Day 1-3

21 Days In Korea

Me and Aimi decided to go on a trip together for winter break. We wanted to go to Korea! I thought it was a great idea and we planned to stay there for 3 weeks (21 days) and rent a little apartment in Seoul. We thought it would be a pretty relaxing and exciting break from school, but we were in for a great surprise.

When step out of the Incheon Airport and felt the icy, cold wind hit our face. It was FREEZING, but we were definitely exicted to start our vacation. We got to the apartment and unpacked everything.

The apartment was very cozy and nice. One bedroom with a king sized bed, a spacious kitchen and a huge living room. It was all set with a big screen TV and nicely and simply decorated.

We were jetlagged so we decided to make our first day, a day to adjust and relax. We planned our other days while we got settled. We had SO MUCH planned, from the amusement park, to allt he tourist locations to shopping and MORE. Our first day, we took in everything and went to bed early.

The second day, we were ready and somewhat adjusted to the new timezone. We went to ook for a coffee shp and found a really cute themed one. It was wonderful and relaxing.  We walked around, bought some street food and went shopping a little. I would like to say our second day was successful.


The third day came around and we decided to take a walk in the park to exerciseoff the food we devoured yesterday. We got dressed in some warm clothing and head towards the park.

Once we got there, we thought it was beautiful, despite the frozen and bare trees. It was quiet and relaxing.

"Wow, can you believe that we are really here?" I asked Aimi.

"Honestly? I really can't. This feels like a dream! Waking up and going outside to sounds that aren't American." Aimi replied.

We continued our walk, just taking in the scenery. After feeling like we looked around enough, we thought it would be great to go grab something warm to drink and walk around the area, rather than just the park. We went to the coffee shop from the second day. I got myself a caramel latte and Aimilee got a green tea latte. 

As we walked around, there was a massive amount of people surrounding the area that we were walking towards.

"Che (Older sister), what is that huge crowd there for?" Aimi asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Your guess is as good as mine."

We started to walk towards the crowd, but before we could reach it, the group of people parted ways quickly, followed by a group of guys running with a bunch of screaming girls behind them. The guys ran straight towards us. Before we could react, Aimilee was barely missed by them, but I unfortunately was tackled to the floor. Everything happened in slow motion, I started to fall backwards, I turn my head to see my latte drop to the ground, splattering everywhere and then instantly, the air is knocked out of me as I make contact with the ground. I close my eyes and try to take in air, but struggled, because someone was on top of me. I open my eyes and looked towards the person who fell on me. As I turned, I realized that his lips barely missed mine and landed on my cheek. When we made eye contact, both of our eyes widened.

Not being able to process everything quickly enough, I heard screams of "THEY KISSED! OMO! GET AWAY FROM HIM! GET HER!"

I feel a forceful pull and then I started to run with these random guys. The first thing that popped into my mind was Aimi. "MY COUSIN!! Where is my cousin?!" I look back to see Aimi trying to catch up with us.

"Ken Hyung! The other girl! Get her!" The one pulling me yelled out. I silently thank him, while I look back to see the guy he was yelling at pick up my cousin and carried her. Ken Hyung...?

Soon we reach a building and run inside. Once we got in, it was finally quiet, all you could hear was the sound of everyone's heavy breathing (minus Aimi's cause you know, she got carried). When I finally caught my breath, I went over to Aimi to see if she was alright. When I got to her, her eyes were wide and was gaping open. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Che... Look behind you..." She pointed behind me.

I gave her a weird look and turned around. I found out why she had that expression. As I looked at the group of guys that grabbed us, it completely dawned on me who they were. There, in front of me were six guys, all thin and built, with messy hair and anxious expressions. The group of guys that grabbed us and made us run so much was none other than, VIXX.

I slapped my hand to my mouth, then recalled WHY we had to run. I touched my cheek where I was kissed... Well collapsed on.. I didn't exactly care for the fact that I was kissed on the cheek... Well maybe a little, since it was one of the VIXX members... But the feeling that overpowered it was the fear of the fan girls that I have now enraged. Great, third day in and I've already caused trouble. I thought to myself.

"Who... Kiss...." The members looked at one another, then looked at the culprit. The one who landed on me was... Ravi, Kim Wonshik. I felt my face turn red. I tried playing it off, but I knew I failed.

"I am so sorry...." Ravi apologized.

"That's fine... But won't it look bad on you? People think we actually kissed, rather than you just landing on my cheek." I asked him.

