
David and Goliath

"Mick...Mick...MICK!" Ohm wakes up from his deep slumber, the nightmare of Mick getting hurt prevents him from getting any good night sleep. 


Its been two days ever since I've heard anything from Mick, as soon as I woke up that day, Mick was preparing his stuff already but with his violin nowhere to be found.


They decided to come back to the band room but no one was there. They searched the whole room but still, they couldn't find the violin. However, Ohm saw an unused french horn which Mick could use if ever he would like to become part of the band.


"Hey, Mick! Look at this, its an unused blue french horn. Another thing, you're part of the Music Club, no need to audition anymore since you're friends with this hunk!" Ohm points his thumb to himself while flashing his beautiful teeth at Mick. 


"Oh, really, P'Ohm?! Wow, I would love that, thank you so much," out-of-the-blue, Mick went on to hug Ohm, a hug that could last for eternity. The delight on Mick's face was irreplaceable and adorable, Ohm would have framed his reaction if he could. His hug was so tight, so tight that both their crotch areas are practically touching each other now. "Uhm, P'Ohm, if you don't mind me asking, is that your phone or-"


"That's definitely my phone, Mick!" Ohm suddenly separates himself, making Mick giggle and laugh simultaneously. "I promise you, that was my phone." Ohm explains himself with Mick replying, "I believe you, it was too long to be real." Ohm, out of nowhere, laughed like a hyena on . Mick was dumbfounded, he believes he didn't say anything funny at all.


"What's so funny, P'Ohm? Is your phone small? What is your phone model, anyway?" A dumbfounded Mick asks.


"It' iPhone...6+" Ohm barely had enough oxygen to reply, he was too preoccupied with laughing at Mick's adorable innocence.


"SEE?! IT IS LONG! An iPhone 6+ is about 6 inches from what I remember!" Mick, still have no idea why Ohm is laughing, answers back.


"Fine, fine. It is long!" Ohm flirtatiously winks at a flabbergasted Mick, making the latter scratch the back of his cranium and blush a bit.


"Now, back to the blue french horn!" Ohm then points at the blue french horn. "I want you to learn how to play that, your main instrument is the violin, right? I want you to learn how to play that after Friday rehearsals, you can sleep at my place if you want," Ohm said towards a smiling Mick.


Its been a long time ever since anyone taught him anything, literally anything. At his previous school, the other kids won't let him play volleyball with them since they see Mick as a liability instead of an asset, he's skilled but the others don't give a fudge at all. He's undeniably delicate, in terms of physical attributes, but his heart is dauntless. Just when he had the courage to persuade the volleyball team to let him tryout, his mother decided it would do more harm than good if ever he got in the team, leading him to transfer schools. Because of this, Mick's newfound confidence shattered, he was just getting the hang of it but now, he has to start all over again, new school, new people, new friends. Actually, he only had one friend in high school, both of them were inseperable but one day, his only friend stopped talking to him because of all the attention that came from the girls from his former school, he presumed. 


"I would love that P'Ohm! There's just one problem, I'm not good at blowing." Mick mumbled, getting a shocked reaction from Ohm as he laughed his off again.


"P'Ohm, why are you laughing again?! I swear, I didn't say anything funny at all!" an oblivious Mick gives off an awkward smile, he finds Ohm's smile and laugh as enchanting and adorable like how babies giggle and laugh. "How can an individual be so clueless and adorable at the same time!" Ohm's hyena laugh continues, making him touch his chest as he puffed and puffed. "Oh, Mick, you sure know how to make me happy. I like you-" Ohm abruptly stopped, oh , I'm too obvious. 


"I make you...happy?" says by a stunned Mick. "Ehr-yeah, you're a good friend, even though we only met today! Hehe." Ohm tries to save himself from Mick, calm down, Ohm. You don't even know if he's into you or not, sheesh! Is this real love? Or is it infatuation? Hmmm...


"Yeah...Haha! Friend..." now Mick is trying to rescue himself from assuming too much, I'm being too much, this is probably infatuation or something. Oh, P'Ohm, you make me assume unrealistic events. It would be a miracle if you reciprocated my feelings for you...


"In all seriousness, I'll teach you how to blow properly. No need to pay me, your presence is payment enough, though I would really appreciate it if you would commit yourself to learning the blue french horn. Its pretty special to me." Ohm's dignified face cannot be dismissed, there really was something special with the blue french horn. 


"What's so special about it?" Mick tilted his head out of curiosity.


