
Day & Night

Chapter Fifteen


"Do you have a high alcohol tolerance? I don't like drinking alone."

He shrugged as he leaned back against the chair. "I don't know; we'll see."

"Soju or whiskey?"


Jiwoo turned her head to the right and asked. "Jihoon, can you help grab us fifteen bottles of soju?" 

"Damn, girl, drinking the night away?" Jihoon asked jokingly. 

She chuckled. "More like drinking my feelings away."


Jihoon laughed, then left to go get the bottles. 


"What did you mean about drinking your feelings away?"

"You know exactly what I mean," she said, crossing her legs. "There's this one guy that keeps lingering in my mind, but he's scared. He's scared of getting hurt, but I'm not going to hurt him. That's not something that would ever cross my mind. I just want to tell him that he's not competing with anybody. None of them are right for me anyway. They only want power, but this guy... he's different from all the men I've encountered in my life."

He cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "I think he's just not a good gambler and doesn't want to gamble with his feelings."

"Maybe he should take a chance. He might win."

"Fifteen bottles, right over here!" Jihoon shouted, placing two trays down on the table.

"Thanks," Jiwoo laughed, then grabbed a bottle and twisted the cap open; downing one bottle within a minute.

Sangbae grabbed a bottle and nodded. "He should, but he's lost too many times."

"If he doesn't take a chance, I might just go back to Hong Kong and not return."

"Then he should quickly decide."

She let out a sigh, then smiled as she reached for a second bottle. "If he wants me, he should make a move."


The both of them stayed silent and quickly, the bottles of empty soju bottles increased. Her face was faintly red, but she was still sober. Eight bottles couldn't crack her. Finishing the last bottle, Sangbae was feeling tipsy, but he was still aware of his surroundings. Jiwoo stood up and grabbed Sangbae's arm, leading him to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. 


Leaning down to her ear, he whispered. "We should leave after I do this."

"Do wha—"


His lips pressed against hers, interrupting what she was going to say. They were in sync and she placed her hand on his chest. Despite the loud music blasting, they couldn't hear a single thing. They were too focused on each other. His lips traveled down to her neck and Jiwoo clutched his shirt and moaned when his lips brushed against her soft spot. 


"Found it," he muttered, but Jiwoo gently pushed him back.

"I think we should continue this somewhere else," she said, leading him out of the club. "I'd like to have privacy."

"There's a motel nearby. Let's go."


They found an old motel nearby and got a room. Once they got their keys, they rushed to their room. Sangbae entered the room and just when Jiwoo stepped foot into the room, he shut the door and pinned her against it. The night was young and although the place they were staying at wasn't a five star hotel, they got more than enough privacy for themselves. 


Her eyes shot open and she looked at the clock. She felt someone's arm around her waist, causing her to turn her body around. Sangbae's face appeared in front of her and everything that happened last night flashed through her mind. Jiwoo snuggled closer to him and felt him embrace her with his other arm. 


"Morning, beautiful," he mumbled, resting his head on top of hers. "I didn't know you had a tiger tattooed on your back."

"I am a member of 9Lives."

He snickered, then asked. "How did I do last night?"

"I'd rate it a nine out of ten."

"Why don't I get a perfect score? Did I do something wrong?"

She laughed. "No, I just wanted to hear what you would say. I can't believe you had condoms in your pocket. Were you planning for this to happen?"

"I'm always prepared," he responded, smirking.

She pulled away from his embrace and ran her hand through her hair. "I need to go back home and change."

"Maybe we could shower first?"

She grunted. "We?"

"Gotta save water, right? I heard the environment's doing pretty bad."

"I think we'll waste more water if we shower together."

"Eh, whatever."

"And I thought you were worried about our environment," she teased as she got out of bed.

He followed behind her and whined. "Hey, quit teasing me."


Jiwoo returned to her apartment after going back to her villa to change her clothes. She climbed into the window and changed her clothes again, then returned to her coffee shop. Her employees were shocked to see her and they rushed towards her, asking where she's been. She abandoned her shop and apartment for a week, so people started wondering where went. 


"I was sick for a few days and then yesterday, my stupid brother decided to drag me to a club."

Her employees laughed and then one asked. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I'm going to give you guys your pay today," Jiwoo responded. "I'm going to be gone for a few days. I'll be returning next week."

"Oh, did you finally find a boyfriend? You don't often take days off."

She rolled her eyes and lightly punched her employee's arm. "You caught me."

"Oh my gosh, Jiwoo finally has a boyfriend!" she shouted, then quickly covered and apologized to the customers. "Oops, a little too excited."

"Dahee, get back to work. You're scaring the customers," Jiwoo shook her head, then jumped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. 

Dahee smirked and slowly back away from the two. "I will spectate from behind the counter."

"You look cute today," Sangbae whispered into her ear.

She turned her body around and pecked his lips. "What's Mr. Fancy doing in a coffee shop?"

"He just wants to see his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend, now? Wow, I never said yes yet."

He mumbled. "You said yes last night."

"Why you fu—​" she cut herself off and walked to the back of the shop and into her office. "Boys stress me out."

"Wow, Mr, I've never seen anyone piss Jiwoo off so quickly," Dahee snickered.


One night changes everything, ha! There will not be any rated scenes(?) in this story because im... just.. not good at writing that... Maybe in future stories, but definitely not this one. 

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madmadpii_ #1
Chapter 17: Yeaaa finally!! >,<
madmadpii_ #2
Chapter 16: The story is so good~~ Update soon please. I love the romance story between Jiwoo and Sangbae XD. Fighting author!!
Chapter 15: YES ING YES
Chapter 15: YES ING YES
Chapter 14: hell yes they need to talk alright maybe even more than that ;)) haha
Chapter 12: Wonderful❤❤❤
mental_cherry #7
Chapter 11: I just just want to scream into a pillow XD that was awesome!!
Chapter 11: oh ttt this is getting so juicy
Chapter 11: Good story loved it ❤❤❤❤
Chapter 10: omg yesssss they finally kiss