Like a High Tide

In My Dreams

I erased vigourously on the poor music sheet. God dammit. I looked around the almost empty student hall and sighed. Five hours and still not one note on this sheet, this is ridiculous. I crumpled up the sheet of music paper and violently threw it at the nearest trash can in complete anger. I pulled at my hair and stared at the graffiti'd table, trying to find an answer to my lost muse. I felt the floor shake a bit beneath me as someone made impact with the floor. "Ah...!" I whipped around and looked at the fallen giant. 

"Are you okay?!" What a dumb question to ask, Yoongi, good job. 

"Ah, yeah, I'm fine. I was just reading... I guess I slipped on something." The guilt washed over me as I saw my crumbled up sheet music in a few torn pieces from the fall it had caused. 

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" I helped him sit up and he looked down at his soiled shirt. "I'm so sorry, man."

"It's okay. It's not your fault. It's not like it was you who littered," he grinned and chuckled a little in a childish manner that made me feel even worse. Great job, Yoongi.

"You got something on your shirt," I mumbled.

"Oh! No! Not my strawberries!" He looked down at the pink stain that was slowly drying on his top. "Ah, I need to go get more." He took a step forward, then clutched the chair closest to him. "Ow...!" He strumbled a bit more before stopping.

"A-Are you sure you're okay?" I stepped forward in heistation and looked at him with deep concern. The guilt was rising over me like a high tide and I knew I was going to drown. You can't get away with your too cool for school bull attitude this time, Yoongi. "I'll call a nurse for you."

"I'll be okay. I can walk there," he smiled as if trying to reassure me. Was he dumb or did that fall make him forget where he was?

"You do realize the nurse's office is across campus. We are in the student center," I bluntly stated, hoping to save any remaining brain cells in his brain. He looked at me a bit lost for a few seconds until something finally clicked in his mind and he smiled again. What was he thinking now? If he was even thinking for that matter.

"Then I'll call the nurse."

Oh dear god. "Okay, how about I call for you?" I offered with half sarcasm this time.

"Sure," he innocently nodded towards me and I quickly pulled out my phone. My fingers worked quickly as I contacted the nurse through the school's contact page. She walked me through some things to do then and there to care for this dazed and confused man that didn't seem to know which way was up. As he looked at me like a puppy expecting a treat, I kind of felt my guilt ease. As I ended the call, he grinned up at me. "I like this chair bed you made me. It's the comfiest!"

"Well, I hope you'll be okay there until the nurse comes." I began packing up my notebooks and pencils into my small bag. 

"Thank you for taking care of me," his voice changed. It wasn't light and free anymore. It didn't hold the same carefree spirit like it did before. I turned to him as I zipped up my bag. His smile was gone and it was replaced by a more mature look full of gratitude and appreciation. "It really means a lot to me."

"Ah... you're welcome, man. I mean I'm not just going to let someone sit and suffer."

His smile returned after my remark and he laughed a little as he held out his hand, "I'm Taehyung."

"It's nice meeting you, Taehyung. I'm Yoongi," I shook his hand back. It was rough around the fingers, but he had a soft palm that would tingled a bit. As his hand slipped out of my grasp, I felt as if my heart had lost something important. "What're you doing here so late at night?"

He played with his hands as he looked down with a small sigh, "I have a big test in a few days, so I came to study. I figured the Center would be better than the library because there's food like right there!" He rubbed his hand against his pant leg nervously while avoiding eye contact. "Why are you here?"

"I have an assignment I'm trying to get done and this is the only place open really late, so I figured I would go back to the dorms when I'm done," I shrugged carelessly.

"Oh? What's the assignment? Is it for science? You seem like a super smart science guy. Or maybe it was for poetry or art because you have a ton of notebooks. Are you super smart? I bet you have a 2,000 IQ!" He began rambling and I just took a seat as I knew I couldn't leave this kid alone-- he had way too much heart to be alone at any time. I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak. "Oh, maybe history then? You will learn how to change the future throught history! Is it a psychology project? Maybe math? No no, it's--"

"Kim Taehyung?" The nurse was here to save me from his unstoppable amount of questions. He looked up at her with adoration. "What did I tell you about being careful? This is the second time this week and on the same ankle." He shook his legs about and whined like a child while pouting. "Hey hey, I told you. You need to be careful. You're lucky my buddy, Yoongi, was here to catch you."

"Y-You know Yoongi, Miss Nurse?" he blinked and his eyes sparkled wiht curiousity brighter than the night sky.

"He and I go way back!" she laughed herself as she played along with the man... boy... student... Taehyung.

"You both time travel?" he looked at me with a growing grin.

I stifled a bit of laughter while I shook my head, "No, no. I helped her in the office a few times."

"Oh, so you're a nurse's nurse, then," he nodded and turned his attention back to the nurse that began to massage his injured ankle. "I'll be okay. I know I will. These things happen to everyone." The nurse nodded. "If Yoongi wasn't here to help, I would be stuck in the cold. Yoongi, thank you again." His smile beat, crushed, melted, and burned my heart in one go and I didn't know how to not smile back at him.

"You're welcome, Taehyung."

"My friends call me V! I want you to call me V, Yoongi," he clapped his large hands together. "Because we are friends now!"

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