Song Of My Rebellion

Song Of My Rebellion

I gasp, clutching the mattress of my bed tightly in my fists. It was that dream again.
Sliding out of bed, my reflection catches my attention. The mirror glows slightly, drawing in the light around it, almost as if it was a tunnel. My footsteps tap gently on the solid grey concrete, echoing through the small dark room. All of a sudden the room goes pitch black, the only light left being the light emanating through the mirror. I stand in front of the mirror, I reach out towards the light...
It shatters.

I gasp, clutching my mattress tightly with my fists. It was that dream again.
I slide slowly out of my bed, a feeling of deja vu filling me. I brush it off and stand up, looking warily around my room. Concrete walls, a small barred window, cracked concrete floors. Nothing new. I walk around, and a flash of light behind me catches my attention. I look around find myself looking at a floor mirror covering the window. It's glowing slightly, drawing in the light around it. Suddenly, the room goes pitch black, the only light left being the light flowing out of the mirror. I walk towards it slowly, peering into the mirror as if it was a magnifying glass. I reach out towards the mirror...
It breaks.

I gasp, panting heavily, practically clinging to my bed like it was a rope hanging off a cliff. It was that dream again.
I slip out of bed, fighting a war between my logic and the sense of deja vu that is weighing on me. I pull myself up, my hand sticking to the wall because of the sweat caked on my skin. I look around, taking in my surroundings. All the solid objects are cracked and grey, as per usual. I'm surprised that the roof is still holding up. I tread lightly on the floor, careful not to shift anything important, heading towards the painting barely hanging on the wall. Dinosaurs, how cute. I walk in the opposite direction, heading towards the window. The floor shifts underneath me. Light flashes into the room, then dims as quickly as it came. I glance back behind me, only to see where the painting once was, a large mirror lies against the wall in its place. All of the light abruptly leaves the room. Now the only light in the room is emanating from this phantom mirror. I look into the mirror. It's almost as if there is something moving around inside it.
I don't even have time to process that thought as a loud crash fills the room as the mirror breaks.

I scream, gasping for breath, tangled in my thin grey sheets. I sigh, my heart pounding. It was that nightmare again.
I crawl out of bed, deja vu weighing like bricks on my body. I struggle to stand up, clawing at the wall for help to stand up. The cracks on the wall help. I manage to stand, but wince as pain rushes through my left leg. Cautiously lifting my head, my bleak surroundings stare back at me. The concrete crumbles around me. Grey dust fills the air blocking most of the light coming though the cracks in the walls. I look at the the hole where the window once was, then to the blank space where my favorite painting once hung. I glace at the small vase on the shattered desk. Only one sunflower still lives. Leaning against the wall I sigh heavily, shutting my eyes in a desperate attempt to block out the dry feeling of dust caking them. Light flashes through my eyelids, blinding me without even opening my eyes. I squint towards where I think the light came from, only to find myself looking at the spot where the vase once sat. A large mirror leans heavily on the wall, light rippling inside of it like food-colouring in water. Shapes move around in the light hurriedly almost hypnotizing in their movements. I stare at it intently, not making any move closer or farther away; I'm too weak for careless moving. The shapes freeze. All of the light in the room other than that of the mirrors disappears, leaving only a faint glow.
A faint whisper comes out of the mirror. I decide to get closer towards the mirror, which is thankfully not very far away. What do I have to live for anyway? I tread lightly on the ground, completely aware of the chances of falling through the ground. Pain ripples through my leg, causing me to stumble and lose my footing, almost making me crash into the mirror. My hands grip the wooden frame of the mirror, my face so close to the mirror that if I stuck my tongue out I would be able to it. I turn my head slightly, putting my head in a better position to hear the whispers.
Is that my name? Tao?
I turned my head back towards the mirror.
The small shapes had turned into two larger figures, seemingly running towards him.
Ha, I must be hallucinating.
The figures continued to grow larger, the whispering turning into shouting.
My mouth hung open, much to my displeasure. Dust filled my lungs, but I refrained from coughing, as that would just stir more dust.
The figures grew larger, and as they grew so did the amount of light in the room. Slowly and quietly, music started to fill the room. The beat and lyrics were entrancing, speaking of rebellion, loss, and acceptance.
The figures slowly came to a stop, their figures clear to see, even with all the dust and the lack of decent light. One was tall with black hair, the other shorter with a honey brown hair colour.
“Tao...” they whispered. They reached their hands out through the mirror, practically radiating what was a mixture of safety and danger.
I removed my hands carefully from the mirror, taking each of their hands and climbing into the mirror, away from the crumbling ruins of my room and into the unknown of what I could only ever call the future.

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