Anniversary With a Stranger

Let Me Know That it's Over

What kind of couple were they? 

It was their one year anniversary of dating and here they were, sitting in their seperate rooms filled with nothing but remorse. Taehyung was contemplating with himself ever since he woke up if he should head to his lovers room and surprise him. But eventually he ended up lying in his bed thinking about it for so long that he could practically hear all the members out of their rooms, wandering the dorm goofing off and running around. 

When the vocalist looked at the time, it was about 11 am, he was pretty positive his boyfriend was up and annoying Jimin by this time. Groaning, he turned in his bed. He really didn't feel like getting out today. He just wanted to mope and sleep on this horrible day. 

Yes, horrible day. 

A day meant to represent the happiest moment in two peoples lives, has now became the worst day ever. Mostly because the relationship itself was horrible. So was celebrating being in such terrible tie, suppose to be happy? Taehyung sighed, he really didn't know anymore.

Hearing a knock from his door, a simple groan was how he replied. One small part of him was praying that it was Hoseok, but a bigger portion of him was telling him it was Seokjin to wake him up. Because after Jungkook found out about V knowing of his feelings, the younger started ignoring him. So now every time he stayed in bed long enough to miss breakfast, Jin woke him up instead of the maknae. 

"Damnit, when did you start getting the bad habit of sleeping in? We have to film the music video for 'Danger' tomorrow and now you start getting lazy?" the newcomer scoffed. 

Taehyung didn't answer the male. As this really wasn't the day where he wanted to pick fights with anyone, but seriously. Why did Seokjin have to send Yoongi of all people to wake him up today of all days?

"Hyung I don't feel well. Can I please just sleep today?" V begged.

"Did something happen?" Suga asked, his voice becoming much gentler compared to when he first entered. The vocalist sighed once again, why did it feel like that was the only question he was being asked recently?

"No hyung, nothing happened" the younger shot back. The older could hear the sarcasm drowning in his words so he simply scoffed and joined him on the bed. Not even caring at this point, he let the rappers arms wrap around his body without even flinching. Yoongi was obviously in one of his weird moods, or else he would have just left by now. He really wasn't one to cuddle on his own accord, unless it was with Jimin or something.

"Ouch," Yoongi replied, aegyo flooding his voice. Taehyung could literally feel him pouting behind him.

"Jimins with Hoseok hyung, I'm assuming." The vocalist blurted out, finding it somewhat rare for the other to act like this towards him. He usually did this type of stuff in front of the fans or at concerts and music shows. If anything the second youngest went around cuddling and back hugging the members, no matter what the circumstance.

"Hmm, yea. And also I'm tired and you're the only one who hasn't cleaned up their bed yet," Suga hummed against his neck. 

Taehyung didn't bother to say anything after that. Honestly, feeling the others body against his felt kind of nice. It wasn't nearly as good as the feeling of having Hoseoks arms wrapped around him. But it was alright. And when he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but imagine the main dancer holding him from behind, craddling his body gently yet securely. 

He really did miss his lover. He wanted him here. No, he needed him here. Because frankly if he was to open his eyes right now and still see the wrong rapper cuddling with him, he was going to cry. 

Not wanting to get hit with reality, and keep himself from bursting into tears. The younger opened up his mouth, but kept his eyes shut. "Please leave," he whispered softly.

"It's fine. Hoseok has seen this a lot." Yoongi assured. As true as it was, he wasn't really thinking of that right now.

"L-leave," V chocked out. The last thing he needed was hearing the name of his lover he longed for so badly. 

The vocalist tensed up in the olders arms, and burried his face into his pillow. He didn't feel like crying or anything, not yet at least. But still it was just better to stay like that before any water works come on him out of nowhere. 

He then felt the rappers eyelashes flutter against his neck, the sensation was soft and it tickled slightly. But soon enough, the warmth of the older disappeared from his neck. "Hey, are you crying?" Suga asked, his voice dripping with worry. 

"No, but still. I just want to be alone." The second youngest begged for the millionth time.

A sigh left the olders lips, understanding the vocalist was hurt. He sat up finally, then let his hand make soothing movements against the youngers back. "Alright, if that's what you want." Suga smiled, despite the fact the other couldn't see it. With that he left, leaving the second youngest to lay motionlessly on his bed, still sulking.

