First and final

Meet to love

                Two girls just get off from their flight and wait for their luggage. One of them timidly says, “Ne, do you think we can reach there safely? Will we be okay?”

                “Karina-chan, you should relax. I thought you already use with flight as you always ride it, more than me.” Say the other girl. They quickly grab their luggage when it reach them.

                The girl called Karina whine, “But all of them are domestic flight and this is my first time international flight. I’m not like you who have go overseas, Rin-chan.”

                Rin just leave out huge sigh before says, “Whatever in your mind, we already reach at Japan and I’m sure you don’t want to let them waiting.”

                They make their way to train station to reach at their destination. Karina knows Rin already get the instruction on how to get to the house where both of them will stay for awhile. It all begin when Rin come through over an article on a website and she take part of it that give luck for both of them.


                “Yabai! We’re lost! What should we do?” Karina begin panic when realize both of them are lost as they don’t know where to go after they get off from train.

                Rin tries to read back note that she has as she knows Karina can’t read Japanese yet. She says, “Everything seem right but why we lost?”

                Karina ask to borrow the note on Rin’s hand before refer it to the map that has there before says, “Ne, I think we have to get off at the next station and not here.”

                “How you could know when you can’t read it?” ask Rin.

                “I just notice the word in here…” Karina refers one of the words in the note before point at the same one on the board, “…and here is same.”

                They ride on the train that just arrive and discuss on what they should do after that. While they are talking, Rin notice Keito who sit not far from them that make her says, “You should ask him about where we should go.”

                Karina look at where Rin points at and her face slowly become red. She quickly shook her head to show that she can’t talk with that guy as they know who he is. Rin surrender with it as she knows if she force Karina to do that, that girl will never get them to their destination. She carefully get near him before asks, “Hi, can we ask help from you?”

                Keito take off his headphones before says, “Of course I can help you. Where you want to go?”

                Rin give the note as it already has the address on it to him. He realize something, “It really great. We’re heading to same place… ah, I also have to go to same address. We can go there together.”

                Rin happily tell her best friend, “We will go together with him. That’s really good, right!”

                “Un!” Karina could only reply before change her sight to opposite side from where Keito sits to hide her red face.

                Keito asks, “Is your friend okay?”

                “Yeah, she’s okay. She just nervous as this is first time for us to come here.” say Rin while hide the truth behind it.


                It turn out the house they go is the place that Keito’s father, Kenichi rent for three of them. Kenichi happily welcome them, “Welcome to Japan, Rin and Karina. How’s your journey here?”

                “We face a bit trouble when come here but luckily, your son help us.” Reply Rin happily.

                Karina asks, “You know from the start the person who invite us here is Mr. Okamoto Kenichi?”

                “Of course I know but I don’t want to tell you because for sure you don’t want to follow as you have crush towards his son.” Say Rin but luckily, Keito already walk into the house and Karina lightly punch Rin. She only chuckles to see her best friend’s reaction.

                Kenichi cut between to say, “Both of you must be tired from the journey, right? You can rest at the room that already has your name. If you need anything, just tell me or Keito. I hope both of you are okay to share one room.”

                “Thank you so much. That would be better.” Say Rin. Both of the girls excuses themselves to the room for unpack and get some rest.

                Karina throw herself to the bed and quickly cover her head to muffle her whine. Rin only smiles to watch that girl’s action before says, “You must be really happy because you get golden chance to spend time with your admired idol.”

                “It is easier to say that but I don’t know how to act around him. He must think I’m just weird fan girl by now.” Sulk Karina while she rolls on the bed. Kenichi prepare a room that has two single bed for both of them and completely with closet and dresser. They unpack their things before take a nap after long flight.


                After few hours, both of them leave the room to check Kenichi and Keito. It seem both of the guy is going out to buy things and left memo for the girls. Karina just sit in front of TV to switch it on to check if there are any interesting show. Her eyes sparkle when found something that she can watch before focus but it only last for few minutes before she doze off.

