

Title: Heartbreaker
Fandom: MBLAQ/SHINee (AU-ish)
Couple: Joon/Taemin
Word Count: 447
A/N: Just a drabble/oneshot to get me out of my writer's block. I asked my dearest twin for a couple and a song. I apologize if this isn't exactly good; I have serious block at the moment and I'm just going to let my fingers fly.

The eighteen year old boy sighed and grunted as he went through the routine once more. The choreography was taking a toll on his body. He had been losing weight like crazy; whatever he ate he danced off. As he did the final turn and struck the ending pose, a pair of strong muscular arms s their way around his waist.

"Hyung. I'm busy."

The arms tightened slightly before releasing the younger male.

"You're always busy, Tae..."

The brunette boy pulled his long hair into a pony tail and turned to face the complaining older male. "Changsun, I have responsibilities. I can't spend every waking moment with you anymore."

The coldness in the younger male's once innocent, shy, and happy eyes caused Changsun to bite his lip and take a step back. "Minnie, you're over working yourself. And you're worrying me."

"Stop it!" Taemin snapped, glaring. "You don't understand how much I need this!" He folded his arms across his chest. "You're smothering me."

Changsun narrowed his eyes, not backing off that easily. "Taemin, this 'smothering' is your boyfriend being worried about you and loving you."

"Love?" Taemin scoffed and rolled his brown eyes at the twenty-three year old. "You call compromising my dreams 'love'? Get your head straight, hyung."

At that moment, Changsun made his choice. He couldn't take it anymore. "Taemin. I'm leaving."

"You always say that hyung, but you always come back to me," Taemin said, smirking. "You never change."

Changsun glared at the younger male and clenched his fists. "Lee Taemin, I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." He felt the tears in his eyes. "You're not the same anymore, Taebaby..." He shook his head. "I love you, but the way you've been treating me; I don't deserve it..."

Taemin rolled his eyes and then sighed softly, wrapping his arms around Changsun's waist. "I'm sorry, hyung. You know I'm just stressed... Look, I'll stop for the night and we can go out for dinner, neh?" He smiled at Changsun.

The older male's defenses fell at the sight of the cute smile on the younger male's face. He hugged the thin boy back and sighed. He stepped back from the hug and ran his fingers through his messy black hair. "I love you, Tae..."

"I love you too, Sun." Taemin smiled innocently before grabbing his duffel bag from the floor and slinging it over his shoulder. He grabbed Changsun's hand and led him out of the dance school. He chuckled mentally, knowing he had the older male wrapped around his little finger. He did love the man, it was just that he had always been a heartbreaker; it was what he was good at.

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starkey #1
Nice drabble!!! I like it^^
wow....Taemin is pure evil for leading Joon on. never expected to see that side of him. it's almost surprising because it's hard to imagine innocent and sweet Taemin being evil and manipulative.