
It's wrong to love you.


myungsoo's POV:

"five minutes" I mumbled while writing down notes in social studies, I wanna go home already

this school , I wish mom never bought that house it looks like crap




I fust pumped when the loud school bell rang. everybody stand up and I packed my things,

few minutes passed the noisy hall became silent, I took a step outside and walked on the isolated

hallway, I fished out my phone and texted hoya


bro wanna hang out?

to: hoya  from: L


maybe next time, I'm doing this chemistry project

I'm gonna pass this tomorrow. I didn't see you awhile ago.. where were you?

to: L  from: hoya


I went outside the school after the bell, I'm still not used to the school's facilities 

and everything.  maybe a month and I will be okay with it.. daang! so good luck on that, I guess 

I'll be alone today

to: hoya   from L


a month? lol, okay bro. and... ei! why dont you try making friends in

your classroom? pshh.. anti-social.

to: L   from: hoya


I made a 'tsk' sound and decided not to reply on hoya

'that ' I cursed in my mind, I dragged my feet to the coffee shop few blocks away from school

I entered the shop and slammed my lazy on one of the seat near the window and went 

on a day dream


"excuse me"


I heard a soft voice at my back I put down my phone and turend 90 degrees from my left

to check who's the person behind me


"yes? may i help you" I said politely while dusting some dirt on my pants,

I looked up and a beautiful girlw ith long dark brown hair smiling at me


"yes.. um, you dropped this" she handed my wallet , my eyes widened and felt my pocket

''. i didn't noticed'' I said to myself


"excuse me? is there something wrong?"

"umm.. n-no theres none, thank you.."

"okay, here you go but next time please be careful"

she placed the wallet on the table and walk toward the counter, I intently look at her 

as she put an apron on her waist 


"so she's working here" I smiled 


I stood up and walk to her station, she gave me her most beautiful smile

the world had ever seen


"good afternoon sir" she greeted

"um.. i would like to order mocha frappe"

"grande sir?"

"yes please." I smiled as I took my money

on my wallent and walk back to my table


minutes passed a waiter handed me my order, i thanked him

and took a sip on my mocha frappe


*brrrr* *brrrrr*


I felt my phone vibrated, i checked it and it was sugnyeol


this is so embarrassing but I miss you kim myungsoo!

to: L  from: sungyeol


I laughed at his message and people even the girl I met gave me a 'watda" look

I tried to stop and gladly calmed down.


bro, that was ing hilarious! hahahhaha!!

to: sungyeol  from: L


wae? I'm just being honest! move back to busan!! :( /sob huhu

to: L  from: sungyeol


aish! I wish i could but my mom wanted to live here permanently  in seoul

I miss you guys! :( XDDDD  LOLJK

to: sungyeol  from: L


what... NO! no more gimmicks!

to: L from: sungyeol



I shurgged and put my phone on my jacket's pocket

I finished my frappe and left the shop, while walking I can't help think about the

girl awhile ago , I was about to turn to my left when i heard someone shouted


"sir! sir!!!"


I raised an eyebrow and stopped from my tracks and listen if someone will 

shout again, seconds passed.. it was pure silence, maybe i'm hallucinating.. I shrugged and decided to turn

and walk towards the bus stop. luckily a bus stopped a minute of my waiting



kimmy's POV:


"sir! sir!!!"


I shouted, hoping that he will hear me despite of the distance.. I look at him and 

he stopped, I was about to call him again but my boss dragged me inside.

some people are looking at us while he's instructing me to go to his office 

I just bowed my head and went inside


"why are you doing there?!" mr. jung said in an angry tone

"sir, a customer dropped his phone on the floor's carpet so I ha---" my excused were cut off by

handing a warning slip to me, I just look at it and he insisted to give me the slip


"sir, what is this?"

"a warning slip, cant you read and see?"

".. but sir.. I was doing my job" i rejected the slip

"you were shouting like and idiot outside, is that your job?!" he crossed his arms

"no.. but being honest is my job here"

"huh! you're new here and you're acting like you know me and the rules here!I'm the boss here!"

"yes youre the boss but your not the owner.. SO I QUIT!"


I took off the apron and the hat, then threw it to his fugly

face, I went outside and slammed his office door.

people look at me with curiousity on their face, i just flip my hair

like I dont care


"yah! ms. suzuki! come back here!"


