Sick Day

Rainbow Military Squad

Soooo I'm back... With a long chapter. I planned this chapter since before I started writing this fic, and thus it has been written over the course of like... four months or something... That said, this has not been re-read because it's frikking long as f (on my document it says 9528 words, but on aff it said 9539 so I dunno, but somewhere along those lines) so excuse any grammar or spelling errors! 

I will not be writing a TL;DR at the end, even though it's a titled chap and very long. Why? There's some pretty useful info in here, and it's too much to put into three sentences.


Basically, I've been working on this while I've been inactive (you know... life) and I spend days and nights to get it done for HOSEOKS BIRTHDAY CONGRATS YOU SUN OF MY LIFE I LOVE YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (I'm like a day late I know sssccchhh)


Before you read... Beware of fluff.


Two days passed. Caylin wasn’t allowed out of bed even though she complained loudly about it, and Leonnie spent most of her free time by her bedside. She continued to train them though, and training meant both shooting practice and physical practice. Yoongi had thought that he had pretty good physique, but Leonnie pushed them harder than they’d ever had to go before. That they slept well during the night was an understatement.


Hoseok had become great friends with the kid in his spare time, and they were often playing in the gardens together. He had no intention of going out on raids, so he let her teach him everything she knew about seeds and growing food, which turned out to be quite a lot.


They had become so close that she had shared her name with him, even though she wasn’t really supposed to. Apparently, her father preferred if people referred to her as ‘mistress’, but personally, Yoongi thought Azelia was a really pretty name and it was a shame not to use it.


Kyung and Jaehyo were recovering well, and both of them were up and about a bit on the second day. They were quickly ushered back to bed by a worried Zico though, but they seemed happy to lay back down.


It was on the third day since they were reunited, that three boys tip toed in through a door in the huge mansion.They tried to navigate through the darkness and the mess without waking the girl sleeping on the bed.


When the door opened completely, Taehyung tripped and fell. Leonnie switched the lights on, allowing everyone to see what an absolute dump Caylin’s room was, and then spoke loudly.


"Me, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jin is in your room. We're looking for a melee weapon of their choice, but we'll go soon okay?" A grunt was all she got in return and Leonnie frowned slightly, but got back to ushering the boys further inside the room.


The three of them started looking around the room for the items, moving boxes and clothes around to see underneath them. While Jin and Yoongi actually searched for a weapon to use, Taehyung was distracted by something else.


Standing up and looking toward the bed, Taehyung let out a huff and threw himself upon the sleeping girl.


"Who's this, who's this!?" he exclaimed, tearing the pillow she was hugging out of her arms. Holding it up, the four people gazed at a face similar to Yoongi’s.


"Is that... EXO's Xiumin?" Caylin whined softly since Taehyung had woken her up, but instead of hitting him like they all thought she was going to do when she turned around, she just held her arms out and let out another whine while grabbing air.


"Give 'im back..." she said after a moment, but Taehyung didn't obey.


"Why? Do you like EXO better than us, huh?" he asked, squinting his eyes at her. She pouted with her eyes sleepily closed, and shook her head.


"Come here then and I'll hug you instead..." she muttered and reached for him, but he was too far away.


"She is definitely sick." Leonnie muttered under her breath and made her way through the mess to the bed. When she got to the sleeping redhead, she put her hand on her forehead.


"You're burning up." She said softly, and Caylin finally opened her eyes.


"I can work. Don't worry about me." Leonnie gave her a long gaze before shaking her head.


"You’re still too hurt. A fever on top of your wounds means an infection. Even if you’ve learned to shut out the pain, you mustn’t overdo it."


They all expected Caylin to argue, but after giving Leonnie a small glare she reached out toward Taehyung again.


"Then gimmie 'im back. Lil' mistress gave 'im to me." She pouted slightly and waved her hands around, but Taehyung just grinned.


"Why don't you just hug one of us instead, we're much better!"


Judging by her laugh, Leonnie saw it coming. Taehyung however did not, and let out a startled yelp when Caylin took his hand and pulled him down beside her. She made a pleased sound and flung an arm and a leg over the boy, trapping him between herself and the bed.


Taehyung became stiff as a board by the contact, and noticed to his dismay that Caylin were sleeping in only shorts and a tank top. He tried to push her off, but she just nuzzled her face into his shoulder and fell asleep.


"Caylin can get kinda clingy when she's sick." Leonnie said between giggles. "But she's usually not sick for very long, so please just bear with it."


He responded with a sound similar to a dying whale, which just made Leonnie giggle even harder. Picking up a dagger from the floor, she started backing out of the room, ushering the two other boys behind her.


"I'll have someone switch with you in a while. Have fun, and Caylin, you’re not allowed a step outside this room!" she said before closing the door, leaving Taehyung to his fate.




It was incredibly awkward at first, but when Caylin woke up the second time (the first time she just asked if there was any food, and when he said no she went back to sleep) the awkwardness faded a bit.


He knew she was awake since she whined softly, and then she sneezed. It wasn't one of those loud sneezed that scared the life out of you, it was one of those sneezes that made you go 'aaaaw how cute'.


"Bless you..." he said after resisting the urge to pat her, and she opened her eyes in surprise.


"Pillows don't talk..." she stated, moving her head to look up at him. Her eyes were wide, morning stars in the corners, and he once again resisted the urge to boop her nose and cuddle her.


"Thank you, I guess." she said after staring at him for a moment, remembering why he was there. He smiled down at her in response and she hummed.


"Also, do you think you could relax a bit? You're uncomfortable when you tense up."


Raising his eyebrows, Taehyung noticed that he was indeed still very tense. Forcing himself to relax, he noticed how uncomfortable his position actually was.


