Kind of like Bates Motel?

The Team
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Two hours later you were all piled inside the bus, heads sticking out the windows, as you searched for a motel.

“I’m going to have a heat .” Jungkook wheezed from the back.

“Wait! Wait!” You said, sitting up and hitting the top of the seat, “Pull in here, it looks pretty empty.”

“You’re going in.” Taehyung said, “I can’t take any more rejection.”

“Okay,” You got up and hopped off the bus, running into the tiny room with the main desk.

“Hi.” You said to the man standing with his back to you. “I was wondering if you had two rooms for two nights.” You asked.

“I believe so.” He said, not looking at you. “They are eighty a night.”

“That’s perfect.” You smiled.

“How many people?” He glanced at you and you shivered, his eyes staring intensely at you.

“Four in each room.” You said.

“Okay, I’ll need a credit card and for you to fill out your information.” He said, sliding a form across the table.

“Uh, okay, one second.” You ran over to the door, sticking your head out and waving for Namjoon to get out of the bus. “He’s just coming in.” You said, turning back towards the man at the front desk.

But he wasn’t there.

Namjoon came in quickly and filled out the paper work.

“Where’s the guy?” He asked you.

“I’m not sure…the back room maybe?” You asked. “We’re finished!” You said loudly, hoping that the man heard you.

He appeared a minute later.

“Great.” He said as he took the paper, placing it in a folder. “You will have rooms 3 and 4.” He handed you each a key and you thanked him again before returning to the bus.

“Park in front of three and four.” You told Jin.

“Only two rooms?” Taehyung asked. “Don’t you want your own room?”

“Naw, that’s alright.” You smiled. “We don’t need to spend the extra money and I’m fine with sharing.” You nodded.

“Okay, great!” He smiled. “Who wants to sleep where?”

You let the guys fight it out, not caring whom you roomed with.

It ended up being you, Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin.

You started moving your things into the rooms, everyone helping one another out.

You put your suitcase full of clothes on the bed furthest in the room.

“I don’t care who sleeps beside me.” You said when you noticed the guys standing around awkwardly.

“I’ll sleep with you.” Jimin smiled wickedly.

“No.” everyone said in union.

“Jin will sleep with you.” Taehyung said. “He’s safe.” He added, eyeing Jimin.

“Okay.” You nodded. You looked over at Jimin and smiled at him as he pouted on the other bed.

“Can we all just have a nap?” Jungkook asked, coming into the room.

“Yea, I think that’s a good idea.” Namjoon said, sitting at the foot of your bed.

“Alright.” Taehyung agreed. “It’s eleven thirty now so we can sleep until 3 at the latest.” He looked at everyone to make sure they all understood. “Namjoon, can you set at alarm in your room?”

“For sure.” He said.

Everyone filed out.

Taehyung closed the door behind him and you opened your suitcase for a pair of pajama pants to wear. You went into the bathroom to change and when you came out you were faced with three shirtless guys.

You weren’t complaining though.

“Uh, I can put a shirt on if you want.” Jin said awkwardly.

“Guys, stop being so weird about everything. I’ve seen a guy’s body before. I don’t care.” You laughed, crawling into the bed.

You could feel relief flood through the room at the reassurance.

“Have a good sleep.” You said before drifting off.

* * * * *

The alarm clock screeched and you turned over, putting your pillow over your ears.

After a minute or so you sat up, looking at the rest of the guys still sleeping.

You huffed and you crawled over Jin, trying to reach the alarm.

As you turned it off Jin rolled over, hitting your hand from under you. You collapsed on him, waking him up.

“I’m sorry.” You said, trying to lift yourself up. “The alarm was going off and none of you were waking up.”

“It’s okay.” He laughed.

You realized how close his face was to yours and you could feel your cheeks heating up.

“What’s going on?” You heard Jimin ask and you pulled away from Jin quickly.

“The alarm went off.” You said, standing up and grabbing your clothes.

You changed and when you came out everyone was still sitting in bed, trying to wake up more.

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kaiexexo88 #1
Chapter 2: next chapter please xD can't wait to read it. update soon author nim~ fighting!!