The Forlorn Heart


I will never forget that day! 


Since I watched Love Sick Season 2 -  teaser 2.2, my heart was crumbled into pieces because I can't stand seeing what's going on between Earn and Pete! I know teaser didn't tell us all about the left stories in season 2.2, but with EarnPete scenes in that teaser can enough me depressed, and I can't really put my hopes for my ship high! I write this one shot as Pete's POV, that's what's in Pete's mind after the camp.


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M9ture #1
Chapter 1: So sad... I've seen the teaser and honestly, I'm beyond disappointed. I'm devastated! I feel bad for Yuri, if she's gonna fall for Pete. Who's obviously in love with Earn. And Pete! Oh boy. I feel terrible seeing him suffer that way. Earn, open your eyes dude! Or heart.
Lina_chan #2
Yeah..I don't understand Thai but base on what I can see they seem to fight..I also ship earnpete..hope they could be together in the end..though the teaser shows some pete yuri moment.. :( :(