This time it was Caylin’s turn to yelp in surprise as Taehyung lifted her up and put her down on his chest. He started arranging the pillows behind him, and she stretched out her legs, tangling them into his. By the time he had spread the duvet over them, she was fast asleep. Closing his arms around her waist, he made sure she wouldn't roll off him, and begun to drift off as well.


He was almost asleep by the time he noticed what an intimate position they laid in, and his cheeks instantly flushed as he tensed up again. All she needed to do to get him to relax again though, was whine in her sleep, mumble something incoherent, and nuzzle her face into his neck. Honestly, he was used to sleeping close to his friends, and she was just one of his friends. She was sick too, so why should he be embarrassed to be close to her? It's not like he was attracted to her, right? Right.


The two of them slept for about half an hour, then Caylin started to move around. She rolled down to lay next to him instead of on top of him, and poked him in his side to wake him up.


"TaeTae? I'm cold..." He hummed at her and opened his eyes halfway to see what he was doing. The room was dark, but he saw her eyes gleaming. With a sleepy smile he pulled her into his arms and pulled the blanket over her face.


Huffing at him she wiggled her way up so that she could breathe freely, and Taehyung chuckled.


"Meanie." she muttered and let him tuck her head in under his chin. Again, the two of them fell asleep, and slept for another hour, waking up only to move slightly and then fall back into slumber.




“Taehyuung~ I'm bored…” the girl whispered, successfully waking him up again after a while. He groaned while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and then turned to look at her.


She had turned her bedside lamp on, and were staring up at him.


“Well, what do you want to do then?” he asked around a yawn. Caylin pouted slightly while thinking about his question, and moved so that he could sit up when he poked her.


“I don’t know… I’m not allowed to get out of bed so I can’t do anything… You decide…” She was about to stretch her body out, but yelped in pain and curled back up. Taehyung hummed and patted her head while thinking about what to do. They could read, or maybe he could get her to tell him some stories.


When he looked around the room, he spotted a Rubik’s Cube laying on a desk in the corner. Excitedly, he pointed towards it.


“Can you solve that?” he asked, getting out of bed to go get it. The girl made a noise from the bed and coughed. Taehyung took that as a yes.




When Jungkook opened the door, closely followed by Jin, Yongguk, and Namjoon, they were met with quite a sight. They had opened the blinds, and Taehyung sat leaned against the wall with Caylin in his lap. He were leaning his head on top of hers, and the girl were explaining something in a hushed tone while he were pouting.


The two looked up when Caylin were done speaking, and both smiled at the newcomers.


“You seem to be having it pleasant… The rest of us are training our asses off outside…” Namjoon said with a joking tone. Jungkook stayed by the door while the rest of the boys walked over and sat down on the bed.


“We were told to come feed you. Jin brought soup.” Yongguk said and patted the girl’s head. Taehyung squeezed her closer to himself, pouting at the other male with a small glare.


“Mine…” he muttered under his breath, but Yongguk only laughed at him.


“Tae that hurts…” Caylin whispered, and Taehyung instantly relaxed his grip. He didn’t let go though, but was holding her safely in his lap.


Smiling, Jin held up a spoonful of soup. Caylin stared at it for a second before opening to allow him to feed her. It wasn’t his first time feeding her, as he’d helped Leonnie do it before, but it felt special. There was a blush on her face from the fever, and her eyes were slightly glossed over.


He took great care with making sure the soup wasn’t too hot when he fed her, and kept his gushing at a minimum to not scare her. When she’d finished the whole bowl, he put it aside.


“May I check your bandages?” he asked. Leonnie had instructed him to always ask, and since she changed her bandages sometime during the night they wouldn’t necessarily need changing. He mostly wanted to make sure that she hadn’t accidentally opened a wound while moving around.


Nodding, Caylin carefully untangled herself from Taehyung’s grip and made her way over to the edge of the bed. She let her legs fall from the edge and planted her feet on the floor. With Yongguk’s help, she stood up. She was swaying a little, but seemed to be able to keep her balance relatively well.


Jin quickly inspected her legs, and found no spots on them at all. To inspect her stomach he pulled her shirt up. She was basically a mumie so there was really no reason for it, but everybody but Jin looked away.


His face turned into a frown as he prodded the edge of a spot, making Caylin flinch.


“We’re going to have to change this again. This is one stubborn wound…” Jin muttered under his breath, and Taehyung curiously crawled over to the edge of the bed.


“This one’s bleeding too…” he said, pointing towards the back of her left arm. Jin lifted it so that he could see, and there was indeed a red spot there. He sighed, and let the girl’s arm go.


He ruffled her hair, and she took that as a sign to sit down. Both Yongguk and Taehyung instinctively reached for her, but she only laughed at them.


“I can sit down by myself, I’m not that hurt.” she said, an amused tone filling her voice. Jin went off to get something, patting Jungkook on the way out of the room. The young boy was still standing in the doorway, looking uncertain. Almost if he was torn between going over to the others and sit on the bed, or run back to the training grounds. Namjoon noticed his troubled expression, and went over to the younger.


“Hey.” he said, leaning against the wall next to Jungkook.


“Hey...” the latter replied, switching focus from the girl in the room, to his leader.


“What’s bothering your little mind?” Namjoon asked playfully, a smile playing on his lips. Jungkook frowned slightly and straightened up a little to seem bigger.


“I’m not little…” he muttered under his breath, a comment which made Namjoon laugh.


“That wasn’t the point. What’s bothering you?” he asked again, a little more serious this time. Jungkook seemed to stop, hesitate, but in the end decided to trust in his friend.


“It just so… Bizarre. I can’t wrap my head around it.” He paused, as if collecting his thoughts.


