Six | In the Moonlight

Shadow of the Mountain

Daesung could not feel his fingers anymore. He was so nervous that it was as though the tips of his fingers had fallen off as the blood rushed to steady his rapidly beating heart. He tapped his fingers restlessly together, trying to encourage some feeling back into them. There was so much at stake – so much that could go wrong – and yet there was no one he could talk to about the fear coiling in the pit of his stomach. A pack leader had to carry some burdens alone and stand as a figure of strength when danger threatened; the pack needed him to remain calm. If they realized just how dangerous the situation was, they would likely break or give some sign of their distress away. To them, Hong Man was a vague threat – a bad wolf with a mean temper – but Daesung knew better.

The previous night, Yongguk had asked for Daesung’s help in defeating Hong Man, explaining his tragic history with the much larger wolf. Sympathetic, Daesung had agreed to do what he could, and he had thought it would be a simple matter of teaching Yongguk a few tricks. Grave, the other alpha had explained that the situation was not so simple. Hong Man was more than Yongguk could beat on the best of days, let alone at that moment; they did not have enough time for him to recover. And then came the moment that had set fear running its cold course through Daesung’s veins: Yongguk had taken the mountain wolf out into the desert and shown him how real the threat against both of their packs was. Death awaited them all. If the Excelsior wolves remained until the dawn, they would never see their home again. In that moment, Daesung made a choice he could only hope Jiyong would someday forgive him for.

Hearing someone approach, Daesung shook out his hands and spun to find Amber watching him closely, her dark eyes too observant. “It’s time,” she said. Daesung nodded. Zhoumi had asked Amber to officiate most of the matches to take place that night – she was the highest ranked Goddess Touched present – and in return Daesung would be allowed to take his mate first. It was an even enough trade, and perhaps it would help ease the chill from Daesung’s body.

He could only hope they would all live to see the dawn.


As the moon began to rise in the sky, casting its silver gilding across every surface, the packs began to gather. They were going to a place embedded with centuries of memory, a place where the Goddess had once stood when the world was young and the first howls split the night – shattering the silence to bring life into the world. At first glance, it was a simple monument: a broad, flat red stone rising above the desert sand. But as the moon climbed into the sky, when the packs stood facing the rock, anyone standing atop it was wreathed in a circle of the purest white light. It was here, on this surface, that mates were traditionally joined until death or bad faith parted them.

Jiyong was nervous. He knew that Daesung would not back out of the mateship – he was far too honorable for that – but the brunette couldn’t help but wonder if the alpha would regret his choice. The more Daesung had talked about his home and how his people chose their mates, the more the omega had come to realize that a mere two days of courtship went against everything the mountain wolves held dear. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more Jiyong wondered why the basin wolves were in such a hurry to take mates; was there something wrong with getting to know your mate before making it official? But, the time for doubts and cultural interrogation was long expired.

As the moon crested behind the rock, casting its perfect circle around it, a silence fell over the gathered packs. As a body, they turned to face the moon, and the rising descant of a low howl severed the air. The notes climbed higher and higher in an artful slide, power echoing throughout the sound, before the speaker lept onto the rock: Daesung. In his wolf form, the alpha was more beautiful than he had any right to be. Like his human form, the wolf Daesung was powerfully built with wide shoulders and well-muscled legs. But it was in the differences, the nuances of his canine body, that Jiyong found the most beauty. Daesung’s fur was a myriad of colors: a rich cream overlayed with hues of gold and red and grey – even a touch of black across his shoulders and hips. The omega had expected his future mate to be more of a pale gold, like Taeyang, or at the very least a consistent honey color in order to better match his hair. The rose-gold hues, though, were bewitching in their complexity and the way the colors seemed to move across Daesung’s fur. Even his eyes changed to a startling shade of bright gold – the same color as the harvest moon that would hang in the sky as autumn fell thick across the desert. It was as though the Goddess had taken her most beautiful creations and given them life in a single body when she had made Daesung.