                Rin just stay at balcony to check to view and really impress with the view. She says, “This really great. I wish to stay here forever.”

                While she still amazes with the scene, she hear the door being open to show there are people are coming in. she notice both of them bring bags of groceries and quickly help them. Kenichi asks when he could only notice Rin around the house, “Where is Karina-chan?”

                Rin just points towards Karina who still sleeping soundly on couch like little kid. She notices there a lot of things that those guys buy that make her says, “Wow, that’s a lot that both of you buy.”

                “Oh! This is just preparation as both of you would want to cook, everything here.” say Kenichi. Rin walk into the house and accidentally bump to couch where her best friend sleeps that make that girl slowly wake up. She yawn while asks, “What happen?”

                “Gomen, I’m not doing on purpose.” Apologizes Rin.

                Karina stands up while saying, “It’s okay. I think I already become hibernate bear in winter.”

                Kenichi ask them about what they want to eat and Karina says, “Can I prepare something for the dinner? I suddenly want to cook something but it will be simple dish that I know how to prepare.”

                “What you will prepare?” ask Kenichi.

                Karina timidly reply, “Maybe some fried rice as I always prepare it at home. If you don’t want, I will pass in prepare the meal.”

                “It would be nice as I always want to try meal from other country. Not from restaurant but just home cooking.” Say Kenichi. He take a look at his watch, “I have to leave now but I will return back before dinner. Sorry because can’t help you.”

                “It’s okay. It is me who should say sorry for suddenly say want to prepare dinner.” Say Karina. After send the things, both Kenichi and Keito leave the house as they have some works that they need to manage. Rin helps Karina in preparing meal even she can’t really understand what that girl want to prepare.


                Kenichi return home and he could smell something really delicious as soon he steps into the house. He says, “Wow, today is my luck to eat something oishii!”

                “Welcome back, Kenichi-san. I hope you’re okay with spicy meal as Keito-kun said you can eat spicy things.” say Karina while still wearing the apron. She just finish prepare kara-age that she tries to prepare for first time based on recipe that she get from internet.

                She calls for everyone as it already time for dinner. She make sure everything set on the table and she even prepare tea for drink. Kenichi asks, “You always cook at home?”

                “Actually, my mom always force me to help her at kitchen. I can prepare fried rice because I can make variety from that dish.” say Karina.

                Rin take a look on dishes on table before says, “Wow, that look really spicy.”

                “I already prepare something that is not spicy for you.” Say Karina. They begin take their dinner and really surprise with the taste that make Karina asks, “Does it taste weird?”

                Keito happily says, “No, it taste really great. How you could prepare something like this?”

                “I just use whatever that you and Kenichi-san bought.” Say Karina with blush of her face.

                Rin says, “You can become great housewife.”

                Karina almost choke her own food when hear that before quickly says, “That would be impossible for me. My mom keep saying that I will only make it worse.”

                Both of them talk about many things while eating dinner. They take the chance to know each other at that moment. From there, the girls know Kenichi plan to overseas holiday but get more information that can’t be found at net. After that, Kenichi and Rin relax at living room while Keito helps Karina to clean the dishes.

                Keito asks, “What you want to do tomorrow? I have off-day tomorrow and plan to bring both of you out.”

                Karina tells her wish but soon after that, she quickly fixes, “It’s okay if you can’t do that. I just want to check that place as I have watch it somewhere before.”

                “You don’t have to worry about that.” Keito pat her head with his wet hand before realize it. He quickly search for clean clothes to wipe Karina’s hand while saying, “Gomen. I didn’t realize it.”

                “It’s okay.” Say Karina. Kenichi and Rin could watch what happen from living room but soon, act like busy over something else when they join them.


                “We get to come to Japan and thing in your mind is to visit Tsutaya?” Rin really surprise when they arrive in front of a big shop.

                “We don’t have shop like this in my country. I always want to come here once.” Say Karina happily. Within seconds, she disappear from those two sights that really surprise them.

