Thanks oppa

My Friends...or Love??

Your POV



I read the newspaper headlines. It’s been two days that me and Mika engaged. Yep that’s right. We engaged on Friday and today are Monday. Time to go to school and face Jay. I don't know how he reacts with this. After the engagement I haven’t call him since then. I’m afraid to face him. I don't want to see his hurt expression. But I have no choice.




I look outside and see Mika’s car. I’m sure that him. He promised to pick me up to go to school. I walk out of the house. He smile and open the door for me. I just smile a little and went inside the car. The whole ride we just kept quiet. Sometimes I noticed that Mika glance at me. But I just ignored it. I’m to worry about Jay. I’m afraid to see him. I don't want to see him. Please I wish I didn’t see him today. Just today don't make me meet him.


Narrators POV

You both went inside the school when students all surrounded you and Mika. Asking a lot of questions about your engagement. You just smile at them while Mika answer all the questions. Some of the girls said that they envy you for getting one of the hottest boys in school. You just smile not knowing what to do or how to react.  Suddenly, you saw Jay looking at you. From far away you can see his hurt expression. He looks at you once again and then walks away.


You are now ignoring HaRin who asking a lot of questions. Such as how did you end up engaged with Mika? Why you didn’t tell her that you in love with Mika which is not true and whatsoever. You just too distracted to answer all her questions. At lunch all girls trying to sit with you and be friends with you. “They are all such fakes. Now they know I’m rich and engaged to one of the DGNA members now they want to be friends with me? Such jerks” You thought to yourself


(A/N: Skips a week)


It’s been a week and Jay hasn’t talked to you since then. You and Mika well…. As usual. You still awkward around him while he tried his best to grab your attention but failed. As for Karam he is now busy with audition with Hyunmin. Sometimes they all went to audition together and didn’t come to school. So they barely talk to you anymore. The only one who still talks and hang out with you is Hyunmin. You sometimes take a walk with him and eat together. Right now you and Hyunmin hang out in the café where the first time you actually talk to him.


Hyunmin: So are you happy with him?

____: I don't know.

Hyunmin: Do you love him?

____: *sigh*…… I ………….. I…………. I don't.

Hyunmin: Then, you should tell you parents.

____: But I don't want to hurt them. You already know about Injoon oppa right?

Hyunmin: Yea… you told me before. So…… what are you going to do?

____: I don't know. I wish this was just a dream. I wish that I wake up already. But it’s not a dream but a reality.

Hyunmin: If you truly love Jay you should tell him.

____: *sigh*… I wanted too. But he’s too busy just like you. I don't have a chance. Besides what will people say when they found out that I love someone else while I’m engaged to Mika sunbae.

Hyunmin: Whatever it is. You must talk to your parents first about this. You can’t just ignore it. If you truly love Jay then fight for it.

____: You’re right. Maybe I should talk to my parents.

Hyunmin: When do you want to talk to them?

____: Well….


Parents: WHAT??!!!

____: I want to break up this engagement.

Mom: Why? You accept it when your brother asks you.

____: That time I have no choice omma. I don't want to embarrass oppa that time.

Dad: *sigh* Are you sure about this _______-ah?

____: Yes appa. I’m sure.

Mom: Please think about it again dear…

____: I already think about this for a week. This is my final decision omma, appa.

Dad: Looks like there’s nothing we can do about it. Araso. We talk with Mr. Lee’s family about this.

____: Really?

Mom: Yes. We don't want our only daughter marry someone she doesn’t love.

____: Thanks omma and appa. You’re the best.


You hugged them tightly and thank them again. You never thought that they actually agreed to it. You thank them numerous times. At night your parents went out to meet the Lee’s family. You were alone in your house. Waiting for your parents to deliver some good news about this engagement. Suddenly, the door open and your parents came in. But someone caught your eyes. Mika was there too with your parents.


Dad: Umm… Suhoon here wanted to talk to you about this engagement.


You blinked at your dad and look at Mika. He just gave a small smile.


