Day 8

21 Days In Korea

The next few days we were just in their dance studio, because they were getting ready for their comeback. Their concept is quite pleasant this time. It wasn't as dark as VOODOO, but not as bright as G.R.8.U. Their clothes were suits that were different shades of blue, Ravi had the darkest blue and Hongbin ahd the brightest blue. The concept was of new love. Where at first when you lose hope, you only see the dark shades in the sky, to when you find that somebody and your sky is as bright and filled with a soft breeze that caresses you.


On our 8th day in Korea, the schedule was to film their music video. This was filmed in two areas. The first was in a beautiful and bright garden/park and the second was in a room that was similar to Eternity's. While we were at the park, Aimi had helped out the makeup artists and the sylists with what the members should wear. The manager had me coordinating with the camera crew as well as getting pedestrians out of the shots and the filming area.

When they started filming, I saw the clothing that Wonshik was wearing, a white shirt with a dark blue, plaid button-up. Aimi knew the style I liked and she definitely showed it, cause man did Wonshik look good in those clothes. I smiled, made eye contact with her and motioned an "okay" to her.

It was Wonshik's turn to film, as I watched our eyes met. I quickly turned away out of embarrassment. I'm just terrible at these secret glances thing... When I looked back, he had gotten really into the filming, which made it go by faster. From watching, it seemed that some of the emotions weren't acting... I was curious, but felt like I shouldn't pry into his personal life.

When he was finished filming, I was sitting on a bench, resting to regain my energy for the rest of the day. Wonshik comes up to me and sits down next to me.

"How was filming? You went by really quick compared to Sanghyuk and Taekwoon Oppa." I started.

"It was okay, I tried my best. I was thikning about how it would feel in those situations." He replied.

"Oh, did you think of a person?" I nudged him, jokingly.

He hesitated, "Er... Not exactly."

I knew he was lying and jumped at my opportunity. "You were! Is she pretty? How long did you know her for? Why do you like her?" So much for NOT prying Mika... I mentally facepalmed myself of the impulsive interrogation.

Wonshik was taken aback and got super embarrassed. Before he could answer any of my questions, he had to go back to filming with the entire group.

I met up with Aimi, "I actually like doing this... Not the hours, but applying their make-up and picking out their clothes, it's fun!" Aimi exclaimed. She was so excited to be doing all of this. I was happy that she was happy.

The filming ended for the park and we went to go eat before moving to our next location. While we were eating, Aimi sat next to Hakyeon and I sat next to Taekwoon. In front of us were Sanghyuk and Jaehwan. When our food came out, me and Aimi gave each other half of our dish, we wanted to try both, but couldn't choose. When we started eating, I guess we made it look good because Hakyeon snatched some food from Aimi's plate. Right after, I hear someone say, "Noona~~ Can I have some?"

I look over to the youngest, but biggest member, who had just tried aegyo... It was kinda adorable. I gave some to him and look to my right to find an intense look coming from Taekwoon. It looked like he could burn holes though my plate. "Taekwoon Oppa... Do you want some?" Taekwoon nodded vigorously. I chuckled and put some on his plate. Then all of a sudden I hear Jaehwan's voice.

"Me toooo. I want to eat some tooo." His aegyo turned to full. Aimi ended up giving some to him.

"Here...." She said quietly with a blush and I could tell she was going crazy and mentally dying from the aegyo.

"Wait, Oppa? You just said Oppa? You're younger?!" I look towards the voice, it was Hongbin. "How old are you??"

"I was born in '94..." I answered.

"WHAT?! You're only a year younger than us?!" Wonshik and Hongbin exclaimed at the same time.

"How old did you guys think I was?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We thought you were older than all of the Hyungs..."

I laughed, not knowing how to respond to that.


They were all quick to defend their judgement, "She acts mature!! She takes care of us really well! So we just thought..." Wonshik said.

I chuckled at their panic. "It's okay. Now you know."

We finished eating and went to the next location. It was getting dark and the room/building they used were dim for the filming. The clothes they wore this time were indoor clothes, as if they were at home thinking of the person they fell for, but feeling like she is so far away. Each member was paired with an actress. The actresses used for this portion were all so pretty... They wore longsleeves and shorts and other types of clothes. 

As they were filming, I could tell that one of them really liked Wonshik and was trying to get close to him. On break, Wonshik came over to me and we started talking.

"Sorry again about the age thing..." He sulked.

I chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I get it a lot."

It got a bit quiet between us... I began thinking about the actress and got a little sad. They looked nice together... Wait... What am I thinking right now... I thought to myself. I shook the thoughts out of my head, only imagining what kind of expression I held at that moment. So I tried joking about it to lighten up the mood.

"I see you being friendly with that actress." I nudged playfully.

Unexpectedly, the atmostphere turned serious.

"No, itn's nothing like that..." He tried to explain.

"It's okay." I held my hand up. "I was joking." I told him. "But your acting today has been really good! You have been going quickly with the scenes. You must work really hard." I smiled at him.

He turned his head in embarassment, but quickly gathered himself again. "It's because I have those feelings right now that I can do the acting so well..."

"Ah, I see... Well I don't know in detail what you are going through, but if you really like her, you should try and get her." Great, yes, give him advice on his love life that has nothing to do with you... I felt a tightening in my chest.

"I can't go after her..." He replied.


"She lives far away... It wouldn't be possible. I would be too busy with my schedule, she would be busy with school... We wouldn't have time to be with each other." He solemnly said.

I frowned, not liking the face he made. "Well, that's how it has to be since you are an idol, but if you find out that she likes you back, make sure she is understanding of your situations of being an idol. Where does she even live? How did you meet her?"

