Everything Has A Beginning

Can I Like You?
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Arlene got up and saw it was 6:00 am already. She was about to get ready for school when she realised that it was the weekend and there was no school on Saturday. She laid back down in bed and thought about last night. It was so awkward last night during dinner.


~Last Night~

Mrs. and Mr. Kim made her and Hanbin sit next to each other while Bobby and Jinhwan sat on the other side of the table, having to face the awkward couple. While the adults conversed and Hanbyul was silently enjoying her food, Arlene couldn’t face anybody and just kept to herself. Hanbin wanted to say something but just thought it was best to keep quiet. Jinhwan was just at ost from the situation that unraveled and only picked at his food. Bobby was the only person who didn’t have a place to say something. He only observed the three sad ridden teenagers around him. He noticed how Jinhwan was so sad from the news, Arlene not knowing how to feel...but with Hanbin, his facial expression was a little unexpecting. If it was another girl, Hanbin would not give to flips about the marriage and would have an annoyed expression. But this was Arlene and from what Bobby would tell, Hanbin had a sad yet a speck of hopefulness in his eyes.


‘I should see how this will all play out before anything else.’ Bobby thought to himself before returning to his food.


‘Should I really give in to this marriage? It’s says to marry when we turn 20. Thankfully I still have time to think.’ Arlene thought.


‘I shouldn’t feel like this but Jinhwan hyung really serious about her. But so am I. There’s no way she’ll ever come to me, even after we get married.’ Hanbin thought as he sadly looked at his food.


‘Will she really go for this marriage? I can’t tell her what to do but I also don't want to miss a chance to see if she could be the one for me.’ Jinhwan thought.


And for the rest of the night, those four teenagers did not speak to each other. The Hanbin's parents and Hanbyul went to the guest room after dinner to sleep as the four went to their rooms and didn’t come out for the rest of the night.


~Now In The Present~

Arlee stayed laying her bed as she didn’t know whether to get out of bed now or later. She Decided it was best now then wait since the boys may not be up at this time of day. She got out of her bed again and went to the bathroom to wash her face. When she saw herself in the mirror, she was a bit shocked to the sight of dark circles under her eyes. That’s what you get staying up till 1 in the morning. Arlene washed her face and combed her bed head.


‘What do I want for breakfast?’ Arlene asked herself. She smiled a bit in the mirror and then headed out her room to the kitchen. She tried to be quiet going down the stairs as she made her

way to the kitchen. When she entered, she jumped a bit when she saw Jinhwan already awake with a cup of coffee in his hands while he at at the island. Jihwan looked at her and smiled weakly.


“Morning.” He said. Arlene smiled back and sat next to him.


“Morning.” She replied back. The two sat in complete silence as the barely lit room was becoming a bit brighter as the sun was still rising. Arlene only stared forward as she was deep in thoughts and Jihwan kept stealing glances at her. He wanted to start a conversation but didn’t know what to say.


“How did you sleep last night?” Arlene came out of her thoughts and looked at him with a warm expression.


“Alright I guess. I mean, it’s a little too much to take in.” Arlene referred to last night’s event. She spent all night thinking of carrying Hanbin was really a great choice. From the first day she arrived, she quickly saw Hanbin as an older brother. She never had any romantic thoughts towards the male as it never crossed her mind. Unlike Hanbin, she couldn’t see a possible future for them.


“Oppa, want to go out for breakfast?” Arlene asked. Jinhwan looked at her a bit shocked at the request. Arlene never really asks anyone to hang wit her, especially ay of the members since they practically always hang as one group. This would probably be the first time they will hang out together without any interruptions. Jinhwan gave her a smile and nodded. Arlene returned the smile and got off her seat, making her way to her room.


“Be ready in 10 minutes.” She disappeared going upstairs and Jinhwan couldn’t help but feel giddy inside. He was getting more alone time with her. This can be a good opportunity for him to get to know more about her. He finished his coffee and quietly made his way to his room. He reached his closet and tried to find something suitable to wear.


“Aish, I feel like such a girl.’ He mumbled while going through his shirts. Finally after seeing he had less than six minutes left, he decided on a black longsleeve that had ‘SHOWTIME’ on the chest in red metallic letters, black jeans that were ripped at the knees and gold/ black Nikes. He thought it may have been a little too much but he had no time to find a different outfit. He combed his curly golden brown dyed h

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husnabila #2
I guess this is hanbin's fanfic :(
nicoco0810 #3
Chapter 7: Awwwwwww JINHWAN
ktroct #4
Chapter 7: waw jinan so chessy kkk
iiroyalangel #5
Chapter 6: Omg. Jinhwan is so jelly! Yay bts is in this story
iiroyalangel #6
I love it update soon
<3 <3 <3 <3