                Rin realize something, “Of course something like this would happen. I remember something from our chatting, she always love to go Japanese shop like Daiso and whoever join her at that moment will face trouble to search her but for sure, she’s in the shop.”

                “Wow, I never know someone like that would exist.” Say Keito.

                Rin make plan, “Let’s meet back here when we’re done. You can search for her while I will look around as I also want to look at this place.”

                Keito just say okay before walk around that store to search for Karina. It kind of hard for him to meet that girl but has encounter Rin for several times. He only found her after almost half an hour searching where the girl seem really immerse to choose movie with her sparkle eyes. He surprise to see her enjoy herself at that moment.

                He slowly walk towards her before says, “I never think it really hard to search you even this store is not that big.”

                Karina giggles a bit, “I just so excited to be here. I always love to watch Japanese movie and drama but it kind of hard to get at my country. That’s why I really excited to be here. They even has old drama that I always want to watch.”

                Keito helps Karina to choose movie and drama before meet up with Rin. They go to various places where they also make some shopping. Keito really amuses to watch Karina’s reaction every time they found something cute. He smiles to watch her and Rin asks, “She really interesting, right? She look happy go-lucky but hide many things within her.”

                “Why she hides it?” ask Keito.

                “From what I know, she told me that she grow up in environment that only make her hiding her own thinking. She will only hurt herself if she let out everything.” Say Rin.

                Karina runs to them to show a nice necklace, “Ne, look at this. This really kawaii, right? It suit you, Rin-chan. I will buy this for you. Wait here.” she leaves them again to pay for the necklace at the cashier.

                “But why you’re telling about?” ask Keito.

                Rin only reply, “I dunno. Maybe something will happen between you and her.”


                “Wow, this is really nice jacket.” Karina really surprise when Keito give present for her.

                “I just found it while return from work and think it really suit you.” Say Keito. That day, both girls only stay home as both Kenichi and Keito has work on that day. Rin still in her room, resting as both of them has stay awake all night to watch DVD that they rent.

                Karina thanks him with blush face that make Keito thinks it really cute. He can’t tell her that he actually search it as soon he finish his work as he want to see her smile. He knows it worth to do that as he could see clearly that girl love it. Rin step out from the room before says, “Stop flirting in front of me!”

                “We’re not flirting!” say Karina before her face blush.

                Rin quickly get near her to pinch her cheeks before says, “Wah! You blush again! You really easy to blush when mention anything that has something to do with Keito-kun, ne~!”

                “Rin-chan, you don’t have to disclose that matter.” Whine Karina.

                Keito surprise to hear that but manage to do something to change the topic, “Ne, what both of you want to eat today? It almost lunch time.”

                “Karina-chan want to eat curry rice~!” Rin reply in playful manner.

                “If like that, I can prepare it… even it is something that I prepare for the curry event. Can you help me to prepare it?” Keito happily ask help from Karina and that girl just agree to help her.

                Rin only make comment, “While I will continue watch DVD that I haven’t watch yet. It really scary to accompany her last night. We watch several horror movie and it really give me heart attack.”

                “Those movie is not that horror as Keito helps me to choose it. He said those movies would be better for me and you to watch.” Say Karina. Rin only smiles to watch those people working at kitchen that make her make comment, “Both of you really look like husband and wife right now.”

                “Somehow, I feel like I already get daughter in-law right now.” Say Kenichi who just arrive home and he could see chemistry between his son and Karina.

                That comment make Karina’s blush become worse at that moment. Rin asks, “Will you agree if she really become your daughter in-law?”

                Karina really hope Kenichi would at least try to deny it but the reply that he gives, “Of course I would be happy.”


                Karina can’t sleep that night that make her stay awake at living room as she doesn’t want to disturb Rin’s sleep. She sit on couch without switch on any lights and only throw her sight off from the window. She knows the time for her to stay there will come to end soon but she doesn’t want to end it as it is a place where she learn to enjoy her day.