"Learn it and I'll tell you" Ohm replied, giving Mick nothing but a good pat on the back and an aegyo smile with a matching two-finger sign. "You're like one of those KPOP groups! Hahaha!" Mick couldn't help but giggle, Ohm does look like a KPOP singer.


"Am I cute like Apink or am I weird like Crayon Pop?" Ohm replies. "Wow! How come you know them?" Mick asks out of sheer curiosity, he finds it cute how Ohm is doing aegyo facial expressions in front of him, alone in the band room. "'cause I listen to them! I may not look like it but yeah, I listen to some KPOP music." Ohm, obviously embarassed, expected Mick to laugh but no, the latter was just smiling at him, those cute cheeks, I could just kiss 'em up. 


"I like KPOP, too, P'Ohm! No need to be embarassed about it. After all, stereotypes, right?" Mick flashes his golden smile at Ohm, making the latter reciprocate the action.


"Seems like one of the band members brought your violin home, don't worry, you'll get it back at Friday," Ohm guarantees.


"Friday?! But why so long?!" Mick and his puppy eyes looked so depressed. "I care for you and I want to make sure you get your rest before playing again. Its only Monday, you'll get it in no time." Mick blushed, the thought of Ohm saying he cared for him never crossed his mind the entire time they've been together, maybe, just maybe, its the closes "I love you" he would ever get from someone he likes. Mick just nods at Ohm, I care for you too, P'Ohm.  


"Now lets go back, its almost 8 and we haven't left school yet! You know, they say the band room is haun-" in an instant, Mick's palm was covering Ohm's mouth.


"NO, P'OHM. NO SCARY STORIES. LETS JUST GET OUT, PLEASE." Mick covers Ohm's mouth as they exited through the door. From then on, Ohm would keep on telling stories as Mick interrupted everything he said by singing Gee by Girls' Generation. They got a taxi and Ohm still wouldn't shut his mouth, finally he got tired and he fell asleep...on Mick's shoulder. 


It hurts but the thought of him resting on me is enough to alleviate the pain. If only time could stop...


"Uhm, P'Ohm, wakey-wakey~ We're at my house." Mick keeps on poking Ohm's cheek but to no avail,


"Your boyfriend is definitely a heavy sleeper," Mick nodded while giggling at the taxi driver's response. Wait...


"He is not my boyfriend!" a shocked Mick murmered, enough for Ohm to wake up from his seemingly eternal sleep.


"Oh, sure," the taxi driver smiles at them. "What were you guys talking about? Is this your home already, Mick?" Ohm asks with a small drool on the side of his pink lips. "Yeah, P'Ohm, I'm gonna leave now, okay?" Mick opens the door but as he closed it, he taps on the window, with Ohm opening it, "Oh and uhm, P'Ohm, you have a tiny drop here," Mick points out at the area in between Ohm's lips and cheeks, making the latter blush like a rose. "Thanks. Hehe. Now, go rest your shoulder, you'd need that for Friday," Ohm playfully winks at Mick as the taxi leaves.


Its been two days since their last conversation, its Wednesday night but Ohm couldn't sleep 'cause Mick is always in his mind. 




Ohm scratches the back of his head as the thought of Mick never left his mind and heart. He throws a mini outburst on his fluffy bed, making him fall onto the wooden floor. "Ehr...Meckkk..."

A/N: Heyyo~ I am back to writing again! Hehe, I'll update once, twice, thrice every week, depending on the situation! Hahaha! Comments are highly appreciated! Hope everyone likes this chapter! Its a bit longer than the first two! Hehe. Enjoy and 'till next time, bye internet~ <3

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Erixbonillo #1
Chapter 6: Me gusta esta historia
Erixbonillo #2
Chapter 6: Se te agradece por tu trabajo
Erixbonillo #3
Chapter 6: Vh Hola la vuelvo a encontrar y nunca la terminaste , de todas maneras era una buena y bonita historia
hotpinksparkles7 #4
Chapter 6: ah i wish there were more i like this a lot :(
Erixbonillo #5
Chapter 6: Muy bello esta historia
khasabat #6
Chapter 6: Chapter 7 please..
Just my imagine, how mick already jlouse with ohm and noh !!oh so cute..hehehe
Chapter 6: updatttteeeee pleaseeeee :33
Chapter 6: Hi there , me again ! Love your stories and hope you update soon !
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update. I really need some sweet fic after feeling upset for that stupid Ohm in ep 28-29, arggghhhhh.....
306yuzu #10
Chapter 6: too short. . . but still cute . . .so u gonna leave us without any new ommick?!how sad :'( . .