Jiyong had no idea what he had ever done to deserve such a perfect mate.

When at last Daesung’s howl faded off, carried away by the evening breeze sweeping from the canyons, the packs split to form a pathway for Jiyong. The omega took a steadying breath before moving towards the alpha, the sand still warm beneath his paws. He climbed atop the stone and stood facing his future mate – heart fluttering wildly in his chest. Compared to Daesung, his wolf was plain: various shades of dark brown only highlighted by the black on his face and faint hints of red when the sun lit his fur. And now, standing face to face with Daesung, Jiyong realized how much bigger Daesung was as a wolf; he dwarfed the omega. As humans, they stood fairly close to the same height, but as wolves Daesung was nearly twice Jiyong’s size in height and triple his muscle mass. It took Jiyong’s breath away: His mate-to-be was a force to be reckoned with. 

Shifting, Daesung held out a hand to the omega. A warm, soft smile turned the alpha’s lips as he said simply, “Are you ready?”

It took Jiyong a moment for to work up the courage to shift, but when he did it was only too easy to slip his hand into Daesung’s calloused grip. He nodded a little – afraid his voice would break if he tried to speak. The alpha laughed softly before guiding Jiyong to stand next to a pile of wood that had carefully been leaned into a tent formation, waiting for the first sparks to bring a fire to life. Amber, who stood waiting for them, gave Jiyong a wink before raising her hands. “Taeyang, alpha and leader of the Sunburst pack, do you consent to one of your own joining the Excelsior pack?” she asked, her melodic voice carrying easily.

Taeyang, whose blonde mohawk had been carefully coifed for the event, stepped into view. “I do,” he replied. “Happily.”

Amber grinned. “Then bring forward the light of your people.”

Among the basin wolves, it was tradition for both packs to bring a starter flame from their home hearth – or pack campground, in this instance – as a means to start the ritualistic fire over which a mating bond wound be made. There was no need for it – not in the eyes of the Goddess – but it was counted a visible sign of two packs being joined together. And so, Taeyang took the torch Jinwoo had been holding for him and made his way up to stand beside Jiyong. Amber then turned towards Daesung. “Alpha, as the leader of your pack, do you consent to take Jiyong into your pack?”

Daesung’s eyes nearly vanished his smile became so wide. “I do, both as pack leader and as Jiyong’s intended.”

“Then have your pack present the light of your people,” Amber ordered. Her gaze flickered over to rest on Taekwoon, who was in charge of the Excelsior wolves’ fire. There was a strange moment where he seemed to produce a torch that was unlit, but then the fire gained strength, flickering brightly in the darkness. The silent delta moved to stand at Daesung’s side, torch held carefully so all could see the brightness of the flames. “Light the fire, and let ash, blood, and moonlight join these two lives,” Amber chanted.

Taeyang and Taekwoon moved together, lighting the fire from their torches, before moving to resume their positions in the crowd. For a moment the fire was a weak little thing, just barely stuttering with life, but then the flames on Daesung’s side seemed to flash with renewed vigor. Suddenly, brilliant white tongues of fire clawed at the wood until it was high enough to cast bright sparks into the night. Daesung moved to stand on one side of the flames while Jiyong stood on the other. Pulling out a dagger, Amber took a steadying breath before turning to Daesung. “Let blood become one,” she said simply, drawing the blade across his palm. Turning to Jiyong, she cut across the surface of his hand as well. “As souls and hearts must also join.” Reaching across the flames, Daesung yet again held out his hand to Jiyong. This time, the omega did not hesitate: He immediately slid his hand into Daesung’s grip. As their hands joined, drops of blood spilled into the fire – crackling and hissing in the heat.