                “What are you doing by staying awake by now?” Karina really surprise to hear Keito’s voice behind her.

                Karina tries to come out with answer, “I just… can’t sleep.”

                Keito take seat beside her after drape blanket on her body. He sense worry from that girl, “You want to stay here longer?”

                “Coming to Japan is my dream but dream will come to end whatever you want it or not. I would never know if I can come here again in future.” Say Karina. Both of them talk about many things until both of them fall asleep.

                The sunlight shines the world but that don’t disturb those two sleep. Rin really surprise to see both of them but manage to smile as she always hope that girl would find her happiness. She just go to kitchen to prepare some simple breakfast. Kenichi join her to prepare breakfast while say, “Somehow, it feel really nice when I feel like get two daughters in my life.”

                “You accept if they in relationship?” ask Rin as she know how strict idol to be in love relationship.

                Kenichi’s reply really surprise, “If that can make him happy, I can help him to hide the relationship since idol also human like everyone else.”

                While they’re having their breakfast, Kenichi ask about their plan for the day and Keito says, “I will bring them to go out to streets. Karina-chan want to search for new earrings as the one she has already missing.”

                “Do you have anywhere you want to go?” Kenichi ask Rin.

                Rin only reply, “I’m planning to go same place with them as I want to look around. It will be nice experience for me.”

                Karina knows they won’t get any suspicious look as they go out as three people. Rin wears something that almost cover her face while her wears something simple but comfortable to move around. They leave after finish chores at home and Kenichi excuses himself as he has works on that day. While waiting for Keito, Rin asks, “What happen last night?”

                Karina begin panic, “Nothing happen between us. We’re just talking and fall asleep.”

                “Relax! It’s not that I want to scold you but for sure, your dream comes true.” Say Rin.

                Karina mumble, “Dream? I don’t have any dream.”

                Keito joins them and they go out together. At the shop, Keito helps Karina to choose earrings while Rin buys drink from vending machine. She hear people around her begin talking about an idol is having date with a foreign girl in a shop. She quickly join them back to avoid rumours on both of those two.

                Karina show her a pair of earring before says, “Look at this, Rin-chan. Does it look kawaii?”

                “Un! It really suit you.” Say Rin before gives drinks for Karina before give one to Keito.

                They walk around and even try to do many things like purikura machine and play arcade games. Karina feel really happy when get a soft toy after playing UFO catcher. She says, “It really nice to be here.”

                “Hey! I’m going to make stop at somewhere. I will meet both of you back in an hour.” Say Rin before leave them. She want to buy something that catch her eyes just now but want to hide it from other two.

                Keito watch how Karina enjoy playing some fighting game that make him says, “You’re really different from other girls. Usually, they will scream when they see me. I understand Rin-chan who admire other people but I’m always curious about you.”

                “I… admire you but I really afraid if I show it, you will only create distance with me. It really hard to hide my true feeling in front of person that I like.” Say Karina while she tries really hard to defeat the character.

                “But what you will do if the person that you like has the same feeling with you?” Keito’s question make Karina’s hands stop hitting the buttons.

                She never think Keito will has any feeling towards her as she always think that she’s only normal girl who never think of anything other than her fandom. She speechless on it that make Keito put his hand on hers and hear he says, “I’m serious about my feeling on you.”

                “Can you give time for me to think about it? Since it dangerous to give reply here.” say Karina as she aware about their positions.


                Even Karina says like that, she never give out reply to him that make the situation awkward. Rin and Kenichi wonder what happen but they never know what happen even realize those two has something that they hide from them. Keito brings the girls to Chiba where they could see beautiful ocean during their last day there.

                Keito stop the car when reach at a tourist spot and Karina jump out from the car to see the sea. Rin giggles before says, “She always love sea even can’t swim.”

                “Eh?! You can’t swim?” Keito ask Karina.

                Karina slightly nods before says, “Thanks to my brothers’ stupidity, I almost drown when we went to go swimming when I was kid. Even I can’t swim, I still can do many things to enjoy the scene of sea.”