“Just two weeks ago, the world was perfectly normal. We were training for our new album, working hard, and having fun. Then everything goes to hell, and we’re saved by this crazy lady, who kills everything without batting an eye. She disappears, and when she returns she’s basically a walking corpse, and now she’s here… Snuggling with Taehyung. And he’s protective of her! I don’t trust her, hyung. What if this is all just a lie and she’s just waiting for the perfect moment to kill us?"


Namjoon stared at him, speechless. He’d just accepted their kindness without a second thought, trusted them blindly because the alternative was worse than what they could possibly do. After seeing how far they actually went for their sake, and after meeting the little Mistress, he felt no more doubt. He believed they really cared.


He had believed that Jungkook’s nervousness was because he was scared of the monsters, missing his family and friends, or simply stress. Never would he have thought the shaking, quick looks over his shoulders, and stubbornness in refusing to be alone, was because of her. That he was scared of her.


Especially not when he looked at her now.


Caylin was leaning against Yongguk, seemingly asleep, while Taehyung was playing with her hair. He was braiding it, or at least trying to, and the two males spoke in hushed tones. Occasionally Caylin would mumble something, laugh, or squint at them.


“I don’t think so…” he said quietly, and smiled softly as Yongguk tried to do something, but Taehyung swatted his hand away. He kept his gaze on the three of them, even though he saw Jungkook turn to face him from the corner of his eye.


“See, I believe that it’s complicated. I’ve seen how they act, I’ve observed them closely, because in the beginning I was also frightened. Afraid that this was too good to be true. So I’ve been watching them, seeing how they act around each other, compared to how they act around us.” He paused to take a breath and collect his thoughts into sentences.


“The little Mistress obviously likes us, and she’s a tiny child so she wouldn’t lie, right?” Namjoon waited until Jungkook nodded to agree with him, before he continued.


“You must have seen the way Leonnie and the Mistress interacts, it’s almost as if they’re family. While Caylin hasn’t been here for long, you might not have seen them interact as much, but I have. I was here when Leonnie let her into the room for the first time. Let me just say that it was a fight to get her out. She refused to let go of Caylin, and Caylin refused to let Leonnie take her. What was supposed to be just five minutes became five hours, and the entire time the Mistress was curled up in Caylin’s arms. They barely even spoke, they just held each other.” When he turned to Jungkook, he saw that the younger had a sour look on his face. Namjoon sighed.


“Look, what I mean is, Caylin was prepared to go through that to keep two people she didn’t know, alive. She did this on the Mistress’ orders. If you don’t trust her, at least trust her affection towards the kid. I doubt she’d do anything to disappoint her, not after what I’ve heard and seen.”


Jungkook still didn’t look convinced, but had relaxed a little. Whether it was because he trusted the girl a little more, or because Taehyung moved further away from her, Namjoon didn’t know.


Jin came through the door again, two others following him closely. He had gone to get Leonnie, and Hoseok had insisted on following along when he heard he might be granted an excuse to skip training. Taehyung, who were laying down on the bed, shot up when he saw the older male, and scuttered over to talk to him.


Caylin slowly opened her eyes to look at the newly arrived people, and stretched her hands towards Leonnie the second she laid eyes on her. Leonnie, instead of hugging her, took both her hands and pulled her up from the bed. Even though she was shorter, she got the redhead upright, and helped steady her.


“How’s training going?” Caylin asked quietly, her voice raspy. Leonnie started rolling up her shirt, once again exposing her bandage covered stomach.


“It’s coming along pretty good. I’d have expected them to have better stamina, but I guess constant running is more tiring than dancing. I’ve started with the basics of fighting, but I’m going to wait until you’re better to actually teach them to fight with melee weapons.” She was working while speaking, and when she stopped, she let the bandage fall to the ground.


Honestly, they were expecting worse. The wounds that were not bleeding were only red lines with small black lines crossing over them. They looked fairly healthy, and the skin around them, while a little red, looked pretty much like skin should.


The wound that was bleeding however, not so much. The skin around it shifted in every shade of blue, purple, green, and yellow. Leonnie frowned and gently prodded the side of it, making some blood and pus spill out of it. Caylin whined softly, making Leonnie withdraw her hand from the sensitive skin.


“This isn’t good…” she whispered, a frown settling on her face. Turning to the boys behind her, she sighed and spoke again.


“I’ll be right back. Jin, darling, could you please check the wound on her arm? If it’s just bleeding, redress it please…” Jin nodded, and stepped forward to do as asked, while Leonnie took some big steps around all the stuff on the floor.


“When you get better you’re cleaning this room, okay Caylin?” Said girl hummed in return, and turned so that Jin could reach better.


Leonnie walked out through the door, and was gone while Jin unwrapped, checked, washed, and dressed the wound on her arm. Having nothing else to do, he started to carefully remove the blood around the wound on her stomach. Caylin had lost balance a few times, but Yongguk had reacted quickly enough to steady her before she fell.


Just as he was done wiping away all the blood from around the wound, and also forced some pus out of it, Leonnie walked back into the room, holding a small black device.


“You put a lock on it. Really? First I have to search for it, and now I can’t open it?” she sounded slightly irritated as she walked across the room to give it to Caylin. The conversations that the boys had had between themselves stopped, and they all turned to look at the two girls.


“Well, it was supposed to keep you out, and obviously it worked.” Caylin said and attempted a smirk. It turned out to look more like a pitiful attempt at a smile, but it was enough to make Leonnie groan.


“You are stupid, and a danger to yourself.” she huffed. Poking Caylin on the forehead, she almost made the latter fall backwards. Luckily, Yongguk reacted and put his hands on her waist to steady her. Once she regained her balance, he let go and looked away. Not that Caylin noticed the small blush creeping on the male’s cheeks, she was too busy pouting at her friend.