I grabbed my bag and went out of the shop

I walk fast so that my boss wont catch on me, I look at the guy's phone 

and  smiled since the phone is so cute and he didn't put a password on it.

i checked out his phone while I'm on the bus 

I kept on looking through his pictures and I laughed at some

"gosh he's such a cutie." i blushed 


I put this phone in my bag

I reached my apartment and went inside

I decided to count my savings


"! i'm short!" i ruffled my hair because 

I can't pay tomorrow.. omo mrs. lee might get mad at me


"...i'm doomed" I felll on the floor and helplessly cry 


the next day, I decided to find a job  but all of them rejected me because i'm too young

my last hope was the fast food chain next to the well-known hotel


"i'm sorry but you're still under-age" the girl said

"please... i just need a job."

"i'm sorry but you're still 17.. we dont accept below 18"


she assisted me going out of the food chain, I sadly look at my watch 

i walked lazily on the streets until I reached my apartment

I furrowed my eyes when I saw my things outside

i snapped out and rushed to my things and ran to mrs, lee

trying to convice her to accept me back


"I'm sorry but you havent paid last 3 months"

"I' have no mone but i promise you I can pay you next week! please!"

"i'm sorry"


she shut the door and tears formed on my eues while packing my clothes on my baggage

and stroll over the big city of seoul. finally, gave up on my knee and cried


"I'm completely hopeless.." i sat on the benched and rested my

head on my knee and cried.


"hey... are you okay?"


a familiar voice interrupted my small mourning, I wiped my tears and face the

guy who's sitting beside me


".. you... the guy on the coffee shop"

i pointed him, he smiled  and leaned forward


"do you have my phone?" he whispered

which sent goosebumps on my spine.


"how did you know?" 

"well.. you know, i got back to the coffee shop you WORKED at and asked  if someone saw my phone"


he continued to his story and I let out a small smile, I got my bag pulled out his phone and he 

suddenly fist pumped and smiled at me, he stood up and bow for several times

I laughed at him because he's too nice and cute for a guy


"yah.. " he lightly elbowed me

"wae?" I gave him an innocent look


Myungsoo's POV:


"yah" i elbowed her

"wae?" she looked at me innocently, my world

stop and  I secretly pinch myself

"what is it?" she asked

"umm... why are you here? alone? with your things?"

"i have nowhere to go, the apartment owner kicked me out because

I can't pay" she rested her head again on her shoulder and pouted

'd'awwwwwwwww. she looks so cute'

I blush

"..... I'm completely hopeless." she continued 


I felt sorry for her so I just pat her back

"it's okay" the only thing that slipped through

my mouth, I mentally slapped myself. she looked at me and I gav eher a warm smile


"....i'll just find again.. thank you Mr. ?" she stand

up and grabbed her baggage


"kim myungsoo, but you can call me L"

"I'm kimmy suzuki, nice to meet you!"


we loooked at each other and laughed

after all the times we met, this is the only chance we met officially


".. um.. thank you again, myungsoo"

"you can call me L"

"I like myungsoo better" she waved and went on her search again


but something inside of me wanted to stop her from

walking away again, so I ran and grabbed her wrist and she stopped

she gave me a confusing look



"please.. you can stay in my house"

I said and gulped


"really? " A smile formed on her face

"... promise I wont be a burden!" she jumped up and down


"yeah.. sure." I grabbed her baggages and I hide my blush





mom and kimmy got along so well, they always been mistaken kimmy ay my sibling

but luckily, she's not so I can love her. LOL


*knock knock*


"who's there?" I shouted

"uh... myungsoo-ah.." she peeked

"yes? anything you want me to teach you?" I smiled


she suddenly went in hugging 2 encyclopedias

I laughed at her, I suddenly enjoying studying because of her

I instructed her to sit on the bet and I lay beside her


"teach me about the roman and greece empire" she clapped her hands

"sure! anything for you" I said sweetly

"aww thanks" she pinched my cheeks



we finished  everything and she dragged me to the kitchen

and prepared a a midnight snack for me and her


she was cutting veggies and i concluded that

she's preparing a salad for us

I look at her whole body, i wanted to hug that waist..

kiss her.. touch her..