“May the Goddess bless you both with the strength to understand each other, the passion to fight to remain together, and hearts gentled with love,” the shaman declared before stooping to gather ash on her fingertips. She carefully brushed this across the backs of their hands. Amber then pulled out two red pieces of cloth – ones that Daesung had brought with him from the mountains – and held them out to the two wolves. “Take these cloths and with them bind one another’s wounds, sealing your bond before the eyes of all here and the Goddess herself.”

Daesung moved first, taking the red fabric from Amber’s hand and turning to Jiyong. He carefully cradled the omega’s hand in his as he wound the cloth around the wound, bandaging it just tightly enough to stop the bleeding but not so much that it would cause pain. With a firm little knot, Daesung finished his task. Glancing up at Jiyong, he sighed, grateful that his part was done. Jiyong then took the remaining strip and wrapped Daesung’s hand – his fingers trembling through the entire process. But then, with one last knot, he too had finished his task. A breathless laugh managed to slip past the omega’s lips; they were mated. Officially mated. The faint burning on his uninjured palm signaled the settling of the second mark into his flesh as the Goddess accepted their bond. Glancing down at his hand, Jiyong could not fight back the gummy smile that immediately pulled at his lips. For all his life, the lonely mark of an omega had stood stark and black against his flesh – waiting for the day when he would take a mate. But now, now that he had Daesung, a second mark had appeared: a golden alpha mark seemed to loom protectively behind the omega marking. It was so beautiful looking that Jiyong felt tears begin to prick at his eyes, and he let out another breathy chuckle. “It’s real,” he murmured, finally looking up at Daesung.

The alpha came around the fire and brushed the broad blade of his thumb across Jiyong’s cheek, catching the tear there. “You’re stuck with me,” he agreed gently. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Jiyong lightly shoved at his chest. “Is that the kind of thing to say to your new mate?”

Laughing, Daesung drew Jiyong into a tight hug. “I don’t know. It sounded pretty fitting to me.” He pressed a quick kiss to the omega’s ear. “Come on. Let’s go join our pack and watch the other ceremonies.” Leaving an arm wrapped tightly around Jiyong’s waist, he guided the omega down to stand with the Excelsior wolves. Jiyong practically felt as though he floated down the hewn stone steps and across the sand; the night was too perfect for words. 

Daesung was not the only pack leader to take a mate that night: Siwon did precisely what he had been expected to do by taking Sulli as his partner. The pair were striking together, certainly, but what mattered most of all was that the purity of the pack was kept intact. For nearly a hundred years, the Silver Star wolves had touted themselves as of better stock than the other basin wolves, and since then had taken to giving all of their children names that began with “s.” It was a sign that they were special, the pack claimed, and only wolves whose names began with that same letter could even hope to be courted by those from the Silver Star pack. But, Siwon was not one to look outside his pack borders when he could simply take a Goddess Touched mate. Yes, it was a good move – a practical move.

But the third pack leader to take a mate that night caught everyone by surprise: Taeyang. The blonde had strode boldly forward, fingers tangled tightly with his intended’s, until they both stood before Amber. “I wish to take a mate,” he had declared firmly. “One from among my own pack.”

The Excelsior shaman had been surprised at the news – or so it seemed by the way her eyebrows arched towards her hairline – but she smiled nonetheless. “And does your intended want you in return?” Her gaze fell to rest on the slim delta standing beside Taeyang.

A soft, shy smile turned Jinwoo’s lips as he nodded. “Yes,” he breathed. “I want nothing more than to be Taeyang’s mate.” 

“So that’s how he did it,” Jiyong muttered under his breath. Daesung turned his head just enough to give him a look of askance, which made the omega blush. “I always wondered why Taeyang was so willing to go along with Jinwoo’s suggestions. I thought he had some sort of special technique or something, but turns out it was just love.”

A small smile turned the edge of Daesung’s lips. “Love has a funny way of bringing alphas to their knees,” he agreed gently. His fingers, which were still tangled with Jiyong’s, gave the omega’s hand a slight squeeze. “I have the feeling you’ll pick up his technique pretty quickly.” Jiyong flushed but could not find it in himself to disagree.


