9. Bad Behaviour

Love Control

* Thoughts which Mark can hear are in italics.


/ Sunhee's POV \
"Can't you just stay away from him?" Jackson asked me. I looked at him and bowed my head awkwardly.
"Jackson I can't do that. We work together." I told him. He sighed.
"Then... only talk to him at work." He stuttered.
"Jackson. Come on. Let's talk about this later. Can you get me some ice?" I asked him. He nodded and turned around to get some ice from the freezer. He phone buzzed and lit up on the kitchen counter. I glanced across at it. It had a place and a time from 'H' on it. I frowned but quickly looked away when he turned around. I picked up the tray of drinks and brought them through to Yugyeom and Bambam. "Thank you Noona" They both said as I passed them both a drink. "So Noona! What did you do at Jeju?!" Yugyeom asked me. 


"Hm. We reported as well as doing some sightseeing. Then we attended an event at the hotel." I told him. 
"Oh! You went with someone?" He asked me.
"Yes, I went with Mark, he is a photographer." I answered him. I glanced across at Jackson and he rolled his eyes secretly. I looked back around at Yugyeom and smiled. I continued talking to Yugyeom and Bambam but I realised Jackson had disappeared somewhere. He came out the bedroom putting his leather jacket on. "I'm going out." He told me. I stuttered and stood up. He walked towards the door and put his shoes on. "Are you mad?" I asked him. He shook his head and smiled, before kissing me on the cheek and disappearing out the door. 


I walked back to Yugyeom and Bambam, and sat down opposite them. "Noona? Are you ok?" Yugyeom asked me. I nodded and smiled. "You didn't tell me you were coming round" I said to them. Yugyeom giggled with a guilty look on his face and Bambam smiled awkwardly. "But it's fine!" I shouted out happily. They both grinned to me. "Actually you just missed Youngjae." I told them.
"Oh! Youngjae was here! Ah. He beat us to it." Yugyeom whined. "Wait. You didn't buy him anything did you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and leant across, flicking him on the forehead.
"Aigoo! Kim Yugyeom. Stop thinking about presents!" I shouted to him. We all began laughing and Yugyeom rubbed his forehead.



/ Sunhee's POV \
I sat on my own and unpacked my suitcase after Yugyeom and Bambam had left. Aish, where had Jackson gone? He said he wasn't mad but it didn't seem like it. I took my clothes out my suitcase and put them into the washing basket when I heard the door make a tune and click open. I jumped up when I heard Jackson's voice, "Sunhee! I'm home!" He shouted as I ran through to meet him. He smiled and held up two coffees and a bag of cookies. "Extra milk for you!" Jackson said as he put my coffee in front of me. He sat opposite me and slid his coffee towards him. He ripped open the bag of cookies and put them in between us. I smiled and took a cookie nibbling the edge. It was the same cookies Mark had given me a while ago.


"Oh. It's these." I mumbled to myself as I began eating it.
"You don't like them?" Jackson asked me.
"Oh no! I like them! I've had them before, they are yummy!" I said happily. Jackson took a cookie and began eating it. We looked up at each other and smiled. "I'm sorry I went out earlier." Jackson said apologising.
"It's fine. I understand. Everyone seemed to visit us all at once!" I said. He nodded and we both laughed. 
"Uh. I have to go out later." Jackson told me. Ah. That must be the client who messaged him. I nodded and sipped my coffee.


/ Mark's POV \
"So you bumped into Haesun? Omo." Jr. said to me after I told him and JB about the trip. I nodded and we all rolled our eyes.
"And she got Sunhee thrown out of the event?!" JB said as he opened his eyes wide. I nodded again and they both sighed. "Aish. When did she turn into such a ?" JB asked. We all laughed and I shrugged. We all sighed after we had laughed for a while.
"Did you ever find out who she was sleeping with?" Jr. asked me. JB glared at him and nudged his side, telling him to shut up.
"No. I don't care. Good luck to them, as long as he isn't dating someone and they are both cheating together. I don't care at all" I told them both. They both nodded and JB stood up.
"Right! Let's get off this sad and annoying subject!" He said as he grabbed a couple of video game controllers and passed them around.


/ Sunhee's POV \
Aish. Why does Jackson have to meet a business client on a Sunday afternoon? He came home earlier so I thought he finished work early but now he's going back out to work. I sat on the edge of our bed and thought to myself... I know the place and the time they are meeting. I'm not suspicious of Jackson. But it won't hurt if I just happen to pass through? And anyway! The park is near Mark's house so if I get caught I can just say I'm visiting M... oh. That's right. Jackson will get annoyed...


I ended up walking towards the park where Jackson was. I'm not suspicious of him, I'm just curious and a tad bit nosey. Oh well. I strolled happily as the sun shone down brightly as I ate an ice cream I had picked up on the way. I reached the park and entered the gates slowly and carefully as I hid around the corners. It might be a little awkward if he catches me and he is with a client. I crept round the corner and looked around the park. And then I saw him. I froze and my ice cream began to melt all over my hand. I closed my eyes and bowed my head before turning back around.


/ Mark's POV \
I strolled down the street towards the park breathing in the fresh air when someone rushed past me and knocked me to the side. I rolled my eyes but realised something. "Sunhee!" I shouted as I turned around. She turned slightly to look at me and quickly turned back around and ran off. I frowned and stood thinking. She was red faced and looked like she was crying. Wait. Where has she just come from..? I entered the park and looked around. And that was when I saw it. I stood behind a tree and choked. I shook my head as I watched them.


Jackson and Haesun.


"Oh so that's who you cheated on me with." I said to myself as I watched them in disbelief. I couldn't believe it. Haesun gave Jackson a tight hug and ruffled his hair as she smiled. You lost me, yet your still at it. Aish! I should go over there! I clenched my fists but something stopped me. The thought of Sunhee. I couldn't do that. She wouldn't talk to me again. Wait. Sunhee! I looked around but she was no where to be seen. I turned back to look at them. 'Omo. Has Jackson lost weight? What is she feeding him!' Haesun thought as I looked at her. I shook my head as I sighed. She knows he has a girlfriend yet she has still continued. I can't believe this.


All I could think about was Sunhee. I need to find her.

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Chapter 25: wow such a happy ending! ^^
Chapter 24: such a sweet chapter ^^
Chapter 12: Wahh thts a new twist... new reader shed the cousin poor sunhee but still if he really loved her he should have tried to make it work no matter what.
Chapter 23: woop almost marriage! >_<
sophie_bts_jungkook #5
Chapter 22: yayy they're(almost)going to get married whoop whoop
Chapter 22: aww they are so cute :)
sophie_bts_jungkook #7
Chapter 21: im feeling something bad going to happen in the next chapter since youngjae sleep over
Chapter 21: haha i think mark might come home early :P
Woo so nice fic I like the begin ^_^
sophie_bts_jungkook #10
Chapter 20: whyyyyy i freaking hate the chief right now whyyyyy