Our Story- How it started

My Life is You

"Minhee ah,this is Jongin. My friend's son. Make friend with him, you will be bestfriend surely."

That's how i met him when we was 10, my family and i of course move to Seoul. They said they got a bigger opportunity for their business. Obedient child I am, I followed them. Hehe, whom I kidding, I have no one else other than them. My foster family. Jongin, a boy i must say so handsome for a 10 years old kid. I swear my heart beating too much that day. 

From there, our relationship started. as friends that turn out to lovers. I never loved anyone else so hard like I love him. Despite too many things he did that make my heart shuttered, I still want him. And the day he asked me to be his wife is the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. There was so many obstacles for us to get this far. I will never forget his mother that I thought was so loving and has soft heart slap me just because we got married. I will always remember the day that my foster family chased me from the house, from the family. That I was disgrace. But at that time I can't think of other things except to be with forever but I guess forever is not exist.

We were 18 when we get married. The first few months was the happiest time together. He will always be there when I feel lonely, and I will always be there for him. I love dancing and for Jongin dancing is his soul. I were so happy we I heard that he will debut with his friends. I didnt know them because we hide our relationship. No one knows other than our family that we were married. Nightmare started after his debut, no time for me, always stay late for the dance practice, and no more I love you from him. But I bear with it, I understand him, its his passion. 

Until one night. Chrismas day. I were waiting for him with a big news. A happy news for me. That night he broke my heart falling into pieces we he said

" I dont want you anymore. I have a dream that need to be accomplish. You just make it harder for me to get what I want. We are a mistake. I dont want this anymore. Just get out from my life. Kim Minhee."






First chapter up.......I'm sorry it's short but the next chapter will be much longer. And the grammar, urghh.. This is their past, I dont want to make Jongin a jerk but I have to.



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