to come out.

“Come on Jiminie, say something” he aligns his head with Jimins, locking eyes. He can see himself through Jimin’s eyes. It excites him even more, seeing his reflection on Jimin’s eyes, seeing the fear, hearing Jimin's heart beat increase speed, pumping blood at a faster rate through his veins and out to the rest of his body.

The stranger’s own senses are heightening, he can feel it surging through his body. He tilts his head in wonder, is it due to the small taste he had from the younger boy, or is it the excitement of fear that this boy is generating? Whatever it is, he likes it. He has never felt anything like this before, not when he was human and weak. He has never felt so strong, so overpowering, and so alive. He glances down to Jimin’s quivering lips.

“Jiminie. Let me taste you” he whispers before attacking his lips. Lips moving in rhythm, fierce and fast pace that can bruise Jimin’s if he isn’t careful. Lust forming on the insides and rushing out to fill both their bodies

“Yoongi,” breathes out Jimin.

Jimin is feeling a desire to be taken by Yoongi, a longing to be touched again by him, to feel his fingers on him. He wants back that warmth, that loving Yoongi he fell in love with not too long ago. The caring Yoongi that would grumble and say he didn’t like showing affection, but always was attentive to Jimin’s needs and wants. Yoongi that would blush when Jimin complimented him on his songs, lyrics and rapping. Yoongi who would protect Jimin from the storms, the thunder and the dark with one big hug and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Yoongi who would work hard all night and get no rest, but loved his sleep as much as his work. He missed the Yoongi that allowed him to cuddle during his break and make love whenever they could. But this Yoongi the one infront of him wasn’t the same one…

Yoongi however had a different desire. He was craving Jimin, he wanted all of him, and everything he could take from him. His hunger was overwhelming, he wanted his blood, he wanted to him dry, and he wanted to feel more powerful, more in control, all memories of the past where no longer this Yoongi, nothing mattered more than satisfying his thirst.

Yoongi threw Jimin up against the wall, pressing bodies together. He moved his mouth down to Jimin’s neck. Yoongi opened his mouth wide and pierced his fangs into Jimin’s neck, taking a good hold on the blood flow going through his vein. Jimin let out a small scream. Yoongi was quick to place a hand over his mouth, muffling out any sounds. Jimin began to resist, began to fight and tried pushing him away. The more he tried fighting, the more Yoongi tighten up his grip on him. Jimin began to sob, banging his fist on Yoongi’s chest, hoping he would let him go, but all failed. Jimin could feel himself getting weak, moving closer to Yoongi for support. His strength was decreasing by the second, his will to fight against Yoongi was disappearing. Yoongi noticed and moved his hand out of Jimin’s mouth and wrapped both his arms around his waist to keep him up.

“Yoongi” Jimin called out a little above a whisper, “I know you can hear me. Please don’t do this.” Tears ran down his face, “Hyung, don’t do this to me, don’t break this...Don’t break us”

Yoongi kept drinking, blood oozing from the side of his mouth, because he still wasn’t accustomed to drinking blood, being a new vampire and all. 

“Hyung,” Jimin’s arms fell to his sides, his eyes began to flutter close. Memories began to play in Jimin’s head, they all happened to be about him and Yoongi. The first time they met in college, their first date at a fancy restaurant that went wrong (Yoongi being nervous spilled his drink all over Jimin who had happen to wear white jeans for the date) , their first kiss by the beach under the stars, when they moved in together, the first time they made love. They were all loving memories of them both, that’s how he wanted to remember Yoongi, he smiled as he began to fade into unconsciousness, taking in his last breath.

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin’s memories as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

What a foolish boy, he thought.

“Even in your last moments you wished to remember the old me” He laid Jimin’s body down on the ground. He began to laugh, “Well Jiminie, if that helps you to move on, then I’m glad. But that old Yoongi has been dead for a while and now so are you. Everything that was tying me to my past is long gone” He looks up to the sky, everything seems so clear, he can see the starts twinkle and shine brightly. He could hear every sound so clearly, could sense every movement, could smell the crisp cold air mixed with human blood. He took a deep breath and exhaled, smiling.

He bent down and kissed Jimin’s forehead, “Sleep well my love”

He got up, placing his hands into his pockets and walking in the opposite direction of Jimin’s body.

He wouldn’t leave Jimin like this, not in the cold hard ground, not when the first snow of the year began to fall, not when it was movie night, but that would have been the old Yoongi…


 The new one, didn't give a .

After all he is a monster.

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capucinnofrape #1
Chapter 1: Oh god-
Oh god-
I cant-
This is friggin good, so good, i really like this
derpfs #2
Chapter 1: wtf
oh my god
just wtf
how could u
my heart- my poor heart

Chapter 1: I'm gonna fight you. How dare you do this to Yoongi /squints from the hurt

I'm just..... Friggin rude homeslice, rUDE.

P.s i listened to LR 'Beautiful Liar' and my chest hurts a little. I'll get you back just you wait.
beck100 #4
Chapter 1: This is my first vam fic and damn i like it
minyoongitae #5
Chapter 1: yoongi, why.... but, he is the badass vampire afterall, and dont really give a , so its okay
yoongi fine, im fine HAHAHA *devilish laugh* /ugly sobs insides/
jiokgata_ #6
Chapter 1: Yoongi why ;~~~
Mazzii17 #7
Chapter 1: Omg this is sooo goood!! I can't believe yoongi would leave jiminie like that but then hes a badass vampire bdjsbsjs!
This is just too goood!!!!