He hesitated, thinking if he should tell me, but eventually answered, "I met her by accident... It was something that wasn't supposed to happen. After the accident, I found out that she lives in the US."

I was a little surprised that it was someone THAT far away. "Oh... I see... Well although your time zones are opposite, I'm sure there would be a time where you both are up at the same time. I mean your international fans somehow do it, if she really likes you, she would do it too and vice versa. Granted, she shouldn't push you to stay awake, since you already lack sleep. But she should understand what she would be getting herself into."

He looks down, "I hope that would be the situation." He said with a slight smile of relief. 

Without warning, he leans his head against my shoulder. "Ah! If you're sleepy... You shouldn't tilt your head too much or else your face would puff!" I tried to hide my nervousness.

"It's alright... Just for a little while..." He started to doze off.

A little while after, I hear a louad, "Ravi Oppa~~~~!"

I looked at who it was and tried to quickly quiet them. It was the actress who liked Wonshik. She did not take the quietting or the position we were in well. She gave me a dirty look and said, "What are you doing?! Are you trying to take advantage of him? That's terrible!"

I gave her a look of 'are-you-stupid?'

Before I could reply back, Wonshik had woken up. "What happened?"

The actress quickly replied, before I could say anything. "She tried taking advantage of you while you were asleep! She had you lean on her and she was staring intently at you! I think she wanted to kiss you!"

I scoffed at her lies. I felt like it wasn't even worth talking to her or waste my breath.

"Is that what you saw? Cause I was the one leaning on her and I know for sure she didn't do any of that." 

The actress was enraged, "How would you know?! You were asleep!"

Wonshik shook his head, "I was awake every now and then." The actress was embarrassed of being caught in her lie and stormed off. "Good thing my scenes with her are finished...." He replied under his breath.

I looked at him and said, "Thank you for that... And I know you were lying about being awake...You were snoring... But thanks for defending me..." I smiled, feeling my face turn red.

He looked away embarrassed.

I smiled at him and face him a hug as a thank you. "The break is over, you should get back."

As Wonshik was filming, I sat back at the rest area. Aimi was trying to fic something with the accessories, when all of a sudden I hear a scream coming from her. I looked to see what had happened and saw Aimi in Jaehwan's arms being held up in the air. Jaehwan had scared the poop out of her. She didn't know whether or not to be angry, happy, embarrassed or if she could even function. Jaehwan placed her back on the ground, laughing hysterically. She held onto his arms because her legs were weak from the scare and all the emotions.

"Hahahaha, I got you~ Did I scare you that badly?" He laughed.

When she could finally stand, she answered, "YES. YES YOU DID. I ALMOST DIED."

"Hahahahhaha, I'm sorry! I thought it would be fun!" He gave her a hug of apology along with this famous aegyo.


"That's a new sight to see."

I look up to see the owner of the voice, Hakyeon. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jaehwan usually doesn't show aegyo to girls personally or mess with them like that."

I quietly giggle to myself. "I think it is cute. Oppa, I'll let you in on a secret. Don't tell anyone else, got it?"

Hakeyon nodded, anticipating the secret.

"Aimi used to like Sanghyuk, but when she found out that he liked Noona's, she lost hope, but then when we met you guys, Jaehwan Oppa started to talk to her and she got to know him more and started to like him."

Hakyeon was shocked. "Really?? Wooow~"

"It would be great if they could be happy together... But I don't know how their relationship would work out..."

Hakyeon sighed in agreement, but smiled his Njumma smile at the thought.

"We almost have the situation between you and Wonshik figured out and sorted. It would just be a little while longer. Maybe another week." The manager appeared.

"ANOTHER WEEK?!" I said exasperated. Although I liked spending time with everyone and helping out, the trip I had planned out for me and Aimi is now non-existent... "My trip plans... Well... At least this was definitely a memborable trip... I got to meet wonderful people and spend time with you guys."

The manager frowned, then smiled. "I'm sorry, but it will be over soon and I'm glad that you like being with us. At first, I thought you both would hate it. But I'm glad that you guys enjoy it."

The filming ended and we all went back home. I told Aimi about what happened with Wonshik and the actress and she exclaimed, "OMG. Something similar happened to me! I wasn't doing anything and was just sitting there because no makeup or dressing up was needed. Jaehwan Oppa came up to me and started to hoke around with me. Then the actress that paired with him came up and said, 'Ken Oppa~ Stop playing and entertaining that 12 year old! Just looking at her makes me want to leave... She looks so immature. Come with me!' SHE THOUGHT I WAS 12. SHE THOUGHT I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND HER. I was about to say something, but then Jaehwan Oppa intervened. He got in front of me in a protective stance and got completely serious. 'You are the one that is immature. First, she is 18, second, she is probably a lot more- NO, she IS a lot more fun than you, she is DEFINITELY more mature. And if she makes you want to leave, then leave.' After saying that, he grabbed my hand, HE GRABBED MY HAND," she looked at her hand, then proceeded, "and we walked off. And then he acted as if NOTHING happened."

I smiled at her, remembering the conversation I had with Hakyeon. "Well, since we both had a stressful/nice day, we should rest. Tomorrow is their comeback, then we have their promotions for the rest of the week." I sighed.

I guess we can't spend out Christmas peacefully this year...

Hey guys!

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please, please tell me how it is!

Lol, as I read this, I sometimes feel like it is so boring... xD

But I guess that's my imagination for ya.

Well I hope you guys enjoy. :]

Also, I am not skipping chapters of days, it just is like that so you don't have 21 chapters of the same thing every day.

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Queenjk #1
Chapter 1: Hahah its cute how they met one another. ...... I like it and pliss update soon oke