Your POV

After we walk out of the house we are now at the park where me and Mika first talk and times where I accidentally kiss his cheek. We sit on a bench and quiet for a while. Some passengers notice us and pointing at us. I just lowered my head and look on the ground. I don't have the nerve to look at Mika


Mika: We pass the audition and will be trainees and Open World Entertainment.


My eyes widened and I look at Mika. He smile at me and he smile back. I’m happy for them. It’s their dream to become a star. Now their dreams will come true.


____: Congratulations. When you guys did became trainees?

Mika: About 2 days ago.

____: I see.

Mika: So… why did you want to break up this engagement?

____: Umm… well….

Mika: You love someone else?

____: I….

Mika: I saw your necklace. And I notice that Jay bought that necklace



Mika walk into the class with girls all drooling at him but he just ignores them and went straight to Jay who was looking down. Mika take a peek and saw Jay holding a small pink box and a necklace was in it. Jay look at the necklace with a smile on his face.


Mika: Who do you want to give it to?

Jay: *shocked* Hyung!


He quickly closes the box and put it back in his pocket. Mika just smile and look at him. Jay cleared his throat and smile sheepishly at Mika.


Mika: You know I already saw the necklace. Come on tell me.

Jay: I want to give it to someone.

Mika: Who?

Jay: Well… I can’t tell you.

Mika: I hope it’s a girl

Jay: Of course it’s a girl hyung. I’m not gay.

Mika: Hehe… who knows….

Jay: Hyung!


-End a flashback-


Mika: So… I guess the girl is you…


I’m so busted; I don't know what else to do so I just nodded slowly. Then I hear his sigh. I look at him and he just look in front.


Mika: Remember when the first time we went here?

____: Ye….

Mika: And… the first time you kissed me.

____: It was only on the cheek. AND it was an ACCIDENT.

Mika: Hey don't need to defend yourself. I know you wanted it to.

____: So N.O.T.

Mika: *chuckled* It was the greatest moment of my life…


I froze. Why did he say that? Does that mean he love me? I thought he was just playing around when he kissed me at the party and said that I’m his girlfriend. OMO! Please don't tell me……… he……… no…… don't….


Mika: That’s right. I love you….


He can read my mind. I look away not wanting to see him. I can feel he switch his gaze to me. I closed my eyes. Hearing my heart beats faster. Not because my heart flutter but because of me their friendship may collapse. Jay, Karam and Mika love me. But I already made my choice.


Mika: I know you don't feel the same. I think I already know who you love……………………… it’s Jay……. Right?

____: I’m sorry Mika sunbae.

Mika: Don't be. You have the right to choose. I already talk to my parents about this. They disagreed at first but they soon agreed to break this engagement. So… No need to worry anymore.

____: Thank you Mika sunbae.

Mika: So… have you told him?

____: Hmm?

Mika: Tell Jay that you love him too you silly.

____: No… I didn’t tell him yet.

Mika: Aish! You should tell him. He has not been himself lately. Maybe because this engagement

____: Really? But he doesn’t want to see me.

Mika: What made you think that?

____: Well… at school I tried to talk to him but he always avoided me.

Mika: Aish! That kid…. Really…….. Don’t worry I’ll help you.

____: Really?

Mika: Yep. Leave it to me. But there’s one condition.

____: What?

Mika: Call me oppa.

____: Araso sunbae……opps……. I mean oppa


I hugged him tightly. I’m really thankful to him. He really understands me. I really love him…….but just as friends okay. I hope he found the perfect girl for him someday. I release the hug and smile widely at him. He also smile back and held my hand and stood up.


Mika: Come. I get you home.

____: Thanks oppa.


i think this story almost come to an end....


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this is my fav fic
ItzJaeKay #2
Ahhh karma is a player so cool, I some time imagine him as one<br />
Mika omg I love eye cold y seductive eyes >///<<br />
just finish reading and I love it <br />
Good job ^^
ItzJaeKay #3
Ahhh Injun gave up<br />
I feel sorry for him :(<br />
Loving your story so far XD
mysteriousaura209 #4
thank you
i already finish this story a long time ago but i still get a new subscribers for this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
ohdeerluhan #7 karam is a playboy?haha<br />
btw love the story n_n
rgpponci #8
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