Welcome to Seoul

While getting dressed, you started wondering what Guk had planned for you guys tonight. Everytime you'd ask him, he'd always say "you'll see." The only thing he told you was that you had to look nice. You decided to wear a black lace minidress with your favorite pair of black heels. Knowing him, he'd probrably do something over the top since it's the last night you have together before you leave tomorrow morning. You stopped applying make up and looked at yourself in the mirror. "Today's the last day," you thought as the realization hit you. Your eyes started getting moist.
"Y/N?" You heard Guk say on the other side of the door.
"Almost done!," you say as you wipe your eyes. After finishing your make up you apply some perfume and headed out the door. 
Guk was standing right outside the door in a black suit. "You look beautiful," he said as he took your hand and kissed it. "Shut up," you say while playfully hitting him. He started to smile. "Damn I'll really miss that smile," you thought. 
"Let's head out," he said while holding your hand and walking out the door.
You ended up in a very fancy restaurant in Gangnam. Your night was spent with laughter and fun accompanied with amazing food. "I wish this night lasted forever," you say while reaching out to touch his hand across the table. "Me too," he smiled while holding your hand. "I have something to tell you," he said after awhile. 
"What is it?" 
"I hate only seeing you for months at a time. Talking on the phone and video calling each other keeps me sane but I miss hugging you. I miss how it feels when you hold my hand or touch my face before kissing me. I miss how cute it is when you scrunch up your face when you taste something you don't like, or when you get that spark in your eye when you get excited about a new adventure. I hate not being there to hold you when you need to be held, or kiss you when you want to be kissed. My heart aches everytime I come home and I don't see you there waiting for me so you can say goodnight before going to bed. When i almost gave up making music after all the crap i went through this past year, you encouraged me to not give up, and for that i am eternally grateful. I really love you, and I can't think of living my life without you."
He gets up from his chair and kneals next to yours. Speachless, you cover you mouth with your hands. Tears started running down your face. 
Guk takes out a small box and opens it.
"And with that said, would you allow me to- I mean, would you- I mean,-"
You covered his mouth with his hand.
"Yes," you say smiling. You both get up and start to kiss. Everyone around you starts clapping. You stop and start staring at each other.
"I love you," you say.
"I love you more." 
You were about to start kissing again when-
You and Guk both turn around to see the 5 idiots wearing party hats and crazy shiny outfits while running towards you guys.
"Oh god," you and Guk say in unison.

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