Christmas Shots


“But Minrae, it’s almost Christmas and we haven’t put up our own Christmas tree still”

“But Hyuk, I’m too busy to do that now, maybe some other time okay. I’ll finish all of these first” She said as she continued typing on her computer.

Hyuk went out of the house feeling defeated, he decided to buy some groceries instead.

Minrae has been too occupied with school work lately leaving her less time to spend with Hyukjae.


After he finished buying groceries, he headed home hoping Minrae would be finished with all her work by now.

He excitedly opened the door but found no one in the living room. He frowned knowing that Minrae’s still doing her paper works.

He placed the bags on the kitchen counter and sat on the sofa thinking of what he should do.


An idea popped into his mind and he decided to start fixing the tree by himself. He wanted to do it with Minrae but knowing she has a lot of things to do, he did it alone and decided to just surprise her later.


He finished putting and decorating the tree up and admired his work before finally settling himself back on the couch, waiting for Minrae to come out from the bedroom.


An hour after, Minrae decided to take a break already. She has been infront of her computer since the day started and too much thinking made his head hurt already.

She saw Eunhyuk sleeping on the couch and walked up to him, not noticing the tree which was done already.

“Hyuk~” She called as she shook Hyuk awake. Eunhyuk blinked his eyes and saw Minrae.

“Oh~ Minrae” He said as he sat down from his sleeping position “Are you done already?” He asked

“Hmm. Not yet. There’s still so much to do. I’m just having a break” She answered as she sat down beside Eunhyuk.


“Woah~” She stood again as she saw what was that infront of them. “Did you do that yourself?”

“Yeah” He said and stood beside his girlfriend, scrathing the back of his neck “You were too busy and so I decided to do it myself and surprise you” He continued.

“Hyuk!!~” She jumped and hugged Eunhyuk as she whispered ‘Thank You’ in his ear making him smile. “I’m sorry I’ve been too busy lately” She said as she pulled out from the hug. Eunhyuk smiled shyly then lowered his head. His shoulders began to shake and Minrae knew instantly that he was crying.

“Yah!” Minrae hit him lightly on his shoulders. “Why are you crying?” Hyuk shook his head “Nothing” stiffling his sobs.

Minrae scoffed and kissed his cheeks.

“Shall we watch a movie?” MInrae asked. He looked up at her smiled widely showing his gums and he nodded happily.


They cuddled together, sipping their hot chocolate as they watch their favorite movie. Hyuk tightened his hug on Minrae and kissed the top of his hair.

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@YESUNGanimyeonandwae Thank You dear~ :))
YESUNGanimyeonandwae #2
Hope you can finish it soon! Fighting!!!! :DDDD