First Meetings Aren't Always That Bad


*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*


Jin looked at the caller and couldn’t believe his eyes as he read the name. As quickly as he read it, he answered the call. When the call connected, a pale man with a black Mohawk appeared, looking somber, regretful, and pitiful. Once the man saw that Jin answered his call, he began speaking.


“I’m sorry for not contacting you for so long.”


“Why! Why couldn’t you?! Did you even try?”


“Of course I did! I had no other way of contacting you besides this computer and I didn’t stop until I had it repaired. I have worked so hard to get the money so I can fix it and see you again!”


“How could you be so careless and break it in the first place!?”


“You know I am careless! You know I break almost everything I touch!”


“Why couldn’t you not be that way for me?”


“You know I can’t control it!”


“It’s just… I’m sorry.”


“For what?”


“For getting angry… I just really missed you. I really needed you these passed months.”


“I’m sorry too. It was a complete accident and I didn’t know it was possible that my laptop could break in such a way. I really missed you too.”


“It’s okay. At least you are showing your face here now.”


“At least I can actually show you my face now.”


“What do you mean?”


“Put you computer screen down and look up.”


Jin slowly closed his laptop and his eyes flickered as he looked up to see what was in front of him. As his eyes began to focus, immediately they began to widen to their complete capacity. Sitting in front of him… was his soul-mate. His one and only. His long-time internet boyfriend. His secret lover.


Kim Namjoon.


Before Seokjin could say anything, Namjoon stood up from where he was and enveloped him in a tight embrace. So tight that it seemed like he was never going to let go for anything.


And Kim Seokjin was okay with that.


And they both wished this moment would last forever, as Jin returned the hug and wrapped his arms around his one true love.


"Yah! Kim Namjoon! Make sure you don't break me!"


"Of course! Why wouldn't I protect the most precious person in my life?"


"I love you Namjoonie."


"I love you too Seokjinie."

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KcuLL22 #1
Chapter 1: Ok beside the lol part (5months not contacting each other really) this is really cute hehe
_random_kpoper_ #2
Chapter 1: Omg I had a seizure when Jin and NamJoon reunited... Cute story! Gave me the feels!!
Chapter 1: Cute. But why couldn't namjoon find anirher way like a friend's computer... texting or. .. email.