Fun in the sun

An undreamy dream

Chapter 20 – Fun in the sun


“YAYAYAY!!” Taemin cried as he ran towards the sea, along with Youngmin, who was also equally excited to go swimming.


“Noona! Catch this!” someone called.


I turned around and a beach ball came flying into my face.


I caught it.


“Nice throw, but not good enough~” I teased, and then threw the ball back to Minwoo.


Minwoo pouted and ran away with the ball.


Key was somewhere giving himself a tan with Jonghyun, while Minho look guard on Taemin, who was swimming in the sea.


Onew was… I’m not sure what he is doing…


He was doing some kind of martial arts, I think. ._.




Looks like chops… :\


“HU HAA!! HWAAAAAIII YAAAA!!” He yelled, kicking up high, then punching up and low.


“What exactly are you doing?” Jeongmin asked.


“I’m chicken-chopping! Cool huh?” he grinned, then continuing punching and kicking.


Jeongmin looked at him weirdly.


Then suddenly, his face twisted in pain and he fell onto the sandy beach, groaning in pain.


“Cr…Cram…Cramps….” He whined.


Jeongmin sighed, and then dragged him to the nearest beach chair to rest.


I was just leisurely strolling around the shores.


Aaah! =v=


I just love the sunny weather!


I like the way the warm sunrays shone on me.


I pulled my sunhat’s rim a bit lower so it can block my eyes from the bright sun.


“Here, take this.” Kwangmin said as he tossed me a pair of sunglasses.


Eh? Isn’t this the one I bought at the shop? ._.


“You left it in the hotel… I thought it would be a bit too sunny, so I brought it out in case you need it~” Kwangmin explained, giving me a small smile.




That’s so nice of him! :DD


“Hey! Look, I got an ice-cream!” Donghyun waved as he ran towards us, with a cone in his hand.


Kwangmin raised a brow.


“How did you get that?” Kwangmin asked pointing to his ice-cream, gulping.


He must be really hungry. :\


Donghyun laughed.


“I knew you were going to ask that! But… nehh, for you! I’m NOT going to tell you~” Donghyun sang, his vanilla ice-cream.


I looked at his ice-cream.


That looks so delicious… and yummy… @_@


Donghyun must have caught me looking at him eating the ice-cream and felt bad for me. :\


“Here, have some~” he said, shoving the ice-cream in front of me.




Do I really look that hungry? -.-


He gestured me to open my mouth and as he put the ice-cream near my mouth, Hyunseong came and took a big bite from the ice-cream.


“Ooh! I love vanilla!!” Hyunseong exclaimed, his ice-cream stained lips.


“HYUNSEOOOOONG!!! YOU’RE SO DEAD!!” Donghyun growled as he chased Hyunseong, who was running away from him.


Kwangmin sighed.


“I should have done what Hyunseong did. Damn, I’m really hungry now!” Kwangmin sighed.


I laughed.


“Yeah, maybe you should! You could at least get a bite.” I said thoughtfully.


“Well, he doesn’t give anyone eats what he’s eating. I’m surprised he actually offered you ice-cream himself!” Kwangmin said, crossing his arms behind his head.


Oh, he doesn’t? ._.


“Anyway, I think I know where Donghyun got that ice-cream.” Kwangmin said as he pointed towards a shop that has a big signboard saying “Baskin’ Robins”.




Why didn’t I see it earlier? ._.




But even if I went in, I only can drool until the whole shop floods. T^T


I’ve no money.


And I’m so not going to flirt or whatsoever to the person that’s selling the ice-cream. :\


“Kwangmin, have you forgot? We have no-“ I reminded but he but cut me short by grabbing my hand and led me towards the shop.


“Don’t worry~ I know what to do. Youngmin’s not only the one that has the tricks! I can do it too!” Kwangmin said, giving me a reassuring wink.




Okay. ._.


We went into the shop and I could feel myself drooling.


It’s been such a long time since I ate ice-cream. @_@


And boy, how much I missed it! >v<


I stared at the rainbow sherbet in the glass fridge.


So... tempting.... @_@


“You like rainbow sherbet too?” Kwangmin asked, kneeling beside me while looking at the rainbow sherbet too.


“Yeah!! Rainbow sherbet takes up half of my life!!” I said, giving him a broad smile.


“Excuse me, but could I help you guys?” a girl, slightly older than my age asked.


“Oh? I didn’t see pretty noona there!” Kwangmin said, smiling widely.




Did he just transformed into Minwoo? ._.


The girl blushed.


Okay, seriously.


These people around me have to stop using their looks to get what they want.