“YOU’RE a danger to me if you keep pushing me…” Caylin muttered. Leonnie snorted and turned to focus on the wound. With the help of Jin, she cleaned it thoroughly, and then wrapped clean bandages around it.  


“Get back into bed now, stupid.” she said when she was done, and Caylin did as told with a content sigh.


“Would you like to watch her for a while, Jin? I’ll have someone switch with you shortly, but could you keep an eye on her until then?” Said male looked shocked at first, but then nodded with a smile.


“No need to worry about sending somebody quickly, I don’t mind.”


Smiling, Leonnie started ushering people out of the room again, saying something about getting back to training. Taehyung protested loudly, but the girl ignored him. When the door shut behind them, silence filled the room. Jin sat down on the edge of the bed, fiddling with his fingers to keep him from thinking about the girl who was half-asleep next to him.


“You can look around if you’re bored… I have pretty much everything in here.” Caylin said after a while, moving slightly. Jin looked up, first at her, then at her room. It was truly a mess like nothing he’d ever seen before, and a sudden urge of cleaning came over him.


“Do you mind if…” he started, but when he turned to look at her again, she was already asleep.


“She probably doesn’t mind…” he said to himself, and stood up.




Next time she woke up, her floor was actually starting to be visible.


“The are you doing?” she said, scaring Jin. The latter had been stacking empty boxes of red hair dye, but thanks to the sudden fright, they came tumbling down. He groaned and dropped the box he was holding.


“I’m cleaning up for you. It was dangerous to have sharp weapons on the floor.” She scoffed, but didn’t argue, so Jin started building the tower again. A comfortable silence followed again, and Jin was just about to assume she had fallen asleep when she spoke up.


“You and Leonnie seem to have gotten quite close…” the girl muttered, and Jin smiled.


“She’s pleasant to be around, and I always learn something when I’m with her. So yeah, I enjoy her company.” It was quiet for a moment, but not as long as before.


“Be careful.” Caylin said, but before he could ask what she meant, she spoke again.


“If you want help I can stack the boxes. I probably need help to get there, but I should be fine sitting down!” Jin put down the boxes he was holding, and stood up. As long as she wasn’t doing anything that required too much effort, getting out of bed could be good for her.


He was very careful when helping her to her feet, and even more careful when holding on to her to steady her. They slowly made their way to the opposite wall, and Jin lowered the girl down until she was sitting down. As soon as he let go of her, she moved around a bit to find a more comfortable position. When she found one, she started picking up boxes and thinking about how to arrange them.


Jin left her to it, and instead decided that he might as well change her bedsheets, as they were a little dirty, and she was already out of her bed. Clean sheets had already been prepared and had been waiting the entire day on her desk.


“Hey, can I ask you something?” he asked while removing the clothing from one of her pillows.


“That in itself was a question, but yes. Yes you can.” she answered, a smile in her voice. Glancing over his shoulder, he watched as she put boxes next to each other and on top of one another.


“Where are you from?” He was curious about her, which wasn’t really strange. Normally she didn’t talk, but while sick she’d become more talkative.


He watched as she froze in her tracks, and the hand holding a box slowly faltered and fell into her lap. She stared at the wall, looking as if she were in deep thought, but didn’t say a thing. Jin continued to strip her bed of it’s clothing, and threw it all into a pile on the floor.


“If you mean where I was born, I must disappoint you and confess that I don’t know. The first location I remember knowing the name of, was Severomorsk, Russia. I spent almost two years and four months there, training. I remember because that’s where we picked up Marigold. She still swears in russian when she gets mad.” Jin put down the pillow he was holding after having put a new pillowcase on it.


“So goddamn annoying.” She gave a short laugh, and shook her head, before going back to building with the boxes. He waited for her to continue talking, but when she didn’t, he decided to keep prying.


“Who’s Marigold?” He said it casually, as if asking about the weather, like it was no big deal.


“She works with me and Leonnie. In the RMS. It’s classified, really, but I guess you won’t die by knowing her name.”


“What does RMS stand for?” Jin turned to glance at Caylin, watching for a reaction. However, the girl merely shrugged and picked up another box.


“Rainbow Military Squad. We’re seven members, each of us has a color and a speciality. As you can probably tell, I was given the color red, while Leonnie got blue.” Putting the last box on the top, Caylin turned to Jin to show him her masterpiece.


He gave her a thumbs up when he saw the pyramid she built, and then returned to making her bed for her. When he was done, he faced Caylin.


“Do you want me to help you back to your bed?” he asked, and she nodded with a hum. Thus he ended up carefully supporting her weight while the two made their way across the room, and thus he ended up almost dropping her when the door slammed open and a far too excited Hoseok stormed inside.


“I’m here to…” He stopped himself when Caylin grunted from the discomfort of being caught around the waist. The newly arrived male took in the scene in front of him, and then pointed at the two.


“She’s not supposed to be out of her bed.” he said, and Jin threw him a slightly irritated glare. He quickly focused back on the hurt girl, and helped her the short bit that remained to her bed.


Caylin sat down, and scooted further back until her back was against the wall.


“Now she’s in her bed. What were you going to say, Hoseok?” Jin asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. The boy in the doorway looked lost for a moment, then he lit up.


“Azelia asks if she's allowed in here.” he said, and Caylin’s eyes widened.


“The little Mistress is always allowed in here.” she said, voice stern, but laced with care and almost adoration. Hoseok gave her a thumbs up, and disappeared out to get the kid.


“You sure you're fit enough to see her?” Jin asked, and Caylin laughed slightly.


“‘Tis but a scratch. You'd have to kill me to stop me from seeing her.” she said, a smile on her lips. Jin opened his mouth to comment further, but was cut off when Azelia came running into the room.


“Red!” she said, or rather screamed. Somewhere along the way across the room, she seemed to remember the presence of the two others, and slowed to a much more respectable pace.