Throughout the other ceremonies, including Amber and Henry’s, Hakyeon could not help but feel happy for the couples. Even the matches of convenience seemed to be well-suited to one another, and he could foresee strong families coming from each. But then, as the moon was beginning to rise too high for any more joinings, one last couple stepped forward. The alpha’s heart lurched: He knew the shape of those shoulders and the way the smaller wolf moved. Kyungsoo. Some part of his mind, desperate to hide from the impending agony, had conveniently forgotten the small detail that his Kyungsoo would soon belong to another. If the wolves were leaving that night, as Hakyeon knew they must, it truly was in Kyungsoo’s best interest to be officially mated that night; but, oh, the reality of the situation hurt far more than the alpha had ever suspected it could. His heart seemed to freeze and burn simultaneously as Yongguk stepped forward to offer the flames of their pack – in essence bequeathing the delta to his new pack with a few sparks. Hakyeon’s smile faltered, but it did not actually manage to fall away completely. No. This truly was for the best. The delta would go far away, across the mountains, and forge a new life for himself. Hong Man and the horrors of the basin would never touch Kyungsoo again, and for that… How could Hakyeon do anything but let him go?

The sudden sensation of warmth at his side drew the alpha’s gaze away from Kyungsoo – coming to rest instead of the features of a different delta. Taekwoon. Hakyeon's heart lurched again, though this time for an entirely different reason. He could almost imagine what it would be like to be mates with Taekwoon: How the delta would quietly make breakfast in the mornings and the type of parents they would be together (Taekwoon secretly whipped and Hakyeon the cheerful voice of authority). And yet, his heart beat a constant refrain of Soo, Soo, Soo. There was not a day nor a week long enough to erase the broken redhead’s name from the tissue of Hakyeon’s heart, and once the Excelsior wolves left – that was it. Goodbye. Good luck. Never to be seen again. Even if he took it upon himself to cross the mountains to try to find them, Hakyeon doubted he would survive the journey or be able to find the Excelsior pack. The wilds were vast – he knew that from his own travels through the deserts and plains to the east – and it was too easy to get lost.

But, in that moment of heartbreaking loneliness, he allowed himself the concession of tightly holding Taekwoon’s hand. It was not a happily ever after or a plaster for the wound on his heart, but it was a quiet, steady comfort. 

Turning his gaze back towards Kyungsoo, the alpha managed to widen his smile as the redhead slid his hand into Chansung’s grip. They were such a pretty pair, he thought, one so tall and the other more petite. But they were both strong, in their own ways, and would be even stronger together. Kyungsoo would ground Chansung and steady him, while Chansung would help Kyungsoo emerge from the fortress he had built around his heart. Together Hakyeon was certain the wolves would find true happiness – their own happiness. And for that, too, the alpha could let his love for Kyungsoo go.

When the newly mated pair at last finished tying their knots, Hakyeon was the first to applaud – laughing through the tears that streamed down his face. He felt more than saw Kyungsoo search the crowd for him, but he could tell when the delta had spotted him by the shy wisp of a smile that turned Kyungsoo’s lips. Hakyeon cheered even louder, making Jinyoung snort in amusement. Turning to his side, the alpha opened his mouth to thank Taekwoon only to find the delta gone. It made the loneliness come back more sharply than before; he would not get to say farewell, it seemed.


