i wanna die with this

let's get lost

it’s later after midnight when you and hoseok get home after your movie night out. the lightening in his apartment is dim and relaxing and you barely manage to take your shoes off before you slump on the comfy couch in front of the tv. he chuckles and whines at you, “aaah, at least take your jacket off..” your eyes are closed but the fake scowl in his face is apparent in his voice. you open an eye and yes, there he is. he looks so cute pretending to be annoyed and you melt inside. 

you can’t help but smile. a small one. it’s impossible not to. but you still pretend not to be swooning over him. “let me be warm and drift to sleep,” you mumble tiredly while looking at him. “it’s gonna be cold if i take it off” and the smirks and you already know it before the words come out of his mouth. “ well you’ve got me to do that for you. im warm! and good at cuddling, too.”

“mhmm, you're a pro. indeed.” you can’t stop smiling. he’s also smiling when he reaches to take your jacket off for you. a short struggle and it’s off and you slump down again. ever since you started dating hoseok, every night you go out with him and have fun like this night, you find yourself coming home warm with nice feeling in your stomach. you just feel really good and content you might actually cry happy tears.

hoseok hangs your jacket, goes somewhere and returns with a light blanket. you turn so you’re lying on your back and look at him approaching. he places the blanket on your feet first, and then lifts your legs so he can sit beside you on the couch, which he does, placing your feet above his thighs.

you adjust and eye the blanket. “you’re not confident in your warmth?” he acts hurt but there’s a hint of blush ghosting his face. he throws the blanket to the floor and sighs.

“come here,” he says.

you move until you’re next to him and he puts his arm around your shoulders. you turn your head so you can inhale his scent and you get dizzy with it. his fingers are caressing your arm in the most comforting way ever. despite it being comfortable you suddenly feel so hot in your skin. hoseok starts talking about a favour his friend asked him to do tomorrow and how he’s probably going to be busy the whole day.


you don’t feel like talking but you don’t want him to stop doing so. you could hear him blabber like this for the rest of your life, though. his voice sounds really low right now because of his obvious tiredness, and it's so so nice to listen to. 


he holds you tighter and you caress his thigh tenderly. you notice him stop talking probably probably two seconds too late, and you feel sharp gaze focused on the side of your face. you swallow hard and feel your stomach sinking. you turn your head and before you can see his expression, hot lips crash into yours and kiss you with strong passion you gasp and whimper. your hands immediately go to his neck and you press and kiss back, taste his amazing lips so thirstily and he hums in a low tone.


his other hand finds your thigh and lifts you and he sits you on his lap, straddling him. never once leaving his lips, you adjust, hugging his waist with your thighs. your feet hiding behind his back and inside his shirt and you regret not taking your socks cause now you cant feel his skin properly. however you can't complain because you've always wanted to be in this position with hoseok. this is the closest you've ever sat it almost feels like you're one with him.


he moans into your mouth and you feel it in your entire body. you slightly open your mouth in shock. he doesn’t stop and bites into your lower lip and you lose it. you stare dizzily at him panting. he’s so beautiful and you’ve been falling for him ever since you ing saw him. he looks at you with drooped eyes and smiles lazily. your eyes land on his cute lip mole and you don’t stop yourself from kissing it. you trail kisses to his jaw, taking your time there before you move to his neck and you lose yourself there. wet kisses scattered all over his neck and his throat as your hands unconsciously find their way under his shirt and feel the soft skin there. 


his fingers nudge your chin up and lift your face until you’re both on the same level. he moves his face forward until your lips brush. his movements are so slow and you’re both lost in the moment. his lips stay faintly brushing yours carefully, he tilts his head to the right slightly and you suddenly feel something wet invading your mouth and holy . oh god wow. no.

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