'aish! stop thinking dirty thoughts' I said to myself


we ate fast and I help her cleaning, after cleaning she dragged me back to my room and 

we played some games, until we got tired

I rolled beside her and she suddenly chuckled


"what's funny?"


"what is it?!" I insisted

"i said nothing right?" she laughed

"tell me or i'll kiss you" 

"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" she crossed her arms

and she sat up



Kimmy's POV:

"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" I crossed my arms and sat up

he smirked and went closer and closer... until my back touched the wall

he leaned until his breath touch my warm lips

i closed my eyes and I heard him laugh


I opened my eyes and he's laughing endlessly 

on the bed, I frowned and stormed out from his room


I went in my room and slammed myself on the bed

I felt tears forming on my eyes

"this is what I get from expecting too much"

I said to myself while hitting my head

and decided to sleep



an hour passed, I still can't sleep

I covered myself with bed sheets when I saw the door knob twisted and

pretended to sleep


"kimmy-ah... when will you be mine?"


myungsoo's voice whispered softly on my ear


"....I love you.."


The last 3 words he said made me happy and when he was about to 

go out from my room, I got up and ran onto him and hugged him from the back

he was shocked i was awake, he turned and i let him go


"youre.. awake?"

"uh.. ne.."

"look kimm--"

"saranghae oppa!" I hugged him tightly and she hugged me back



I smiled and he whispered

"so.. you're mine now?"

"hmm.." I played my fingers

"what?" he kissed my forehead

"ofcourse oppa!"


few days passed we told his mom about our relationship

she was so happy she even gave us money for our dates

I'm so happy she accepted me so well.


2 weeks passed  everything was so fine

when his father got back from america

he was so kind to me and I felt I'm really a part of the family 


One night, I was left alone in the house so i had the initiative

to clean and tidy things up. few hours passed i'm almost done cleaning everything

well except for the master's bedroom.


i entered the room and took all the files on the the bed but something fell on the floor

its a green folder and there are papers inside 

my curiousity strikes, so i checked what is it.. it was a adoption paper

I gasped when myungsoo was addopted

I pouted and look from where and who they adopted him


to my surprise, they adopted it from my MOM and DAD

I felt my knees weakened and I fell on the floor, crying.



I cried more


"oh my god.." I heard someone gasped 

it was his mother


"why didn you tell me?"

I cried on her shoulder

"because you and myungsoo were so happy"

she said as she pat my back


I closed my eyes and remembered my mom told me I once 

had an older brother.. he's a year older than me, she told me that he was adopted by a rich korean family.

everything I always wish of finding him but now i found him I'm a bit happy but sad because I fell inlove

with my own brother, we even shared a kiss, cuddle each other and we even had twice, I felt disgusted.


"I think I should leave the house.." I said while wiping my tears

"but how about myungsoo? how about you? are you going to be fine?"

she asked me worriedly


"yes.. I have my ways"

I insisted 



2 years passed....

I'm staying on a small apartment in mokpo

I'm a working student in a university


yes.. i can now manage things up


saturday morning, while I was watching some random shows

I heard the door knocked

I opened i 


"myungsoo.." I whispered


he hugged me tightly

he hadn't change at all.. he's that same old myungsoo I met on the coffee shop

I broke from the hug and asked why is he here



"I kept on finding you..... look, kimmy.. I know i'm adopted and you know that"


I just nodded


"... well, about that.." he rubbed the back of his neck

"about what?" i asked


" you're not my dongsaeng.... my mom and I went to the orphanage and asked where is my father and mother

there was a typographical error on my mothers name, it's sooyeol not sunyeol and my father and your father have the same name"

he explained and showed the papers, I snatched it and a smile formed on my lips


I jumped and hugged him again, I kissed his lips and he lifted me

and spin me around.


"how did you find me?" I asked, while resting my head on his chest

"my aunt owns this apartment."

"really?" I chuckled

"yeah.. i think it's fate." he said as he kissed my forehead


".... oh.. about your brother.." he continued

".. your brother is my bestfriend.. sungyeol"





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Joyvin #1
Nice story :)
if I have ink :P
hmm.. i'll think about the sequel plot XD<br />
s-aturdaynights #5