After the celebrations had calmed and the camp fell into stillness, Daesung rose to his feet and carefully scanned the area for any signs of movement. He could see, in the distance, the sentries watching the periphery, but their gaze was blind towards the inside of their watch. If nothing else, the Excelsior wolves would be able to get that far without altering any of Hong Man’s watchdogs. Leaning down, he shook Taecyeon’s shoulder – drawing the wolf instantly awake. The beta gave a single nod before waking WooYoung, who slept at the brunette’s side even though they were not yet officially mated. (It had been decided that if too many of the Excelsior wolves took mates that night, Hong Man would become too suspicious. Oddly, Taecyeon had volunteered to wait until they reached the mountains, though WooYoung had certainly not seemed opposed to putting it off.) Within a few moments, the entire pack was awake and strapping on their bags – harnesses loosened to fit their wolf forms once they shifted. Daesung took the opportunity to make sure everyone was ready before shifting, his fur bright in the darkness. He paused yet again, ears turning to catch any sign of detection, before he started off across the sand at a steady lope. Shifting behind him, his pack all moved to fall into place - following him towards their distant home. Their late arrival was, in its way, a boon: They were at the perimeter of the camp and did not have to pick their way carefully through too many sleeping bodies.

Once out in the open, Daesung moved into a much faster pace – desperation driving him and the rest of his pack. If they could make it to the foothills before the sunset, Hong Man and his thugs would likely be unable to follow them. The mountain passes were treacherous, and the falling night would hinder their pursuit. And even if the chase lead up the mountain face, the altitude alone would stop most basin wolves. The air became too thin for those unaccustomed to it, and it was likely to cause headaches and shortness of breath for the desert wolves. As it was, Daesung and his pack would have to help carry their newest packmates once they got further into the mountains; a wolf who could not breathe well could not run well. Daesung did not want to risk any of Hong Man’s wolves catching up with them before they were safely within the boundaries of the Excelsior pack territory, and that meant running as hard as possible for as long as possible. 

He prayed to the goddess that they would make it.

But perhaps strangest of all was that Daesung’s course did not run directly towards the mountains. No, the danger in the business lay in the fact he had one stop left to make – one that would either make or break their success in the escape. He only hoped they were ready.


Earlier that night, while the celebrations had still been in full swing, Hakyeon had been searching the crowd for any sign of Taekwoon – to say goodbye – or Kyungsoo – to congratulate him. Before he could find either, though, he felt a large, warm hand on his bicep. Turning, he gazed into the pitchy darkness of his pack leader’s eyes. “Hakyeon, I need you to find Jinyoung and Bomi. Bring them back to camp.”

The auburn alpha frowned and tipped his head slightly to one side. “What is it? What’s going on?”

Yongguk shook his head. “Just find them and meet me back at camp.”

“Yes, of course.” Hakyeon managed a strained smile. “I’ll be there as soon as possible.” The other alpha gave a single nod before moving off, vanishing into the crowd. Pressed with the urgency of his pack leader’s orders, Hakyeon started through the throng with an entirely different purpose – his heart bidding a silent farewell to both Kyungsoo and Taekwoon. He found Jinyoung and Bomi together, thankfully, sitting near some of the other lower-ranked wolves present. “Yongguk wants to see you,” he said simply. “Back at camp.”

Bomi pouted prettily, sticking out her lower lip and fluttering her eyelashes. “But Hakyeon, I was just getting to know Chanyeol better,” she protested. Jinyoung shot her a look before rising to his feet and starting towards camp. Heaving a sigh, Bomi stood – giving Chanyeol a last flirtatious wave. “I’ll find you later, Chanyeol!”

“Bye!” the big-eared delta called, waving happily at the departing beta Goddess Touched. Hakyeon shot him a glare – as if he would be worthy of precious Bomi – before trailing after the departing beta. 

When all five of the NeverNoon wolves - or at least those present at the courtship festival - were gathered together, Yongguk took a moment to look at each of them. They were a ragged bunch, starved and beaten down by life, but that did mean they were hopeless. If anything, escaping the oppression of Hong Man and finding reprieve from the loneliness of being a rogue had given the NeverNoon wolves more hope than any had experienced in too long. And now, Yongguk thought, they had a real chance of not just hope but a future. “Pack up. Take only the things you need – don’t worry about bedrolls or cooking equipment. We need to be gone before anyone notices we’ve left.”

