Silly Chanyeol

You are stupid and I am psychopath
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“Guyssss guess what?!”Sujeong.

“Don’t-“Eun Hye.

“Its CLUB ACTIVITY Week!!!!!”Sujeong,Hanyool,Hira,Hyojin.

“Oh noo…”Eun Hye slap her forehead.

“We need to recruit a new member”Sujeong.

“Let me and Hanyool do the registration thingy!!”Hira.

“Arasso,I’m counting on you guys,and the others?”Sujeong.

“I’m gonna pass the brochure with the others”Hyojin.

“Arasso since everyone has their own duties,I’m gonna be in the club room,if anyone interested joining our club ask them to meet me there okay,Fighting everyone!”Sujeong.



“Okay so what now?”Hanyool.

“No one’s coming e.e”Hira.

“I told you we should wear the animal out fit!”Hanyool.

“That’s not it,its because our club is boring as -_-“Hira.

“Hey isn’t that Eun Hye?”Hanyool point at girl walking alone with her earphone on.

“Yapp that’s her…Yahhh Ji Eun Hye COME HEREE!”Eun Hye.

‘Ugh..what now…”Eun Hye walk toward them.

“What?”Eun Hye.

“Call your friend and ask them to join our Club”Hira grinning.

“Yeah!Call them!”Hanyool.

“Shure..~” Eun Hye take out her Iphone and start to dial her friend number.


Ühh..”Hira take out her iphone.

“Yahhh Eun Hye I told you to call your other friend pabo.”Hira.

“Shure~”Eun Hye dial another number.

*Warning warning warning*

“Ahhhh jeongmal? Hanyool look at Eun Hye with disbelieve looks.

“Ahhh,how about you guys call your boyfriend to join the ing club and ask their friend family,grandfather grandmother,the ahjushi that sell ramen infront of school and the annoying kids next to my house that always play a prank by keep pressing the bell button then run away after I open the door!”Eun Hye.

“.. . . . . . wow”Hira Hanyool.

Then suddently Sehun,Baekhyun and Kai  appear out of nowhere.

“Haii jagi C: “Baekhyun.

“Yahhh don’t call me that infront of my friend pabo”Hira laugh.

“Waeeee,you’re my girlfriend now rights?”Baekhyun tease Hira.

“Dude get a room”Kai.

“How long are you guys gonna keep your relationship secret?”Eun Hye.

“Until we finish our college?”Hira

“Yeah right,I don’t think Baekhyun can handle all the boys drooling over his girlfriend.”Kai.


They all laugh.

“Haha!I don’t if I have to wait for a long time to declare my girlfriend in public.People don’t have to know our relationship.”Baekhyun.

“Okay Baekhyun,if you really love your girlfriend,please join our club.”Eun Hye


“You heard her jagi,join our club”Hira smirk.

“Nonono Baekhyun gonna join us to the basketball club.”Sehun.

“Ooohh,hmm pity then,there’s many people has join our club especially BOYS!”Eun Hye.

“ARASSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!Since you call me jagi I join your club”Baekhyun.

Äish this hyung”Kai and Sehun slap their forehead.

“You guys?”Eun Hye ask Sehun and Kai.

“What type of club that you guys run anyway?”Kai.

“Idk either actually,but mostly  what we do when we gathered is dancing and singing and stuff..”Eun Hye hesitatedly explain to them.

“Why does it sound like you guys run a…..karaoke club?”Sehun


“We ordered chicken every week.”Hira

“Move Baekhyun ,I want to sign.”Kai

“You can see Hanyool in short/tight everyweek Sehun ah..”Eun Hye whisper to him.

“Wtf”Sehun look at Eun Hye disbelief but she replied with smirk.

“Okay I join the dumb club.”Sehun.

“Uhh please wrte your name here Sehun ah..”Hanyool blush.

Ühh umm ohh okay”Sehun.

“Hanyool you should find yourself another boyfriend,someone tall,like Sehun,you should date him,you shouldn’t date that shortie”Eun Hye say .

“Yahhhh EUN HYEI WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS TO MEE!”Hanyool face start to become redder.

“Ahhh yahhh Eun Hye!”Sehun glared at her.

After the three idiot sign their name for the club they ask permission to leave.(To meet the other idiot)

“You see,I do better job at recruiting a new member,yeah and I think I can manage to get all the exo without doing anything,so you guys just wait here and do nothing,bye!”Eun Hye bid them.

Then after Eun Hye left,taeyeon come to our table.

Üghh,you guys still run the club?I wonder who will join you guys”Taeyeon.

“Umm lemme see”Hanyool check the name that people already sign for their club.

“Baekhyun,Kai and Sehun”Hanyool.

“Wait what???!”Taeyeon snatch the paper at Hanyool hand.


“Fine,then lemme join your club as well.”Taeyeon.


“Because I said so!”Taeyeon.

“Okay then…”Hanyool.

“So who’s your club president?”Taeyeon.

“Ji Eun Hye”Both Hanyool and Hira.

“OMG WHAT?!!”Taeyeon jaw drop.

“Thankyou for joining our club Taeyeon ssi”Hira snatch the paper after taeyeon wrote his name.

“And welcome to hell…..”Hanyool in a satan tone.



“Ohhh heyy where’ve you guys been anyway?”Kris.

“We were just pass by the club registration to see if there any new club has been run.”Kai.

“Lol,we all agree on joining the basketball club remember.”Lay.

“Well actually…..”Sehun.


“Wth Kai?”Baekhyun.

“Okay actually we want to try new thing so we join the CNY Club.”Sehun.

“WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!?”all the other 6 member who did not join the club YET.

“Okay weelll actually Eun Hye blackmail us,PLEASE DON’T HURT US HYUNGG!”Sehun,Kai.

“Ughh seriously guys,what did the club do anyway?”Suho.

“Eat,sleep,rave repeat?”Sehun.

“. . . . . . .”Exo.

“I think we should try new  things to,don’t you think guys?”Xiumin.

“Hahahha well let’s all join the CNY club.”Luhan.

“Hey guysss sory I’m latee!!”Chanyeol try to catch his breath.

“What are you guys talking

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