As always, Mr. Popular Yong Junhyung.

It's not anyways nice to be teacher's pet.

In the night, I can’t fall asleep. I was overwhelmed that Junhyung is going to teach in my school, SonJeong High School tomorrow. I sat on my bed, hugging my knees and stare in the empty wall in front of me. “What happened to you?” I thought.

Then, my cell phone rang and I went to bring grab it. I turn and saw the light in Junhyung’s bedroom is still switch on. I unlocked the screen of my phone and it is 00.30 now. “Wouldn’t he be tired tomorrow?” I thought in worry.

Suddenly, Junhyung appears and he is half , topless. I blushed and embarrassed not knowing where to look at. On the other hand, he is drying his hair with his towel and he saw me. Without saying anything, he draws his curtain and switch off his light leaving me behind.

I hold on tightly on my hand phone, tears welling up my eyes. I unlocked my phone and browse my WhatsApp. “He blue ticked me.” I laughed, feeling disheartened. I laid back down on my bed and look at the notifications sector.

“A new chapter on, Mr. Yong and I is out!”

I let out a sigh and I don’t feel like reading it at all. Feeling depress, I fall asleep on my bed.

The next morning, I was surprised by the alarm of my clock. I off it and sit up on my bed. “I must fall asleep while playing my phone last night.” I thought feeling an ache on my back. I place my phone on the table and I realized Junhyung was awake.

I changed into my uniform and spread my own jam on my bread. Before leaving the house, I grabbed a packet of orange juice along with me. I locked the door and walk down the streets alone while listening to music.

I took a turn while the juice out from the packet, accidently or without knowing my shoulder hit onto someone else. “I am so sorry.” I apologize. But, he disappeared. I guess he is rushing off to somewhere else?

I reached school and everyone were in a buzz especially the ladies. Then, an individual stands out. A pair of alluring eyes, brown hair and perfect body proportion. He is no other than Yong Junhyung.

I let out a smile, like always he is so outstanding compared to others. No matter where and any period.

“______!! Hot teacher targeted.” Chorong, my best friend cheers. But, I just let out a soft smile. “Do you think he will be our teacher?” Bomi said feeling excited.

“Hopefully not.” I said in depress and make my way to class. Both Bomi and Chorong were stunned and froze on the spot. “Why is she so unhappy? She is always thrill to know handsome people.”

I entered the classroom and he is sitting there. Yang Yoseob, a quiet classmate but he always attract the girls from all different class. He, again is sleeping with his earpiece on. My seat is beside him, I guess is better this way. I need peace too. “Peace huh…” I muttered.

In class, everyone was so focus on the lesson and I am too, unexpectedly. I was diligently writing down notes at my textbook. However, it is hard to not notice Yoseob, who is sitting beside me. He is awake and writing down notes too. “That’s cool.” I thought.

All out of the sudden, the door was opened and my eyes enlarge by surprise. “Good Morning, Mr. Park.” Junhyung bowed.

“Ah, Mr. Yong. Good Morning to you too.” Mr. Park, our history teacher bowed. “Class, let’s welcome Mr. Yong, he will be sitting in for our class within this week.” Mr. Park further elaborated and I was out of words. “Mr. Yong, your seat will be behind Yang Yoseob and _____.” He pointed.

Junhyung looked at my direction and I hide my face behind my book. “Thank you, Mr. Park.” Junhyung bowed and walked down the row.

“Please do not recognize me.” I prayed.

A voice whispered into my ears, “shouldn't you listen to the class and not hiding your face?” Junhyung whispered and I shivered.


Thank you for everyone that subs our story! 

Both of us are equally delight and in joy, this really gave us the extra power to work harder and to share more of our work to everyone!

Please continue to support us! 

@SallyMolly & @Dreamage.

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KissMeFanny #1
Chapter 3: Woooooooooooohoooooooooo i'm so curious what's gonna happen????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Chapter 3: Wah yoseob's pic really something tho ㅋㅋㅋ
Can't wait to know what will happen next :D
Chapter 1: It's very interesting.
I am waiting, maybe is a nightmare? ;)
threekingdomsrp #4
Interesting omfg