None of the wolves questioned their pack leader: Immediately they packed up the scant possessions that fell within the given parameters. Within a few minutes, they were ready – slipping out from the campground without a soul noticing their departure. Yongguk paused once they were tucked out of sight, hidden by a large rock, to look at his pack. “We’re going to meet the others,” he explained. “But we need to be careful. Hong Man is watching for us.” That said, the alpha shifted into his wolf form – large, grey, and beautiful even with the signs of starvation. The others quickly followed his lead and moved out across the desert, Hakyeon taking his position at the rear, just in case any attack should come. They ran and ran, putting as much distance between them and the courtship festival as possible. At last, they came to a small outcropping of rocks, so sudden in the barrenness of the desert. Yongguk let out a low bark, his voice nearly out of the range of hearing it was so soft, to alert the other wolves of their approach. Nichkhun, the only alpha left behind, immediately emerged. Upon seeing Yongguk, he shifted out of pure surprise. “What is it? Did something happen?” he called, trotting to greet them.

Once closer, Yongguk shifted as well. “We need to be ready to go,” he murmured. “We’re leaving the basin.” Hakyeon nearly tripped muzzle over tail at that. Shifting, he moved to stand beside Yongguk, listening carefully as his leader said, “Hong Man is out to eradicate us once and for all. So we’re leaving.”

“But what about Zelo?” Hakyeon could not help asking, knowing how much Yongguk cared for the omega, who was still trapped among the numbers of the Red Rock pack.

Yongguk took a steadying breath. “It’s only temporary. Until I can beat Hong Man.”

“Beat Hong Man?” several of the wolves repeated, staring at their leader in awe.

“But how?” Nichkhun asked, always to the point. “Last time he nearly killed you.” And now that starvation and stress had taken their toll, Yongguk was even weaker than when he had first faced the giant alpha in combat.

The pack leader hung his head. “I sought help from the mountain wolves. Their leader beat Hong Man, even though he is nowhere near his size. He agreed to teach me how to beat Hong Man…and to give us shelter until I am ready.”

Hakyeon’s breath lodged in his throat. “We’re going over the mountains?”

Yongguk nodded.


So, I totally once upon a time worked at an observatory. And while I worked there, my photographer friend and I hooked her camera up to our big telescope - just so we could take pictures of the moon and Jupiter. The picture up at the top is one I helped take - isn't it neat?

And in other news: sorry I've been slow to reply to comments! I feel really lame for it, but right now I'm in crunch mode with grading. I am going to do my best to make sure every comment gets answered. It means a lot that you take the time to comment on my stories, and I don't want you to feel forgotten. So anticipate that! Also, I apologize for the angst in this chapter. Now that we are finally getting to go to the mountains (woo!) things are looking up, which means less angst. (I know, about time.) Hopefully, though, you still enjoyed this chapter, even with the sad bits. 

Thank you, as always, for reading. It means the world. <3

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Chapter 11: You updated! Yes! Love you, lol.
Chapter 11: So why had I not heard of this story sooner!! It’s amazing! Thank you!
Chapter 11: Oh GOD! This is the best Birthday present! Please update soon!
Chapter 11: I do not have the words to express how much I love this story. And that moment of reunion is beautiful. I may have even shed a tear. I hope they will be happy forever and ever <3
Chapter 11: This is beautiful and sweet T_T GDae fanfics are rare and even an Alpha Dae and Omega Ji. I’m glad I found yours! ^^,
Chapter 11: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

ILuvToDae #7
Chapter 11: Yay!!! I’m so happy you decided to write more! Thank you, Dear Author!
Chapter 11: Omg, a new chapter! I'm so happy. I came wait to read this 2mrw, sadly I'm so sleepy right now. I can't focus on it
ILuvToDae #9
Chapter 10: Wait a second... That's the end?!? NOOOOOOOOOO!
I mean, it's beautiful & everything, but still. NOOOOOOOOO!!! *sobbing
I'm a terribly selfish reader. When I fall in love with a story, I always want more.