Upon reaching the bed, the small girl climbed up on it and crawled over to lay her head in Caylin’s lap. The latter smiled warmly, and patted the younger's hair.


“Leonnie said she needed you at training, so I volunteered to take your place.” Hoseok told Jin, and the two switched places.


“Well, it was a pleasure to talk to you, Caylin. I'll be up with your food later.” and then he was gone. Hoseok watched as Azelia grabbed Caylin’s hand, and planted a soft kiss on top of it.


"Thank you.” she whispered, but Caylin waved it off with a ‘don't mention it’.


“So. What did I miss while I was out getting your prince charmings?” The redhead were smiling widely while asking, and the kid took a second to think before bursting out in a long rant. Apparently, a lot happened in the week where Leonnie and Caylin were getting the idols.


Hoseok sat at the end of the bed, and listened for the most part. He joined in at times to ask a question, but for the most part he let her do the talking. When Azelia moved from Caylin’s lap to his own, he didn't think anything of it. She was still holding the older’s hand, so it wasn’t as if they weren’t in contact. He completely missed the glare she sent him, because he was to focused on playing with the kid's hair while she talked.


Azelia kept switching between their laps, sometimes sitting in them, and sometimes laying in them. Sometimes, she'd stop in the middle of a sentence, look at Hoseok, and switch the subject. He didn’t take offense. They barely knew each other after all.


Another thing he noticed, was how Caylin drifted off every now and then. He wasn’t sure if the kid noticed this, but if she did, she didn't act like it. It was during one of those moments, that Azelia stopped talking and turned to Hoseok.


“I want to sit with both of you… Not just one at a time…” she said, a pout growing into place. Hoseok laughed quietly, and moved closer to the two girls. He moved her feet into his lap.


“Better?” he asked with a smile, but judging by the girls growing pout she didn't think it was. Sighing, he understood what she wanted him to do.


“Move then.” he sighed, and waved at her as if shooing away an animal. Azelia lit up, and got off Caylin’s lap, waking the latter up.


Carefully, Hoseok scooped the newly awoken girl into his arms, and moved to the corner. That way they could both lean against the wall.


“What are you doing?” Caylin asked.


“Only what the Mistress asked me to.” he replied, knowing that that was probably the best way to get her to do as he wanted. And technically, it was true.


Setting her down by the wall, he gave her a pillow to put behind her back. Getting two more, Hoseok lifted Caylin’s legs, and slipped his own under hers. He leaned against his wall, and put the last pillow between the two of them, where the two walls met. Patting the space left between them, Azelia came crawling across the bed to sit down. Her legs rested on top of both of theirs, creating a small star in the middle.


Caylin moved around a little to get comfortable, and leaned her head on Azelia’s. She, in turn, leaned hers on Hoseok's shoulder. He wasn’t sure how much he dared touch the murderous lady, so he kept his leaned against the wall.


Azelia started talking again, and soon arrived to the part where Leonnie arrived with everyone but two. Feeling the need to relieve his own nervousness by talking, Hoseok started filling in her stories with his own.


When telling them about training, he was met with both girls’ laughs. He'd heard Azelia’s multiple times, and it was as soft and cute as always. Caylin’s however, was new. It was loud, and while you might not have called it cute or beautiful, it made you smile. It was so full of raw feeling, that it was impossible for him not to smile.


Feeling accomplished and a lot more relaxed, Hoseok let his neck relax. His cheek met Caylin’s soft, red, hair, and he heard her breath hitch once. She didn't say anything though, and when he heard her breath steady, he figured she'd fallen asleep. It didn’t take long for Hoseok himself to be lulled to sleep by the little Mistress’ voice, and by the time she finished her story, she too was half asleep.




The next time the door opened, it opened quietly. Hoseok, Azelia, and Caylin were still sleeping curled up in the corner of the bed. The newly arrived male cooed quietly, and turned to his companion.


“Do I really have to wake them up?” he asked his two companions, and while one just shrugged, the other nodded fiercely. When Jimin still hesitated, Taehyung took matters into his own hands.


Sure, they were cute, but sleeping like that could not be good for Caylin’s battered body.


“Hey, Hobi, wake up…” He spoke quietly, and put a hand on his friend's shoulder. Two pairs of eyes opened, but only one voice spoke.


“Tae…” Caylin straightened up after Hoseok removed his head from hers, and Taehyung ruffled her hair softly.


“Jimin’s here to switch with you.” he said, turning back to Hoseok. The latter looked past Taehyung to find Jimin standing in the doorway, together with a slightly uncomfortable looking Jongup.


Humming in understanding, Hoseok woke the sleeping Azelia to get her out of their laps. Until she moved, he had a hard time getting up. She was a bit hard to wake, but when she came to, she moved without complaint.


Caylin gave her a goodbye kiss on the forehead, and then Hoseok and Azelia disappeared out to report back to Leonnie. Jongup followed them, speaking to the kid when silence fell between the three of them.


“Leonnie says hi. And to hurry up and get better. She wants help training us apparently.” Taehyung said after a moment, looking slightly offended.


Caylin’s eyes lit up mischievously, but she only told Taehyung to hurry back to training. When she was alone with Jimin, she turned to him.


“You're strong right?” she asked, and Jimin stopped. He had been on his way over to her bed, but now he stood in the middle of the room.


“Uhm, kinda? I guess?” he said, suddenly uncertain.


“Carry me.” Her instructions were straightforward, but he still had to take a moment to process what she said.


“Wait, what?”


“Carry me. On your back. Like, pick me up and take me outside…”


Jimin kept staring at her, and her excited look faltered for every second that passed.


“No, no, I can't do that…” he began protesting, but his words got stuck when her smile turned into a pout.


