An Outing

An Outing

It was so quiet - sans the snoring and the little grunts coming out of hyungs and noona’s mouths. And although some snores can be a pain to listen to in the dark, after several weeks of filming Family Outing Daesung had finally gotten used to it. But he had to hide his chuckles at Seunghyuns annoyed expressions whenever the quiet became noisy. He couldn’t help but smile fully - just the thought that Seunghyun was here, now was enough to make him feel like he was floating on clouds. He should be a little sorry that he teased and made fun of his hyung all day for the world to see but looking at Seunghyun, it seemed he wasn’t too bothered about it. It was why he loved his hyung - he was everything that Daesung was not but at the same time - the one who understands him the most and the one that makes him feel like he was powered by sparkles and butterflies. And sleeping together was just the icing on the cake. Where they can hold hands under the blankets and rest his neck right in the crook between Seunghyuns shoulder and neck without worrying about the stares and whispers.

And despite resting on a large wooden floor, Daesung felt exceptionally cosy. His legs snuggled confortable against Seunghyuns whilst the older’s breath lulled the other into sleep - That was until Seunghyun gave out a particularly loud huff followed by a large snort from Sooro hyung. Daesung couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath as he felt Seunghyuns chest rise and fall in an effort to contain his annoyance.

“Hyung, its only one night” he whispered into Seunghyun’s neck, smiling when he felt a slight shudder against him,

“It’s one night to much Daesung-ah!” Seunghyun whispered back, annoyance crossing his face as soon as another wave of snores descended upon the quiet room, “I’m not used to this many people in a room.”

“Try to ignore it hyung.”

“And how am I supposed to do that! It’s so loud!” And to prove his point JongShin gave a snort in his sleep which caused another bout of huffing from Seunghyun,

“I really can’t sleep Dae!”

Daesung had to smile at little at the pout forming on Seunghyun’s lips and instead just reached a hand to his hyung’s hair, massaging the scalp as Seunghyun let out a tired sigh as he wrapped his arms tighter around the younger,

“You should be exhausted by now” Daesung started to whisper when quite filled the room again “What with all the fishes and games I thought you’d sleep as soon as your head hit the pillow”

“Well I didn’t… I need a distraction”

“Counting sheep?” the younger suggested half-heartedly, already content in just being lulled to sleep,

“No. Something to tire me out Dae so I won’t notice how noisy it is” Seunghyun whispered, his eyes trailing absentmindedly around the darkened room and suddenly sitting up when he realized he could just take a walk - ignoring the slight thud when Daesungs head hit the floor,

“Seriously Seunghyun!” he whispered furiously, rubbing the back of his head hurriedly to ease the dull pain, “Where are you going?”

“Outside.” Seunghyun said, getting ready to leave the makeshift bed on the floor,


“I’ll be fine Dae, nothing would happen.”

But Daesung wasn’t too sure, biting his lip as he tried to not think of anything bad happening to his hyung outside the door. And so he stared anxiously at the older, begging him not to go. It was stupid and childish but, he wanted his hyung here.

“Fine,” Seunghyun huffed after seeing the younger worry so much, “I’ll stay.”

The relieved smile Daesung gave him almost made him forget why he was annoyed in the first place. Almost. The snoring started once more and all Seunghyun could do was to lie down and bear it whilst trying to focus on the younger’s breathing to zone out the noise. Daesung decided to go back to his position of using Seunghyun his own personal cushion, his hands running smooth patterns over Seunghyun’s chest and thighs, calming him somewhat.

“You know” Daesung began to say after a lengthy silence, “I could do something to distract you…”

There was something mischievous about Daesung’s husky hushed tone that stirred something in the pit of his stomach.

“Really?” Seunghyuns own voice dropped to a low whisper, making sure to graze his mouth on the younger’s ears “And what would that be?”  

Daesung just hummed in response before reaching up to softly peck at his lips, keeping the atmosphere light and innocent before his hands found the one thing he was looking for an squeezed gently, pecking his hyungs lips when he felt the slight twitch and in his hands and heard the slight gasp that left Seunghyun’s mouth.

But Daesung wasn’t stupid - there was no way he would put his mouth anywhere near Seunghyun’s s no matter the rush he might feel. They were too exposed and there was no certainty that everyone in this room would stay asleep. And the smell - there was no open window, the door firmly shut and he didn’t want anyone waking up to the smell of in the air. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t play with his hyung, can do wonders to stretching your patience and also exhaustion if done right. And so he made sure to peck his hyung’s shoulder whilst his hands wandered around the manhood.

They weren’t aroused per say, but the anticipation was lurking making their eyes wide and their breathing to speed up as their legs were tangled with each other. Seunghyuns hands gently cupped Daesungs face, his fingers pressing firmly at either side of his head as he placed a firm kiss onto the plump lips. It wasn’t an unusual position for them, usually it was Seunghyun who would take a sweeter role whilst Daesung wondering hands would undoubtedly make their arousal rise, brushing his digits anywhere he could despite being covered in fabrics. And it was the same tonight, except they were forced to be extra quiet and just fondling Seunghyun’s hardening length was enough to for Seunghyun to clench his thighs as his blood pumped fire throughout his body. They couldn’t afford to lose control here on the hard floor and so they kept kissing, their lips becoming more urgent as the fingers pressed on his bulge, his hands cupping the hardened shaft as best he could around the pants to apply some sort of pressure, their gasps wavering and hitching to stop them from out loud into the night. And then Daesung ed their hips together and Seunghyun had to bite the younger’s shoulder to stay quiet - his eyes watering as tension coiled tightly inside him and he wasn’t the only one, the laboured breaths of the younger only fuelled his s, their hips clashing more erratically as Daesung’s hands shakily pumped his through the cloth, his gasps becoming louder before Seunghyun silenced them with clashing lips and a wrestling tongue. He could feel Seunghyun groan into his mouth - it was embarrassing really how quickly they can get off of each other with just rutting and a little fondling but they did. It was unexplainable how with just one touch from Seunghyun, he melted and became trusting, willing to be exposed. And he was sure it was the same for Seunghyun. And with that thought he palmed Seunghyung , angling himself so that there arousal brushed together, can feel them twitch and throb under his fingers as he rutted against the older, panting against Seunnghyun’s mouth as they breathed the same air - it was electrifying and somehow they forgot that they were supposed to be quiet, that they were not alone - because now it was only them in the world.

