
Beautiful Liar

Minghao groggily opened his eyes, blinking when the harsh light shined into them. He let out a soft groan, moving so that he was now laying on his back with an arm covering his eyes.


“Did it not work?” he mumbled softly, turning his head to the side. His eyes widened as he let out a yelp, scrambling backwards away from his.. body? Then how was he... was he a ghost now then? He brought his hands up to his face, seeing that they were translucent and that he was able to see his.. body lying on the floor. He took a deep breath, crawling over to himself. Minghao hesitated for a moment, then slowly poked his own cheek, a little gasp of surprise coming from him when his hand didn’t pass through himself.




The ghost froze when he heard that familiar voice, the one he longed to hear again. He spun around, gasping when he saw his lover resting against the sink cabinet, sleepily blinking at him. The boy let out a strangled cry, immediately tackling Junhui, pressing kisses all over his face. The other ghost let out an ‘oomf’, instantly wrapping his arms around his lover. Junhui laughed breathlessly as Minghao finally pressed his lips against his, caressing his lover’s back.


“Hey you.” Junhui breathed. Minghao giggled, pulling back and nuzzled his boyfriend’s cheek. Junhui chuckled, pecking Minghao’s cheek then flicked his forehead.


“Ow! , what the hell?” Minghao yelped, pouting as he rubbed the red mark beginning to appear on his forehead.


“That’s for not keeping your promise.” Junhui gave him a stern look before lightly chuckling as a sad smile appeared on his face.


“I’m sorry.. I missed you too much.” Minghao mumbled, guiltily looking away from his boyfriend. Gentle hands lifted his chin up, Junhui kissing him softly.


“I know. I’m sorry, too. For leaving you so early.” Junhui murmured against his lips, then pulled away, caressing Minghao’s cheek. “What’s done is done though. As selfish as it might sound, I’m glad you’re here now.”


Minghao nodded, kissing Junhui again.


, I'm sorry for saying those awful things to you that day.” He spoke guiltily, unable to meet his lover's eyes. The blond looked up when Junhui chuckled, confusion apparent on his face.


“I know, I heard everything. And I’ve already forgiven you.” Junhui smiled, kissing Minghao’s scrunched up forehead.



“No buts. You only said those because you were angry, not because you actually think those things of me. So no buts.” Junhui interrupted, tapping his nose. Minghao pouted at the elder, mumbling that he still wanted to make it up to him somehow. The brunette grinned, lightly pushing Minghao off of him and got to his feet, holding out his hand to his younger lover.


You have a lifetime to do that baby. Come on, it’s time for us to go.”


“Go? Where?”


“Dunno. But I’m guessing that light over there is for us.” Junhui pointed towards the hallway where a shimmering light covered part of the wall. Pulling Minghao to his feet, Junhui wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s waist, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, ready to start a new life with his love.






“What do we do about my body?”

“... No idea.”


a/n: i'm sorry, the ending is really crappy orz

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Chapter 2: Omg! I almost cried when I read the first part about how junhui had died. The whole concept of this story is sad but cute. Good job with the story :)
Oh damn I was about to cry reading the first chapter. Like IT IS SO SAD WHAT THE HELL AUTHOR ILY ;u; And the second chapter is so damn cute. The end got me smiling (it's freaking 1206AM here and I'm the only one up lol) for a good 3 minutes. Good job! ♡
Chapter 2: The first part was really sad. But then I got to the end, and I honestly laughed way harder than I should have at the last line. Cute story!