Taehyung stayed like that for a couple of hours. It was shocking to him that no one else had entered his room after the rappers visit. He wanted to sugar coat his thoughts and maybe think the older told everyone that the vocalist was sick so they wouldn't bother walking in. But the brunette was feeling exteremly negative today, so it wasn't too hard to come up with the conclusion that the members simply didn't care enough.

He sighed for the millionth time as he turned in order to get his phone from the night stand beside his bed. Checking the his phone, V was shocked to see that it was already 4 pm. As slow as the day felt, it simultaneously felt just as quick.

Turning once again, he stared up at the ceiling. The male knew thinking of his boyfriend would be normal, as it was their one year anniversay, but he still didn't want his mind wandering off to the main dancer. He really needed him right now.

Taehyung could feel his heart going numb along with the rest of his body. It scared him, it was like he could feel the love get out of his being. He needed to remember the feeling of his heart fluttering by Hoseoks gentle touches. He needed to remember how his heart felt warm when feeling J-Hopes arms around him, or his soft lips against his. At this point he wouldn't even mind having to remember the way his heart stung when seeing the two dancers together. Or the way it twisted painfully whenever his lover would do small things they used to do together, except with Jimin now.

He wanted to feel something, but he couldn't.

V moved his hand onto his chest so he could feel his own heart beat. A small smile came to his face as a memory from long ago appeared in his brain. The second youngest was remembering about the multiple times Hoseok would put his hand over the youngers chest and would whisper some cheesy things into his ear like 'My heart only beats for you, what about yours?'  or something like that.

The younger really hoped he could make more sweet memories like that one with the older. But maybe the rapper had other plans. Or maybe he found himself bored of the vocalist after a while. Just by thinking of such things, he exhaled deeply as he grabbed his shirt, wrinkling the fabric. Why wasn't his heart hurting? Why weren't the tears coming?

Did his love for Hoseok really disappear like that? As if they were never there to begin with? They couldn't just be gone.

But then again, could he blaim himself? He was hurting for so long to no end, so maybe it was better like this. Maybe it was just better if he didn't have any feelings for J-Hope anymore. It would make the older happy, right? The main dancer was the one who seemed more interested in Jimin. So if he just dumped him, then the older could be with the lead vocalist to his hearts content.

One last sigh left his lips as he decided to just sleep. V had no plans of leaving his room, especially after being cooped up for about half the day already. The last thought he had before falling asleep was. I'm going to try and let go of you, Hoseok.


J-Hopes hand came in contact with the wall before he quickly slid onto his knees as silent tears left his eyes. He really had no care if someone was to come in and witness this. It was already unlikely since no one was home except his lover.

Everyone was in the practice room, jamming in their last practice session before they had to shoot their music video. The only reason why Taehyung didnt come, or merely even get called, was because Suga had told everyone that he felt really bad. But he did stretch it a bit when saying that he was puking and stuff. Now the reason why the main dancer was here was because Jin had actually forced him back to the dorm to check up on the second youngest. But it occured to him that the oldest was aware of the special occasion as he winked a numerous amount of times before he left.

Hoseok gladly took the oppurtunity to have a special little celebration with his boyfriend. As earlier Jimin was watching him with hawk eyes to make sure he didn't even step near the second youngests door. But the second he walked into the dorm, as if on cue, he got a text from the lead dancer.

Reading the words on his phone scared him, it was like the younger had set up surveillance cameras around the dorm or something.

From: ChimChim
To: Hobi

Made it back to the dorm safely I see. Lol, and don't even think I'm a because you realize when I see Tae all happy and bubbly again, I'll know you talked to him.

He felt completely freaked out by the text. How could he have known that he was at the dorm? He couldn't take the chances of going to Taehyungs room, because it would just ruin everything if he did and Jimin found out.

That's how he ended up like this. A complete mess. His body filled with irriation and a mix of misery. Holding back sobs as his body shook and tears streamed his face. Before he could even recover, his phone buzzed again. The rapper didn't even need to see his phone to know it was the lead vocalist.

From: ChimChim
To: Hobi

Awe, don't cry. It's going to be alright. Besides, I'm pretty sure Tae is over you, or else he would have gone into your room by now, no?

Seeing those words on the screen made him grab his phone harder, before finally chucking it at the door. " you Jimin," he whispered through gritted teeth. A shaky breath left his lips as he leaned foreward so he could rest his head against the wall in front of him. Then, Jimins text came back to his mind.

The lead dancer did have a point, why didn't he come to his room by now? He was pretty sure that if the younger was in the dorm that he would be able to hear the loud bang of his fist hitting the wall. So how come he wasn't here with his wide deer eyes staring him down, questioning what had happened? Did the second youngest really not care?

