
What Are You Going To Do?

"We can't find him Jungkook!"Jin cried and covered his face.Jungkook regret,kissing another man in front of his boyfriend.And now he's missing.Taehyung grabbed his hair frustated."Its your fault! You goddamn brat!"Jungkook froze,his hand coming up to his eft cheek that was slapped.

"WHO THE TOLD YOU TO KISS TH-"J-hope closed Taehyung's mouth,not wanting to hear that name.Jungkook looked down,tears threathening to fall.He got a tap on the shoulder,

"Hyung.."Suga brushed Jungkook tears.

"Even if we find him,theres nothing we could do.Go find him Jungkook."Jungkook nodded and ran out.

His legs bringing him to the cliff,just running.Even when a car was about to run at him.He still ran.Panting,he turned to the jungle.He brushed the leaves away.His cheek grazed and he fell.Pushing himself up,he ran.His mind full of Jimin.Reaching the cliff,he found no one.

No on-.

"What are you doing here...?"A faint voice asked him.



Jimin looked up at Jungkook and stood near the edge of the cliff.

"The moon is beautiful right?"

"Hyung i didnt mean to kiss him.He wa-"

"Badly this is the last time i'llsee it."

"Hyung listen i love you,he kissed me first."


Jimin walks closer to the edge and turned to Jungkook.

"Im on the edge now,what are you going to do?"


The taller boy gasped taking small steps towards his hyung.He whimpered as he saw Jimin walking a step back.

"Do something Jungkook.."

Jungkook stood still.

"You hurt me!Everytime,Everyday!Dont you know how much i-"Jimin felt his tears falling as he was pulled in a strong embrace."How much i want you to shut up now and kiss me hyung."



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armypirit #1
Chapter 1: oh my.. the ending just.. fail-heartbreakin? lol

but love this <3
Chapter 1: but who the hell did kookie kissed and did he really cheatsdfghjkl