Before Ravi could answer, the manager stepped in. "We will get it resolved, since it was our fault. But until it is resolved, I think you two should stay around us for the time being. They know how you both look like and we dont' know what they might do to you guys." Me and Aimi looked at each other. I was a bit happy because we actually met VIXX, but sad because we couldn't rgo sightseeing and have our vacation...

"I get a free trip to Korea!! I win!!" I looked at Aimi who is giggling.

Oh... No... That bet...

"What does she win?" The manager asked, with six bewildered faces following him.

I facepalmed myself, giving a little sigh. "She won a one in a million bet... A while back, we made a bet that if I met VIXX in person and actually talked to them, I would give her an all expense paid trip to Korea to visit me... I made this bet thinking it would never happen, with their busy schedule and laong with the fact that they are famous, there is no way to get close to them."

The manager looks at me and then starts to laugh at my explanation. "You live here?" He asks.

"No, not yet anyways. Once I graduate from college, I plan on it though." I replied.

The amanger smiles and says, "Okay, well... Coming back to the situation, you both will have to come with us on our schedules and stay with us for AT LEAST a week. It could be longer depending on the company and how we resolve the situation. We will take you back to where ever you guys are staying. We are going to try and convice the public that you guys are staff." He turns to Aimi, "You are an intern with the coordi-crew." He then turns to me, "You're with me. You are going to just help me out." He then address the both of us, "Make sure that when you guys are in public, don't act out of character by acting like tourists."

We both nodded in understanding. As excited as I am to be around VIXX, I was a bit disappointed that our long-awaited trip is turning into a protective program... "Also," he started to add, "We are going to explain the inicident between you and Ravi as exactly as it was, an accident. So don't worry about that part." I nodded.

"Oh! We didn't introduce ourselves... My name is Mika and this is my cousin Aimi. We both came from the States. It is nice to meet you and please take care of us." Me and Aimi bowed.

For the rest if the day, we sat in VIXX's dance studio, just watching them practice. We watched them dance, sing and fool around when they could. Every now and then, my mind would go back to the inicident and I could feel my face get warm, each time I would cover my face. I would look over to Aimilee and she would be all giddy. Most likely for the fact that she is so close to VIXX and probably thikning back to how Ken had carried her princess style.

Every now and then, when they would take a break, Ken and N would come over and talk to us.

"So first, you guys can just call us by our names, rather than stage names." N insisted.

"Yeah! Second, we wanna know, why are you guys in Korea?" Ken asked.

I was waiting for Aimi to answer, but when I looked over at her, she was frozen... So I replied instead. "We came here for a vacation from school. We are going to be spending Christmas and New Years here. I wanted to give her time off of school. It was her first semester and she overloaded herself."

"I see..." Jaehwan nodded.

"What were you guys planning on doing?" Hakyeon asked.

"We were going to go to an amusement park, walk around, sightsee, look at different restaurants and coffee/drink shops." I answered.

As he was about to ask something else, they had to get back to practice.

When they went back to practicing, I looked at Aimi and she was still frozen. I nudged her and she finally came back to life. "What happened to you" I chuckled.

"I don't even know... Ken... Jaehwan came over and... I just died!" She replied.

I laughed and we just continued to watch their practicing.

When practice ended, it was already midnight. They dropped us off at our apartment and before we got out, the manager said, "Tomorrow's schedule starts at 7AM. We will be here to pick you two up at 6AM. So be ready, I wil call you when we are here." We nodded and thanked them for driving us home.

Before they left, Hakyeon sticks his head out of the window and says, "I'm sorry all of this happened! We did not intend or mean to intrude on your vacation!" We were touchd by his words. We smiled, bowed and told him not to worry.

We watch them drive off and walk inside.

"Wow.. Today was... Eventful..." I sighed.

"Yeah, you're telling me... My emotions are everywhere." She said, plopping down on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I gave her a quizzical look.

"Before I could only think about Hyuk... But today... With Jaehwan carrying me and talking to us... It made me second guess my entire life." She buried her face in her hands.

I laughed. "You'll figure it out." I walked over to her and hugged her, patting her head. "Now let's get ready for bed, we need all the sleep that we can get."

I was supposed to post this up last week, but I've been so busy with coming back from Beijing and then I had to move into my new apartment. I finally am somewhat settled and here it is! The first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it. Note: I wrote this last year. I made some edits to make it sound a little more interesting... But yeah... Haha.

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Queenjk #1
Chapter 1: Hahah its cute how they met one another. ...... I like it and pliss update soon oke