Thailand + Korea

Love in High School


“it’s about time you two go to the school, come on I will drive for you in the first day of school.” Said Pete Horvejkul. “Appa, I Don’t want to go please ! I just want to rest this day” … “Yul, I have given you one month too resting and you say you still want to rest? … “but appa …” … “ no but but or I will cut your allowance this month,” Nickhun interrupted the chat “Yah, Yuri just go with me ok. Don’t worry I will protect you whatever happen to you,”with her sad face she just nodded and then wrapped her hand at Nickhun arm and went to school. 

When they arrived at the gate all the eyes are spotted at them and make Yuri uncomfotable but Nickhun make his fast move by drag Yuri next to him. Yuri can hear some of the student wisper at them but she just ignore them. After they arrived at the principal room the teacher bring them to their own class. Nickhun at 2-3 meanwhile Yuri at 1-4 ..

When they principal open the class door all of them suddenly quiet and just looking at Yuri behind the principal. " Boys what are you looking at? just concentrate on your handsome principal here," joke the principal and make the whole class laugh. " today you all get a new beautiful and charming student, she have been transfer from Japan and now she is in your class. Yuri you can introduce your self." said the principal and make a move toward his office.

"Annyeong, I'm Yuri Horvejkul. I came from Japan and will be stay at Korea forover," said Yuri with her big smile.

"Yuri you can take you seat beside Yoona by the way why are you two look a like?,'' ask Ms. Kim

Yuri and Yoona look at each other and they only smile. "Hi, I'm Yoona. Nice to meet you," .... "Nice to meet you to," said Yuri to Yoona.


Meanwhile at Nickhun class...


Meanwhile at Nickhun classroom:
Mrs. Ma is teaching history of Korea to his student but some of the student was so boring to hear Mrs. Ma voice. Only three of the students in the class pay attention to the subject. Kring!! !! “Ok class, see you tomorrow and please stand by yourself. Maybe I will give quiz tomorrow. Depend to your entire attitude. Thank you.” Said Mrs. Ma before the class for recess.
“What? I never study for this subject!! Arghh the teacher want to kill us.” Shindong voice was really loud when he shouts.
“Yah, Shindong you know your voice can make people lost their hearing? Come on just go to café, I need something to full my stomach.’’ Donghae push Shindong while talking.
Yoona show the entire school to Yuri and she also shows her place that she always sits by herself. While they walk toward to the café she doesn’t realize that Nickhun is also on the way to the café.
‘’Yah Yuri, are you forget about me sweetheart?’’ Yuri turns around she saw her brother smiling at her.
‘’Oppa!!!’’ Yuri jump excited when she saw Nickhun.
‘’Khun, who is this girl? You girlfriend?’’ ask Siwon while staring at Yuri. Wow she is so beautiful. 
‘’ She is my sweetheart and also my … ouch. Yah Yuri why you hurting me?’’ … ‘’don’t you dare to call that name at here or you dead,’’ said Yuri and give Nickhun a scary glance.
‘’hahaha, ok. Guys meet my only little sister Yuri.’’ 
‘’hai, I’m Siwon, this is Wooyoung, Shindong, Donghae and the guys with the headphone is Taecyeon.’’ Answer siwon. Taecyeon only nod his head and then focus at his mp3 back. 
‘’hai I’m Yuri, Nickhun sister and this is my new friend Yoona.’’ Said Yuri with smile. ‘’oppa, I’m hungry can we go get something to eat?’’ … ‘’ Ok. Guys lets go.’’
‘’can we join to?’’ Siwon ask for permission. ‘’of cause you can. You all are my brother friends. Yoona came join me to.’’ … ‘’ ok. ‘’Yuri and Yoona slowly make her move to the café while the others following the girls from the back.
‘’Khun, why your face doesn’t look like Korean but your sister has truly Korean beauty face,’’ Ask Siwon while the other only nod their head because notice that difference.
‘’I know that you will ask after you see this little girl. Well actually our father was from Thailand and our mother is from Korea. I take my father and Yuri takes 100% from our mother.’’ Nickhun explain the difference about them.
''Ooo, thats why you guys doesn't look a like.''Shindong said while making cute face.
##Hey guys sorry for the late update. Well I will enter new life at University. Well this is the starting hope you can enjoy. And I’m so sorry if the chapter was so boring.
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BlackPearl_Goddess #1
oops...! it sounds so interesting... and the truth is i'm already hooked! haha... look forward to your update soon!
nadd305 #2
Sounds interesting! <br />
Hahahahah<br />
YULWON!! ^^<br />
<br />
Update soon!<br />
SunTaeNy1999 #3
Wootae ^.^ cn ?
o_yuri #4
taecyoon and wonri?wonyuL?siyuL?i rareLy hear about them but LateLy I rode many fanfict about them?
AHH taecyoon :)) update soon!!!
xoxmarshaxox #6
Taecyeon <3 update soon unnie, yea?~