                “If you want to swim again, I can teach you.” Say Keito.

                “I will tell you later.” Say Karina.

                Keito comment, “You always make me wait for everything that I ask you.”

                “Gomen ne.” Karina only apologizes that make Rin curious.

                When Karina excuse herself to go ladies, Rin make a guess to Keito, “You already confess to Karina-chan?” he really surprise with that and she continues, “Oh! I hit the bull’s eyes! You know, Kenichi and I have wait for that moment to come but it seem Karina-chan avoid you.”

                “Will she give reply to me?” Keito ask her. Rin only says that girl will give her reply soon as she just afraid to accept changes in her life. Even like that, Karina hasn’t say any reply to him.


                Kenichi and Keito decide to send the girls to airport on that day. Since the girls will take different flights to go back to their country. Karina pulls Karina to a corner to tell him, “I have answer to your confession?”

                Keito somehow become panic as he knows he will get reject as it take days to get the reply. Karina bites her lips while look around her until she can finally say, “If the person has the same feeling with me, I will be really happy to hear it as it is no unrequited love.”

                Keito really happy to hear the reply that make him pull that girl into hug, “Thank you so much for the reply. I’m really happy to hear it as it make us couple right now. Ah! Are you okay to be in relationship with guy like me?”

                “Hm…” Karina thinks for the best reply, “I may jealous when my lover when he flirt with his fans but to think that I’m also his fan, I will deal with it.”

                Suddenly, they hear people cheer for them and it turn out to be Kenichi and Rin. Kenichi literally wipe his tears, “My wish come true, my son is straight actually. I really afraid if my son is gay.”

                “I’m not homo!” whine Keito that make the girls chuckle.

                Rin take out something from her pocket that seem like a flight ticket and shout to Karina, “I think you won’t ever need this!”

                Karina realizes it is her ticket and she tries to take it from Rin’s hand but she can’t do anything as Rin already tear it off into two pieces. Rin whisper something to her ears that make her face become red. She quickly says, “There is no way I can do that.”

                “You don’t have to worry about that as Kenichi-san would be really happy to have you around. We already manage everything behind you.” Say Rin.

                Kenichi explains, “She told me that you will be happy to stay here and I also happy if both of you stay here.”

                “But I can’t do that. About your family, I will send letter to them.” say Rin. She tells Karina, “I know you always love to learn things in Japan and this is your chance to do it.”

                Karina hugs Rin as she begins crying and keep say thanks. Keito and Kenichi really touch to see it. Keito asks, “She will begin live with us?”

                “Yeah and I manage everything for her.” Say Kenichi.

                Karina wipes her tears before says, “I will work hard to get my dream and make you come here again. Maybe your next visit, we will search a boyfriend for you.”

                “You should focus on reach your dream after this.” say Rin. She wave bye to them before go to departure hall. She knows her best friend will be okay to stay there.


                Karina really happy when she could reach her dream after that day. Even it really hard for her family to accept it but she could show to them that she can do it. She works at Johnny’s Shop where Kenichi helps her to get the job without let anyone know their real relationship.

                She finish her shift before make stop at supermarket to buy ingredient for dinner. She learns how to prepare Japanese dishes at class that she takes. She happily walk back home to prepare the dinner.

                When she almost finish prepare dinner, she hear door bells and knows it is Keito. He walks in the house while saying, “Somehow, I always feel happy to meet you every time I return home.”

                “I almost finish here.” say Karina and Keito quickly help her to place the dishes to the table. Kenichi can’t join them as he has work and has to stay at hotel as his work is outside Tokyo.

                Karina happily says, “I can’t wait for the vacation.”

                “I know that you can’t wait to meet Rin-chan again. You even prepare present for her.” Say Keito.

                Karina surprise, “You sneak into my room again?! I will report to papa!” Keito only chuckles with that as he knows his father will only brush it off. Both of them enjoy their dinner while talk about many things even know they will always have time for that.

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