Worth It (Broken Heart #1)



He was my strength when I was so vulnerable

He was the one who made me believe in fate

Like a knight in shining armor, he saved me from my darkness and loneliness

I gave my broken heart to the man who is too perfect





A girl who has a heart disease          |     A guy who has blocked out world with his scars

A girl who has never given freedom   |     A guy who has lost faith in life

What if these two opposite people meet?

Can he show her the world?             |     Can he make her feel like she deserves to be treated?

Can she heal his broken heart?         |     Can she make him feel like he’s worth every single happiness in the world?


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nanjang #1
Chapter 1: You're back!!
sjhjoysungjae #2
Chapter 1: i hope the male character will be shinee minho or suju donghae
Chapter 1: finally you made comeback story...i am excited to read your story again..anyway update soon..
Woah. Nice surprise to see you here again :)
I miss you and your stories :D
I agree with pinkbuddy123.
I hope it can be Yunho or Changmin.
pinkbuddy123 #5
Chapter 1: Waaa~~~ its been awhile since ur last update
Hoping the main male character would me yunho or chang min though; )