I mean, it’s evil!! D:


But… in this case…


I would like to stay it this way. :P


“You’re cute!” she giggled.


Kwangmin scratched his nape shyly.


“That’s what people always say~” he muttered.


“What’s your favourite flavor? I’ll get it for you!” the girl said, holding the ice-cream scoop.


“Rainbow sherbet… But noona… I don’t money with me now…” he sighed, giving her his look-at-me-I’m-so-pitiful look, his doe eyes widening.




Reminds me of Puss in Boots… ._.


“It’s okay! I’ll treat you ice-cream! For your girlfriend too!” she said, reaching for two cones.






“Excuse me, but I’m not his girlfriend.” I said abruptly.


“You’re not?” she said, pausing to not scoop my ice-cream.


OMG, I’m soo regretting I said that.


“Of course she is! Aish, don’t be so shy!” Kwangmin laughed, putting his arms around my shoulder.


I feel myself radiating heat as he did so.


UGH, hope I don’t sweat… @_@




“She’s not going to give you ice-cream if you don’t know me… So please, act with me!” Kwangmin whispered.




I see… :\


I snuggled into Kwangmin’s arm, which I had to admit, I’m so not used to doing so. @_@


“Here, two ice-creams for both of you!” the girl chirped, handing us our ice-creams.


“Thank you noona!” we chirped, shooting out to get our ice-creams.


But before I could get my ice-cream, the noona lost her grip and my ice-cream fell.


D: ?!?!?!?


“OMO!! I’M SOOO SORRY!! I DIDN’T MEAN TO DO THAT!!” she apologized, cleaning up the mess.


Huuuu…. ToT




“Can’t she get another one? Please?” Kwangmin pleaded, putting on his show.


“No… I’m so sorry! My boss will scold me if I keep handing off free ice-creams… I guess both of you just have to share!” the girl grinned.


Okay, did she just grinned? >:(


That’s so evil!! >x<



Ice-cream girl’s P.O.V (LOL, I don’t know what to call her anyway~ :P)


“Aaw, noona!! Can’t she get another one? Really??” the boy pleaded me again.


The girl pouted, staring at the boy’s ice-cream, which is starting to melt.


“I’m so sorry… I already gave you two free ice-creams!” I said apologetically, as I turned away from them when a customer entered the shop.




I’m such a good noona! :P


And why I say so?


Why, that’s because I’m doing something good to bond them together! ^O^


Normally in dramas, couples will share an ice-cream!




And oh, they both look so cuute together!! :DD


“Share!” I hissed to them, pointing to the boy’s ice-cream.


They sighed, and walked away from the counter and to where the tables and chairs are.


YAYAY!! >v<


I did a good thing today!! ^O^


And I’m gonna treat myself!!






I’m so evil…


Kufufufufu~ =v=



Normal P.O.V


I sighed, but walked to the tables and chairs to eat our ice-cream.




“Uhh... Looks like we still have to share huh?” Kwangmin said awkwardly.


“You better eat it fast! It’s starting to melt!” I said, pointing to his ice-cream that’s starting to melt and forming a sloppy mess on the cone.


“Umm… I think you should just have it.” Kwangmin said, shoving the ice-cream to me.


“Woah! You can have it! I mean like, you paid for it… Umm… kinda… But, it’s still yours! Mine fell and that’s the end.” I said, shoving it back to him.


He laughed.


“Okay, okay. No use in refusing. We'll share then. Here, you have the first bite!” he said, as he put the ice-cream near my mouth.


“Fine, if you insist!” I grinned cheekily as I slurped the sloppy liquid on the cone.


I’m famished and thirsty anyway.


Who cares if we’re going to share that ice-cream?


We’re both hungry, so that’s it.


No other purposes. :P



Kwangmin’s P.O.V


I took a big bite out of the ice-cream cone.


Mmm~! >v<


I just love this!! :DD


“Hey, don’t keep taking such big bites! I want to eat too you know!” Jeo Lynn pouted.


I chuckled.


“Blehh~ I’m growing!” I stated, then taking a big bite again.


Jeo Lynn grabbed my hand which held the ice-cream and aimed it at her face.


She took a bite and grinned at me.


“Blehh to you too!” she teased.


“What are you guys doing here?” someone interrupted.


Both of us simultaneously turned to see Youngmin looking at us.


He raised a skeptical brow at me.


Uh oh. :\


“Ice-cream! You want some?” Jeo Lynn chirped, holding out my hand which held the ice-cream to Youngmin.


Youngmin narrowed his eyes.


