Already Taken


Jiyoung finally finds a girl who is perfect.

She's cute, compassionate,caring and had lots of talents.

What will be her answer to the question Jiyoung wants to ask the most?


Hello! This is my first fanfiction, tell me if it's good! I'm truly sorry for any grammer or punctuation mistakes!

I hope you enjoy my fellow VIP's!


Jiyoung leaned close, nuzzling into the girls neck. She giggled, turning her face and covering him with her hair, her eyes turning into half-crescents. The idol leaned closer, breathing in the sweet smell of her shampoo and brushed his lips against her soft cheek. The wind blew; rustling their hair as leaves flew past, winding in small circles before floating to the ground.  Birds tweeted and sat restlessly on the power-lines and waited for the moment they would take flight as the lovers flirted. Jiyoung made sure to pay attention to the girl’s soft pink lips before leaning in.

“Cut!” A shrill voice cut through the air, disturbing the atmosphere. “That was great!” The voice belonged to a tall man who sported a pair of round rimmed glasses.

The girl immediately turned away from Jiyoung and stayed quiet. The older shifted, jumping off the rooftop the two were being filmed on. His blue jacket made a light squeaking noise as he landed and his shoes thumped loudly against the pavement.

“Is that the end of the scene?” Jiyoung’s young voice made the director turn around as he straightened his round glasses.

“No, not yet. Did you not see the script?” He sniffed at the idol who shrugged. “You have two more scenes. One is a solo shot, the other is you two dancing in the rain.” He gestured to the girl.

“Alright then.”

“You should talk to her more y’know. You do have to get rather close with her in the form of throwing stuff at each other in a grocery store.” The director looked back at the script and then at the girl.

“Could you please tell me her name?” Jiyoung looked rather hopeful at the thought of spending more time with the girl. He thought she was beautiful and her voice was like heaven, even though he had only heard her giggle on set. She was just shorter than him and to be honest, when he dragged his fingers through her hair on set, Jiyoung was mind-boggled at the texture and smell. Her dark brown locks felt like silk and the way her pink lips parted slightly when she was relaxed was really cute. Not to mention attractive.

The four other models being used in the film clip for ‘Let’s Not Fall in Love’ didn’t like her and gave her space while occasionally whispering. Jiyoung often wondered what they were thinking about. Was it her eyes? They were an unusual shade of blue, a colour that was rarely seen on a Korean. Maybe it was her face which had a light smattering of freckles across the nose that the make-up artists never bothered to cover up. Her voice was unique and she talked Korean to the producers with an English accent.

Jiyoung sighed. That girl was everything he saw in a women and he wanted to get to know her more.

“Jiyoung? Are you listening?” The director snapped him back from his thoughts on the girl as he impatiently clicked a finger in front of the rapper’s face. “I said her name was Oceana. She’s half-Korean, half-English.”

“Ah.” Jiyoung chuckled. So that’s why her eyes are that colour, and it also explains her accent. She also had a rather exotic face with a different build than all the other girls. This only made Jiyoung like her more. “So her name is Oceana? What a pretty name.”

In all respect, her name was more than pretty. It was beautiful. Jiyoung’s mind wandered again to her lips, her hair, her eyes and ultimately, her altogether. He thought Oceana was the most beautiful person he had ever met and he had only known her for about three days.

“Oceana!” He heard Oceana’s make-up artist call for her. “We need to get you ready for the next scene!”

The girl rushed past Jiyoung, her hair streaking across her face. She ran in long, confident strides towards the make-up tent.

“You too Jiyoung!” The plump lady call out to him as well, a smile graced across her middle-aged features. She beckoned the idol with a crooked finger and he chuckled entering the tent. Oceana was seated in the corner, swinging in her swivel chair like a child. Jiyoung thought it looked adorable as she watched her surroundings with curiosity.

“Hello.” He seated himself next to her and his heart accelerated as she turned her attention to him. “I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet, even though we’ve already done a scene yet. I just hadn’t mustered up the courage to talk to someone as beautiful as you yet.”

Oceana blushed and Jiyoung felt proud. She looked so cute like that.