“I'm not allowed to let you out of bed…” Her pout deepened, and she clasped her hands in front of her as if she was begging him. A tiny ‘please’ came from her lips, and he tried not to look at her.


“I'll get scolded…” he tried, but he knew he had lost. Once, he had been scared of her, but that just strengthened the adorableness now.


“Technically, you won't be doing anything wrong. Leonnie said that I wasn't allowed to set foot outside my room, but since you'll be carrying me, my feet won't touch the outside of my room!”


Again, the excited smile returned to the girl’s face. Jimin couldn't resist her. He was weak. He did however make sure to scowl at her before he turned to allow her onto his back. Since he was turned the other way, he never noticed her grimace of pain as she climbed up.


The trip down the stairs went better than Jimin thought it would. She weighed a bit, but he'd carried heavier things. Opening doors worked, but he had to hoist her up after opening it, and that made her yelp. Even though she said it didn’t hurt that much, Jimin knew a yelp of pain when he heard it. This was a bad idea, but every time he tried to turn around, Caylin started objecting.


“I just want some fresh air!”

“I haven't seen the sun in ages.”

“I need to see how training’s going.”

“We're almost there, going back would do more harm than good.”



Every time, Jimin gave in, and the closer he got to their main training area, the more he regretted it. Finally, they turned the corner, and the rest came into view. Todays lesson was to get used to a melee weapon, and everyone had gotten to chose one this morning. Most had knives, but there were some bats, a sword, a staff, and there was a chainsaw before, but Leonnie had taken it away.


He felt Caylin move a little on his back, presumably to get a better view, but he didn't have time to think about it. Leonnie might have been standing with her back towards them, but the others most definitely didn't. Chatter broke out instantly, and Taehyung dropped his knife to rush to the two newcomers. More people started moving in their direction, so Jimin stopped walking.


“Are you out of your mind?” Leonnie had discovered their presence. Jimin and Caylin’s reactions were the complete opposites. He dropped his head, getting ready to apologise, while she straightened her back and smiled with a playful twinkle in her eyes.


“Yes, did you discover that now?” she said, and Jimin heard Leonnie’s groan even though she was a couple of meters away.


“Didn't I tell you to stay in your room?” She stopped in front of them, a frown on her face. Personally, Jimin thought she frowned less before Caylin came back, but he didn't speak this opinion out loud.


“You told me not to step outside my room, and I never did. Jimin carried me out.” Her tone was matter-of-factly, and Leonnie sighed. Muttering something about Caylin and loopholes, she turned and threw her hands into the air.


“We’ll take a ten minute break.” she shouted to them all. Then she turned back to glare at the girl on Jimin’s back.


“I want you on your way back to your bed after that, okay? I’m being generous here.” He felt her nod, and Leonnie walked away. Jimin let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, and the people surrounding him moved closer.


“Is she heavy?” Taehyung asked, appearing in the corner of Jimin’s field of vision. The latter laughed slightly and shook his head. Before anyone could say anything else, Zico pushed his way over to them. He nodded shortly to Jimin, before looking up at Caylin. After a moment of looking her in the eyes, he bowed deeply.


“Thank you for saving us. Thank you for going back for Kyung and Jaehyo. Thank you for bringing them back safely.” he said, waiting a little while more before straightening up. The young leader of Block B smiled up at her as she told him not to worry about it, and took a step closer as she reached for him. Caylin hummed contently as she ruffled his short hair, and Zico burst into a smile before drying his teary eyes. The rest of Block B all followed their leader’s example and bowed to thank Caylin, but she just ruffled their hair and told them to forget it.


When U-Kwon moved from her reach, Taehyung appeared again. He took the previous boy’s place, and grinned his usual broad grin while waiting for the red headed girl to ruffle his hair. When she didn’t he pouted, and they laughed at his kicked puppy expression.


“Aaw, Tae don’t look like that… Come here then.” Caylin gave in to him after just a few seconds, and did as he wanted.


Yoongi were watching from a distance. While Taehyung had forgiven and forgotten, he had not. It was surreal to him that the smiling girl on Jimin’s back were the same girl that attacked Taehyung in that bathroom. He was suspicious, and he had every right to be. Caylin looked over, and the two of them locked eyes for a second or two. It felt like minutes, maybe even hours, to him. Curiosity grew inside of him, just who was she, what made her into what she is today? At the same time, he didn’t want to know. It must have been endless cruelty and pain that shaped her into the animal-like creature he saw in that bathtub.


He was drawn from the various sounds of his own mind, by a tap on his shoulder. The melody of chatter, laughter, and wind in the trees, filled his ears as he turned to see Yongguk next to him.


“Don’t over think.” the older male told him, before going to join the crowd that had begun to form around Caylin and Jimin. For a minute, Yoongi just watched him go. Then, a small smile spread on his lips, and he made his way toward the crowd too. It was probably fine, he was probably just over thinking it.




Jimin had carried her back to her room, and this time it was Namjoon’s turn to watch her. Caylin had curled up under her blanket, and were staring at said male with half lidded, lazy, eyes. Namjoon were busy looking through the huge collection of miscellaneous items now neatly displayed around the room, but he still felt her gaze on his back.


“How do you have all this?” he asked after spotting what looked like an umbrella holder, but instead of umbrellas, it was filled with swords. Caylin yawned and pulled the blanket tighter around herself before meeting his gaze.


“Brought some of the weapons from the base. The rest, raids after the world went to hell.” When Namjoon looked at her with raised eyebrows she smirked.


“I work quickly.” she added before pulling her blanket over her head. He kept staring at the little lump before walking over to the bookshelf. A couple of the shelves were filled with logical puzzles of different kinds, while the rest of the shelves held books in different languages. He recognized japanese lettering on one, but the one next to it looked as if it were written in russian.