“Since when did you guys have the money to buy that ice-cream?” Youngmin questioned.


“Kwangmin did the trick to that noona! I can’t believe he actually succeeded!” she said, eyes twinkling, then leaning forward to pinch my cheeks.


I gulped.


Okay, it’s so obvious that Youngmin is jealous right now.


I don’t know if it’s either because of Jeo Lynn being with me or the ice-cream we had.


But I’m guessing it’s both.


He gets angry when anyone of us tries to talk to her, especially me.


WHY?! D:


“Yeah, whatever.” He gritted.


I could feel the tension aura radiating between us.


“Here, you can have the rest.” I said as I gave the half-eaten ice-cream to Jeo Lynn, then standing up to drag Youngmin away out from Jeo Lynn’s earshot.


“Hyung, I can explain. I-“ I started, but Youngmin abruptly cut me off.


“Yeah. You say that a lot. Gee, thanks.” He sneered sarcastically, then headed out of the shop.


I sighed, my shoulders slumped as I did so.






“Is something wrong?” Jeo Lynn came and asked after Youngmin stormed out of the shop.


“Uhh… nothing…” I said.


“Oh well. Then let’s go out and have some fun in the sun!!” Jeo Lynn exclaimed, pulling me out with her.


I tensed as she did so.


I feel so guilty. D:


It was still sunny as usual, but I could spot a few dark clouds moving its way towards the beach.


I sighed.


Apparently, the rest still didn’t notice it. :\


They seriously have to be more observant, like me. :P


Not that I’m boasting, but it’s true.


Well, if Donghyun spotted the dark clouds, being the leader as he is, he would have ushered all of us back to the hotel, just in case the rain poured on us all too suddenly.


But well… he’s kinda blind. :\


When he lost his hand phone, he barked us to find it when it was just in front of him.


“OI! Don’t just stand there!” Jeo Lynn called out to me.


She was already far in front, waving to me.


I sighed again, leaving me with Hobson’s choice.


As badly as I don’t want to get caught in a downpour, I still can’t resist myself to join her.



Normal P.O.V


“Okay, let’s play a game!” Key called, summoning all of us to gather around after his sunbathing session.


Oh no.


I’m so hoping that this game wouldn’t be something weird. O_O


“Come on noona! I think Key hyung’s gonna stick with the traditional game we usually play on the beach!” Taemin said eagerly as he pulled me into the circle.


“Key, don’t tell me you’re doing the piggy-back race…” Jonghyun groaned.


Key stuck out his tongue and Jonghyun.


“ for you! You’re the one who’s going to carry me anyway~ Unless you’re going for Onew?” Key asked.


Jonghyun sighed.


“Well, I have no choice. The last time Onew was on my back, I thought my spine snapped.” Jonghyun wailed, touching his back.


Onew came and smacked Jonghyun’s head.


“I’M NOT FAT!!” he screeched.


“Yeah you’re not… Chicken isn’t going to make you any fitter.” Jonghyun muttered as he rolled his eyes.


“Okay okay! Enough of that! Now, I want to state the game rules. Jeo Lynn, don’t think of going anywhere. You’re staying with us in this game~” Key said, pointing to me.


Reluctantly, I stayed to listen to Key telling us the rules for the game.


“Now, the game rules are simple. We’ll choose the couples, and the first couple to reach the place marked “x” are the winners. Winners will get to eat the better share when we dine at the restaurant tonight, if we make it of course.” Key explained, stressing on the “if”.


I sighed.


He was right.


We never knew if we were suddenly being transported to another place.


“YAY!! I LOVE THIS GAME!” Taemin squealed as he jumped onto Minho’s back.


Huh? D:


This game needs coupling? ;A;



Kwangmin’s P.O.V




Well, I would like to have Youngmin to give me a piggy-back ride like the usual, but…


I squinted at Youngmin from the corner of my eye.


Oh gosh. :\


He’s still sulking.




Being the younger brother like I usually am, I would comfort him.


But I think if I were to comfort him now, it would probably be like adding oil to fire. :\


Youngmin glared at me and I could feel myself looking away and staring at the sandy ground.


Yeah, I really shouldn’t comfort him now.


His glare practically killed me. O_O


Wow, even my glare can’t do that…


Or can it? ._.




Anyways, I guess I should find someone else to be coupled up with.


Jeo Lynn?


Yeah, I should just ask her.


“What are you guys waiting for?! COUPLE UP!!” Key screeched, gesturing us to move.


Youngmin immediately made his way to Jeo Lynn.