Somewhere in the middle of the night Hyori suddenly woke up - she wasn’t usually a light sleeper but call it a gut feeling that managed to convey a sense of wrongness that made her eyes open. After all, there’s a reason why she was called ‘fast’ in terms of wit and sharpness - she knows exactly what is going on at all times, it may be sixth sense but she made sure that no-one can pull one over her. Being a solo in this industry does that too you especially being a woman at that. And so when she groggily woke up the first thing she heard was… gasps?

Her eyebrows furrowed at that, there were gasps and rustling, sounds that seemed to be snuffled quickly before it could be made. And then she heard it,


 It was softly whispered but Hyori can recognize that voice anywhere and the answering grunt only confirmed what she was thinking. A smirk forming as she subtly tried to see what was going on behind her and wasn’t surprised at all by the sight that greeted her - sometimes, it really amused her how unfazed she is with new situations but noted mildly with surprise that her dongsaeng seemed to be dominating - she would have thought that as the oldest Seunghyun would have preferred that role. She scoffed quietly to herself before she turned around in her sleep - already knowing that the two boys were too far gone to notice that someone was peeping.

‘I need to teach Daesungie how to properly do it in the dark’ was Hyori’s last thoughts before she snuggled back down to sleep.

They were all awake inside the bedroom and whilst Daesung showered, Hyori took to listening to breakfast being made outside, noting that Seunghyun was mainly quiet, his shyness coming out in front of the camera’s as it did yesterday but nothing to indicate that just yesterday night he was engaged in illicit activities and Hyori had to smirk at that.

She was still smirking when Daesung came out of the bathroom, steam following him as he entered the room, his hair as messy as ever as he laid back down onto the bed - pjamas and all.

“So Daesung-ah” Hyori said quietly, smirk firmly settled on her face, “How did you sleep?”


Hyori chuckled slightly at the confused expression on her dongsaeng’s face and just kept quiet, knowing it would confuse the hell out of him even more. A few minutes past as the both of them watched the rest of the ‘family’ members filter in and out of the adjoining bathroom and sit themselves down on the bed chattering amongst themselves as they waited patiently for breakfast to be made. All the while, Hyori watched Daesung - watched as he kept perking up whenever Seunghyun’s voice filtered through - it was adorable at best and she was sure that Daesung himself didn’t know how he was acting. It was beyond obvious that the two were a little more ‘close’ than the average hyung-dongsaeng relationship but that might be because she was born witness to what happened between them last night. Speaking about that -

“Daesungie, you know there are camera’s around the room right?”

She wished she’d taken a picture. The look on his face was absolutely priceless, she almost wished she handed him a water bottle before spilling the big news whilst she cackled delightedly. Instead she settled for an easy going smile which went away as soon as Daesung turned to look at her,

He was scared,

No. He was terrified.

And Hyori’s own eyes widened when she realized that there would be a PD and editor that they would have to talk to in order to explain what the heck they were doing in the night,

“Noona…” Daesung trailed off, his breathing becoming laboured as he fully realized that everything was on camera “Oh God noona, what-”

“I’ll fix it Daeseungie” She hurriedly tried to placate him, placing a hand on his cheek to quickly calm him “I’ll ask the editor to skip the night stuff - no one needs to know okay.”

“o-okay” Daesung stuttered out, his hand on his heart as he tried to placate his beating heart as he tried to smile in thanks but it turned more into a grimace as he spotted that glint in his noona’s eyes.

This can’t be good,

“You know how shows work right daeseungie?” The smile was shark like


“You know why sometimes they have to cut large bits out right?”

Daesung’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, “Timing?”

“Exactly! Timings. So what should we do so that the editor won’t even bother looking at the night footage?”

Daesung was absolutely clueless - what the hell was she going on about,

“Think Daesungie”

“You - what? I don’t know... You want something to happen?”

Hyori just huffed “Daesung, just go out there to your boyfriend or whatever and make a scene that’s so good they would have to put it in the final edit okay” She finished, smiling brightly at the end as she gently nudged her dongsaeng to the door,

“Wha-What?! Are you sure noona?”

She rolled her eyes at that - trust Daesung to have doubts “Yes Daesung I am sure! Now go!”

And Daesung went before he could back out.

A few days later they both could have slapped themselves as they watched the final version of the episode. Hyori honestly wanted to slap her dongsaeng silly because Daesung was just too obvious in how much he ‘loves’ his hyung and Daesung - well Daeusng now has to deal with a moody Seunghyun who was still grumbling insults under his breath as the world discovered the hilarity that was ‘Bingu TOP’.


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