No, no. Jimin was getting to his head. The rapper shook his head  quickly, refusing to believe such nonsense. It was exactly what the lead vocalist wanted. Because when his words got to him, that's when Hoseoks neglection would become real and not forced and thats exactly how he would end up hurting the younger.

J-Hope could feel his chest become heavy, like it was tightening all around. How far was Jimin going to go with this whole thing? When they first started this horrible deal, it was simply that he had to give a bit more attention to the dancer than to V. But now it was getting out of hand. The rapper wasn't even allowed to see his lover on their anniversary? Also, it was painfully obvious that the older was neglecting his boyfriend. So why did the lead vocalist insist on keeping this stupid thing going? Someone was going to find out eventually, if not Taehyung himself.

After a long while, the main dancer started to feel composed. He let out a heavy breath when feeling his eyes start to dry up. When Hoseok made it back onto his feet he quickly wipped away the tears that stained his face as he picked up his phone before deciding to head back to the practice room. There was no point in staying here because Jimin had some weird stalking device that was keeping him from being able to see the younger. But he still had so many regrets flowing through his mind, the least he could do was say happy anniversary, even if it was directly or not.

Making careful steps to his lovers room, he stopped in front of the door. This was as far as he was going. J-Hopes hand hovered over the wood before he lightly placed it on the door. A soft sigh escaped his lips as his fingers curled slightly. "Happy anniversary. I love you Tae," the rapper whispered, it was barely audible. 

The main dancer had to gulp down the sudden knot that formed in his throat as he could just imagine how broken the other was by this point. He couldn't even move his feet because of the guilt and regret that flooded his being. A few more seconds passed as he stood there motionless. As if he was waiting for his lover to come out and kiss him and say his words back. Realizing how impossible the scenario was, the older shook his head before finally walking away. 

With that, Hoseok thought he could leave the building somewhat easily. But his thoughts were quickly proven wrong when he heard a door click open from within the dorm. Turning around, the dancers eyes widened. 

Taehyung had finally come out of his room.

The older smiled at him taking a few steps closer. "Tae! I never thought you were going to come out!" he exclaimed. 

The younger didn't answer, and instead stared blankly at his lover, as if he was waiting for him to say more. Grasping the fact that that was all he was going to say, V moved his gaze elsewhere. "Are you going to practice?" he asked, voice slightly groggy and deeper than usual.


"Can you wait a bit? I want to come, but I have to wash up." 

"Oh. Alright."

It went silent after that. Realizing that there was nothing else to be said, the younger made his way to the bathroom. When he was gone, the dancer let out a breath he was unconsciously holding in. It was so awkward now between the two. 

They were like strangers.


Haha a little filler chapter just because everyone seems so excited to know what Jimin is up to :3 Also I'm a jerk and I wanted to keep you guys waiting.

But don't worry. The next chapter, things will get back to the main story ^^

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Chapter 25: My heartu and my Vhope feels, UwU, I love ur stories keep writing, ur amazing
V-HopeMin #2
Chapter 25: Oh man ! I love this story! !!!
fadhateen #3
Chapter 25: Its almost 3 years this story completed. I've read this more than 20 times and never once i not crying. Who just can not cry when its hurt so ing much
BR00KS #4
Chapter 25: "just already!" im crying rn this is so funny oh gosh wtf yoongi blunt much
BR00KS #5
jeonghangel #6
Chapter 25: Woohoo yes almost 4 and I read all of this and I gotta get ready for school in a couple hours :’)
I feel broken but happy w the ending
Chapter 25: I love j-hope but I'm not fan of vhope. Usually I'll ship him with jimin or jungkook. But I love this story! How you portray their love even it sorrow love~
Chapter 25: I'm already know this story is angst and I know I'll be crying if I read this...but I still read it and now I'm crying.. My friends are looking me weirdly as we have test after today... But I can't stop reading... Π^Π
Their live story is beautiful~
cb_614 #9
Chapter 25: That's was the best vhope fanfiction I have ever read (even if it didn't start well because it was too sad). It was truly amazing, your writing skills are soo-o good. I'm so thankful you wrote it. And thanks for the happy ending, thanks for everything, thank you. You're a great author you should keep writing fanfictions for vhope. Anyway vhope is perfect~~ ^^
Chapter 25: SPOILER: Tae is a better person than I am I would have slapped Jimin across the face THEN we'd think about forgiveness