Okay, then Jeo Lynn’s off limits. :\


Then, who else? ;A;


Taemin was already on Minho’s back.


Key was trying hard to persuade Jonghyun to carry him, as Jonghyun was reluctant to carry anyone.


Onew and Donghyun were fighting over who was going to ride on who.


Jeongmin and Hyunseong are already secretly planning out a plan so they could win this race.


Jeo Lynn was trying to get onto Youngmin’s back and she, whom I had to admit, looks very awkward now.


“Kwangmin! Guess we’re left with no choice!” Minwoo sighed, looking at Jeo Lynn as she fumbled to get her legs in front of Youngmin.


I sighed as I knelt onto the ground, waiting for Minwoo to get onto my back.


Well, that’s because Minwoo won’t be carrying anyone. :\


“Everyone set?” Key asked.


He was on Jonghyun’s back, and I was kinda surprised how he managed to convince stubborn Jonghyun in giving him a ride.


We all nodded.


“Okay! Then let’s-“ Key was about to say “start” when the sky started to turn into a shade of dark blue.




I knew this was gonna happen. -.-


Heavy rain drops start to pelt on our heads mercilessly.


“AHHH!! GET SHELTER!!” Minwoo shrieked in my ear, still clinging onto my back.


Still, I resist the urge to flip him in front and run away myself.


I ran quickly, following Minwoo’s shouting of “FASTER TO THE RIGHT!” and “TO THE LEFT! TO THE LEFT!” since I couldn’t see much due to the heavy rain.


“YAH! CAN’T YOU BE A BIT FASTER?!?!” Key whined as he pounded Jonghyun’s back.


“ FOR YOU THAT I HAVE SHORT LEGS!” Jonghyun yelled to him as he flipped a wet strand of hair away from his face.


“YAY!! ONEW!! YOU GO GIRL!! UH, I MEAN BOY!!” Donghyun cheered for Onew, who was grumbling but running very fast to avoid the rain.


“I’m doing this for chicken, Donghyun. Chicken and chicken only!” Onew yelled as he accelerated.




Where’s Youngmin and Jeo Lynn? O_o


I turned around and stopped to search for them, but I couldn’t see anyone else.


The other four pairs were far in front.


But where on earth is Jeo Lynn? ._.


Oh, and Youngmin of course! X_x


“What are you doing?!?! Don’t stop!!” Minwoo shrieked, but I ignored him anyway.


Maybe it was the rain. :\


I squinted harder, trying to overcome my eyesight’s weakness.




I think I can see a bit clearly now.


Is that a big wave coming from afar or am I still having my eyesight problem? O.o


“Minwoo! Can you help me see what that is?” I yelled to Minwoo, but he didn’t reply me.


He was actually numb for the moment, and he hang onto my shoulder tightly with his head buried in my back.


I could hear a loud sound of gushing water, getting louder and louder.


Before I could push down Minwoo from my back and slap him to consciousness, a huge force swept me off my feet, along with Minwoo.


The impact was so strong that I thought I was being run over by a 3-tonne trailer.


It all happened so fast…


I still couldn’t make the head or tail of it.


Water swirled with full force around me, and for a second I thought I was in a life-size washing machine.


It was as though I’m doing somersault and what-not aerobics in water.


I tumbled in the water as I could felt myself sinking deeper and deeper.


Surprisingly, I could still think sanely in my condition. O_O


I think I just got caught in a…


In a…


In a…


In… an?


Wait, what is that word for that big wave that pounced on us again? ._.




I remember it was some kind of Jewish or Latin word. ._.






And it’s JAPANESE. ._.


Before any self-praising was done, something knocked into my head and the blurry images turned into a blank screen.

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i'll forgive you<br />
IF you give me that puppy in the photo!!!<br />
>.<<br />
jokes! :P<br />
update soon!!!
Aigoo~ I thought you were gone !! -kidding-<br />
I miss this fanfics so much ><<br />
btw, Its okay :)<br />
Take as many time as you want, just don't forget to update soon ! XD<br />
i just subscribe!!! now where's my new chapter ??? i freaking love this story,, pls?? LOL
pls update soon :)
Please update soon.... xD don't forget to update all of your fanfics if you can... ^^
I seriously can stop laughing! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!
yoshiruxbubbletea #7
Thanks for staying with me throughout my story... again!! >v< <3 <3
Woah ~ at first I read the title chapter 'Home sweet home' I thought they went back to their own world , then I read until the finished chapter. I can't stop laughing xDD Update soon ! ^^V
TSUNAMI?!?!?! SAVE YOURSELF! geez. Update soOn~!