“Do you like reading?” he asked, letting his fingers trail over the backs of the books. A hum came from the bed, and eyes peered around the edge of the blanket.


“I can’t read all of them though. I forgot a lot of the languages, and I never have enough time to relearn them.” Namjoon nodded absentmindedly, and froze when the sound of paper tearing reached his ears. His finger had caught on a paper cover, causing a tear to pierce the unfamiliar lettering.


He chuckled nervously as he backed away, but when he turned to look at the girl she had once again disappeared under her covers. Smoothing the tear out with his thumb, he moved away from the bookshelf.


“What do you want to do?” he asked after a moment. A ball of fluffy, red, hair appeared in the bed, and her gray eyes took him in.


“I don’t know. What do you want to do?” she replied, and again, Namjoon had to look around him. Usually he’d play games on his phone when he was bored, but now he wasn’t even sure where the device was. He faintly remembered taking it with him when he came to the mansion, but after that? Even if it was here he doubted it would be whole.


“Do you want to talk?” he asked after much thought, and got an affirmative hum back. Caylin scootched closer to the wall, and Namjoon took a seat on the bed. The girl wriggled her way over to him, and with her head in his lap, she asked him to tell her about their various adventures as BTS. And so he did.


He told her about filming music videos, doing shows, winning awards, and much more. The entire time, Caylin laid in his lap with half lidded eyes. She asked a question or two when there was something she didn’t understand, but mostly she just listened.




When the door opened for dinner to be fed to the girl, three people stepped through. Jin were carrying the soup, Zico were trailing behind him, and Jungkook held the door for the two older males.


Rubbing her eyes, Caylin sat up, and Namjoon moved to move closer to the youngest. Jin got to work with feeding her, while Zico started talking about this and that.


“What now, are you also under her spell?” Jungkook asked, eyes still fixed on the sleepy girl on the bed. Namjoon gave a short laugh as he leaned against the wall.


“You should talk to her. She’s actually really nice.” he replied. Jungkook started picking at the hem of his shirt, but never tore his gaze from Caylin.


The girl however, were eating from Jin’s spoon, while watching Zico with wide eyes. He were talking about something animatedly, arms almost knocking things over in the small room. When he got close to knocking the pyramid of boxes down, he was scolded by Jin, and Cayling giggled at them.


Jungkook still wasn’t sure what to think about her. Everybody that had watched her so far had only said good things about her, even Hoseok, but he still didn’t trust her. Thus he was mortified when Jin put the bowl back on the tray and told him that it was his turn.


“Namjoon has already been here for a while, and you’re already here so you can watch her, right?” He wanted to argue, but by the time he got over his initial shock, they had already gotten out and closed the door.


Caylin sat on the bed for a while, staring at him. Her gray eyes looked slightly glazed, and soon her eyelids started drooping. With a yawn, she laid down on her side, and pulled her blanket over her. Jungkook stayed by the wall, he had no intention of going close to her.


They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, silently observing each other. When they broke the silence they did it at the same time. While Caylin tried to speak to him, Jungkook had decided that he didn’t want her to be able to hurt him. At first, the tunes were trembling slightly, but they soon found their place and became more sure.


“Wait… Jungkook, don’t…” the rest became mumbles as the girl fell asleep. As her face twisted into various faces of discomfort and unhappiness, he felt a slight pang of guilt, but he soon got over it and kept singing. For as long as he sang, he was safe.


It didn’t last for as long as he thought however. He soon ran out of things to sing, and resorted to humming while he thought through the list of songs he knew. He’d already sung most of their own songs, and he’d done some covers, but there was a lot that was difficult to remember the lyrics to when he didn’t have the music.


Caylin started grumbling things in her bed, and were soon flailing around too. Slightly startled, Jungkook kept as far away as possible.


“Don’t… No, Stop…” She kept talking, but it was all gibberish to him. He became unsure again, and stopped humming. Maybe he wasn’t being fair. Maybe he should let her wake up, talk to her… At the same time, he didn’t want to grow attached to her, he didn’t want to see her as nice.


The girl on the bed awoke with a silent gasp, and gripped the sheets around her in clenched fists. Her eyes darted around the room for a moment before she relaxed.


“Do you hate me, or do you just fear me?” she asked, eyes finding Jungkook’s. She didn’t sound mad exactly. It sounded more like she was tired, as her voice was hoarse and on the verge of breaking. He was speechless.


“You and Namjoon aren’t as good at whispering as you think you are, and I can see the way you look at me. You clearly dislike me, may I know why?”


Still, Jungkook didn’t answer. He was shocked. Letting her wake up was a bad idea, he decided, and started singing a ballad that he remembered having sung with Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung.


Just like the first time, she protested, but he didn’t listen. Soon, the arm she reached out for him fell limply down the side of the bed, and her eyes shut. They fluttered a couple of times, but not long after, they stayed shut.


Jungkook didn’t stop this time. If he run out of songs to sing, he started repeating songs he’d already sung. Bored, he started walking about in the room, picking up various items to inspect them, before putting them down. When he came across a half-solved Rubik’s Cube, he picked it up and started playing with it. Getting caught up in the little cube, he sat down on the floor by the door, and started trying to solve it for real.


He didn’t get very far though, because the door he sat by was thrown open, nearly hitting him in the face.


“Yah, be careful!” he exclaimed, crawling out from behind the door to see who was there. Yoongi looked down at him with a bored expression before grinning apologetically. Behind him, Jin stood, holding a pile of pillows and blankets. Jungkook was going to ask more, but a small ‘ow’ from the bed made him decide to just get out as fast as he could.


After the young boy had slipped past the two others and gotten out, Yoongi started unloading Jin’s little tower onto Caylin’s bed. She moved over to give him space, but watched them with wondering eyes.