“You could say the same you know. You’re not half bad yourself.” Her voice was quiet but Jiyoung heard it all the same. Her voice was girly, but not overly high-pitched. Just how he liked it.

“I’m Jiyoung.” He held out his hand to Oceana and she accepted it, unaware of what he was about to do. Jiyoung smirked and brought her hand up to his mouth, kissing the knuckles lightly. Oceana turned a darker shade of red and Jiyoung laughed openly. His playful side always got the better of him.

“Hey!” She slapped him on the shoulder before being whisked to face the mirror.

“Head straight darling, otherwise your make-up with not be as right as the director wants it to be.” The make-up artist pulled her cheeks and straightened his cap. Jiyoung growled inwardly. “We’re going to dye it bubble-gum pink for the next scene, so I’m going to do that now.”

“Okay.” Oceana was still quiet, but Jiyoung thought that that fit her perfectly.

He massaged her scalp after applying dye and Jiyoung watched closely. Oceana closed her eyes and sighed contently as the colour was worked into her hair. He was turned to face the mirror as he got his hair styled and was unable to look at her anymore. Groaning to himself he closed his eyes as his eyeliner was reapplied and his thoughts wondered again to the girl in the chair next to him. The next scene was going to be fun: They were to frolic in a fake grocery store and through stuff at each other. Then he was to pick her up and spin her around. After that was the rain scene, but his mind was on lifting her up.

He could imagine the not-too-slim curve of her waist and firm but supple back. He could just imagine the silkiness of her hair again and could not wait to run his fingers through it once more. This time the locks would be pink and could possibly match his light orange hair. Maybe that was the concept. He didn’t know how much she weighed but with how thin she was, he guessed it would be easy enough.

But the company would never allow it.

Jiyoung’s face fell and he received a slight a slight slap on the shoulder for moving.

The company would never allow him in a relationship. The fangirls would go mad, no-one would support them and Oceana would receive a lot of hate. Jiyoung would never want that. He hoped that they would find a way, even if it happened secretly.

The woman was done with his eyes and her grip on him disappeared. Jiyoung opened his eyes hesitantly before checking to see if the girl was gone. He was correct and he leant back in his chair, content with observing Oceana again.

After her hair was washed, dried and curled Oceana giggled as she surveyed her new ‘do’ in the mirror. It framed her pale face perfectly and she couldn’t be happier. After her eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss was applied, making her lips a dark pink to match her hair.

She felt around blindly for her glasses and after a couple of minutes, happily finds them. Jiyoung chuckles as he surveyed her. She didn’t wear glasses for the last scene but he had to admit, they made her even cuter than she originally was. If that was even possible.

The glasses were a pastel purple and were kind of geeky, the large square lenses overlapping her freckles. A small dark purple bow adorned the right corner and matched the bow in her hair. Some of the strands at the front had been pulled back and braided together, ending in another purple bow. The look suited Oceana well and made her eyes look slightly a different colour, closer to a pink or purple than blue.

Jiyoung decided on Indigo.

“Were you staring at me?” Oceana looked rather disbelieved as she noticed Jiyoung staring at her. The older chuckled, relaxing in his chair with a hand on his chin.

“It’s hard not to take my eyes off you. You’re so cute, beautiful and kind-hearted.” Oceana blushed as Jiyoung continued, his eyebrow rising cockily.

“How am I kind hearted?” She pouted and Jiyoung nearly exploded.

“I saw you before. You made those cards and cakes by yourself didn’t you? I saw you giving them to everyone earlier, even Youngbae, Seunghyun, Daesung and Seungri.” Earlier that day, Jiyoung saw Oceana handing what seemed to be hand-made cards and small cakes that ranged in colours from green to yellow and red. They were all different flavours and were decorated with white-icing, Jiyoung’s favourite.

“Oh, that.” She looked away embarrassedly, as if she was slightly as she was ashamed.

“Hey,” Jiyoung pulled her jaw up gently and made her look him in the eye. “That was very kind. Even though I didn’t get one.” He added as an afterthought and she squealed, yanking herself out of his grip hurriedly.

“Oh my God!” She nearly screamed, tripping over her own feet before running out of the tent. “It’s still in my car!”