“Are you sleeping here?” she finally asked, and her eyes flickered between the two boys.


“He is.” Jin replied with a smile and a small nod towards Yoongi. The latter was dressed in a very big, dark blue, hoodie, and a pair of grey shorts that looked like cut of sweatpants.




“Because we want to keep someone with you, just in case, and Yoongi volunteered.” Jin answered, and Yoongi gave him a small glare.


“Just because that means I get credit for sleeping. Don’t wake me up, okay?” he pointed at Caylin, pretending to be intimidating, and Caylin held both her hands in the air. After Yoongi had gotten into bed next to the girl, Jin left, and the door was closed.




It hadn’t even been five minutes since he turned of the lights. She was constantly tossing and turning, and it irritated him to no end. Not able to take it anymore, he turned around, and slung an arm over her.


“Please be still.” he muttered. It had been a long day, he’d been running like thirty laps around the mansion, and he really wanted nothing but to sleep for days. When she stilled underneath his arm, he let out a small sigh, and started drifting off.


Just before sleep took him however,-


“I can’t sleep…” A groan escaped him, and he turned away from her, thus removing his arm.


“Try closing your eyes.” he said, and she whined.


“But I’m not tired…” He didn’t reply.


“Yoongi…” If he just ignored her, she might let him be.


“Yoongi please… Yoongi play with me…” His eyes opened wide, and he cursed himself for thinking of it like that.


“Shut up.” he grumbled, and when he felt her coming closer he buried his head in his pillow. Putting her hands on his back, she pushed him slightly.


“Jungkook had me sleeping for like an hour, I’m really not tired. Give me something to do for a little while at least…”


Yoongi swore to himself that he’d skin both Caylin and Jungkook for standing in the way of his sleep, but that’d have to wait until tomorrow.


“What do you want me to do then?” he asked with a sigh. He could almost feel how she lit up, and once again she moved slightly closer.


“Tell me a story!” she said, and Yoongi turned to lie on his back instead.


“What kind of story?” he asked, scooting up a bit so that he was half-sitting. That way he was less likely to fall asleep.


“Any kind… Can I cuddle you?” She sounded so innocent it took a minute for him to register what she said.


“No. You keep on your side of the bed, okay?” Caylin gave him a whine, but did as he asked as he started telling some half-made-up story that he could barely remember. Most of it probably didn’t make sense, but Caylin was quiet so he was content.


Yoongi himself almost fell asleep while talking, and multiple times he trailed off and almost became quiet. He kept nodding off, but woke up when his head fell forward. Leaning his head back, he started trailing  off again, and this time, he fell asleep.




Yoongi was woken up by cold hands trailing up his stomach. He groaned, and swatted them away with a mumble telling whoever it was to go away. The other person however, didn’t stop, and the chilly touches continued to move up his torso.


“What do you want?” he growled, getting annoyed. He did not expect a female voice to answer him.


“Yoongi, I’m cold…” Grabbing a hold of her wrists, he held her still while he adjusted to the dark.


She was half-sitting, half-lying next to him, her arms and hands disappearing beneath his shirt. The duvet were pulled around her, but were open, and slowly sliding down to pool by her waist. Rain smattered on the window, and wind howled every now and then, but there didn’t seem to be any thunder.


Indeed, he felt the low temperature in the room, but it was nothing compared to the icy feel of Caylin’s hands on his stomach.


“Didn’t I tell you to keep on your side of the bed?” he asked, voice scratchy from sleep. She huffed, but pulled her hands away from him, out of his grip. While Yoongi might be considered a bit of a jerk, he definitely wasn’t cruel. Pulling of his hoodie, he reached over to her side and plopped it down on her stomach. There was a small ‘thank you’ and then some rustling.


He didn’t really want to look, but he did anyway to see that she got it on properly. Somehow, he almost choked on air by taking in how tiny she looked at the moment.


While she was slightly taller than him, the sweater was still at least two sizes too big. It didn’t help that she was sitting a little crouched over, and looking incredibly sleepy, small, and wounded. An overwhelming desire to protect came over him, but he stopped it by lying back down and turning his back on her.




Yoongi was cold, his blanket was gone. Still lulled into a sleeping state by the rain, he simply turned and pulled the closest warm thing closer to him. The thing said something but didn’t move away.




A leg entangled itself with Yoongi’s, but he paid it no mind. The fabric he was holding was soft, and it smelled softly of toasted bread. Sleep didn’t wait much longer before pulling him back into darkness.




The rain had stopped, the sun shone through the closed blinds, and the door to the room had been opened. No one had bothered to wake the two, since they were still making preparations for breakfast and morning training.


In the end, Yoongi woke to the sound of people running around in the corridor. He was met with a head of bright red, and the soft breaths of a sleeping Caylin. Her head was resting on his shoulder, and the arm she wasn’t laying on had collected a fist of cloth from the shirt he was wearing.


Even though it was a bit tricky, he managed to slip out of the bed without waking her, and disappeared out of the room to go change.


So that was that. Guess I'll go back into hiding until next members birthday~
Nah just kidding, I'll probably start working on a proper chapter soon , but until then, please comment on what you thouabout this chapter ^^ Love you, byee
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natsumikan_luv #1
Chapter 10: I love this fic! Romance is okay, but I don't really like it, but this is the first fic I found that is mostly focused on action haha
Chapter 9: Oh no... did leonnie go too far?!
Chapter 8: And I hope caylin is okay...
Chapter 8: It??... what kind of horrible thing is considered a it!!!
Chapter 7: How does this not have comments. I could have swore I left at least one?? This is a awesome fic... I just wanted you 5o know that. Someone is enjoying the story your working hard on.

Miun90 #7
Chapter 1: Omg the end of the chapter cracked me up hahahahahaha can't wait for the next update