“Wait!” Jiyoung scrambled out after her, only to be stopped by the director and his manager. “What is it?”

He tried to sound polite but he knew some of his worry showed in his voice. The car park was about one kilometre away, for whatever reason and there were a lot of obstacles on the way. Also, the fact that she did not have a gate key was rather frightening. How would she get in?

“Don’t worry about her. We employed her for a reason.” He chuckled amusedly as they watched the girl run. “Not only is she good looking in an exotic way, she also has-“He paused and the director finished his sentence for him.

“Special talents. You can go after her if you want, but you may not catch up.”

“I don’t really care!”

Jiyoung pulled away from his superiors just in time to see Oceana ditch her designer high heels before mounting one of the staff’s abandoned motorcycles.

“Just borrowing this quickly!” She yelled and pulled the helmet over her head, crushing her carefully designed hair. Jiyoung heard a groan from behind him, only to find out that it was her make-up artist. With a quiet sound of disapproval, Jiyoung clambered onto a nearby motorcycle as well, smoothing his orange hair down before slipping on the helmet.

The engines of the motorcycles revved and Oceana kicked off, accelerating extremely fast before screaming down the road. Jiyoung sniggered and pressed on the gas, felling the wind caress his body before he sped forward, determined to catch up to the younger girl. Oceana’s pink hair flew out behind her like and mane as she drifted around the corner of a building gracefully. Her foot almost scraped the asphalt as she turned swiftly, rounding the corner expertly before accelerating again. Jiyoung slowed down before turning the corner carefully. He was afraid to fall off, as he had seen it happen before. He was not a professional.

Oceana giggled, the sound muffled by the helmet and rushing wind as she sped down the long length of road. Being a professional motor-cyclist had its positives and she loved the wind blowing all her stress away. Spying an abandoned car ramp on the side of the road, she decided to have some fun. What was the harm right?

Jiyoung watched Oceana’s motorcycle swerve in the direction of a convenient ramp on the side of the road. She was accelerating yet again as she neared closer to the slope and Jiyoung winced as he hit a small bump.

Oceana revved up the ramp and launched into the air like a rocket entering orbit and she squealed in delight. She had missed this so much. Pulling her weight to the back as she soared through the air, she finished two complete backflips. Jiyoung watched in awe.

He had to have this girl.

She was perfect.

Landing smoothly, she skidded into the car park and pulled into park right next to her car. Surprisingly enough, it was a bright cherry-red Corvette. Laughing to himself, Jiyoung pulled up next to her.  She smiled sweetly at him before opening her car with a click. Leaning over the cream leather seat, Oceana fiddled around in a bag on the floor of the car before pulling out a bright orange card that matched Jiyoung’s hair. His smiled and held his hands out and she gave him the card from between her thumb and index finger.

“Here you go.” She revealed the cake from behind her back with a cute giggle.

It was small and round, a pastel blue colour with a massive golden-yellow crown on top. Jiyoung’s name was written around the base in curly, cursive writing, surrounded in love hearts.

“Did you make this yourself?” He inspected the cake lovingly. “You’ll have to help me eat it.”

Opening the wrapper carefully, he pulled the cake apart after peeling off the plastic crown adorning the top. Offering Oceana the other piece, she took it in her delicate hands before starting to eat. It seemed as-if she was afraid of something, when she timidly chewed on the vanilla cake. She should be fine right? She cooked it herself.

“You can be yourself in front of me you know.” Jiyoung grinned with a face full of cake. She scoffed and looked up, a smudge of icing decorating the corner of .

“Let me get that for you.” Jiyoung leant forward, his heart racing as the rough pad of his thumb swiped over her plush lip. Oceana visibly blushed and Jiyoung chuckled. “You know you are both beautiful and cute.”

Oceana squeaked and turned away.

“Would you like to try being in a relationship?” Jiyoung tilted her chin to look her in the eyes and she looked rather flustered.

“I’m sorry.” She looked at the ground. “I already have a boyfriend.”

Jiyoung’s heart broke into a million pieces and his face fell.

“W-who is it?”


Boy was that kid gonna get it.


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