The Dream And The Dreamer

A Midsummer Night's Dream


"Do you believe in dreamers?" a voice asked me. "I heard if a dreamer enters your dream you'll eventually meet them the very next day or years from now. There's no in between, sadly.  They say if you do ever met your dreamer you should keep them close by. They're like guardian angels." The soft and calming voice slowly faded.

"Dreamers, huh?" I muttered half asleep.



The sky was covered in grey clouds and it was raining hard outside the library where a girl stood. Fog had also found its way onto Earth and was spreading. She was alone, but she wasn't afraid. The girl just stood there clutching a book to her chest. The skies grew darker, but she was still there.


"Hello, I'm Park Jimin," the voice in my dreams said. I couldn't make out the owner's face, but there was a small figure in front of me holding a red umbrella. I was now seeing things in the little girl's perspective. But my vision was still blurry.


Then suddenly a flashback of a boy and a girl played in my mind. They were in a sandbox. Just them. The park was empty and quiet. There were no other adults nor no other children; they were alone and busily talking among themselves.


The two images glitched back and forth in my dreams until...

"I like you," the same little-boy voice said again from the image of the sand box. And this time the figure leaned towards me as I watched from the girl's perspective. Slowly and gently our lips touch. Then in the distance music began playing. The lyrics was unclear, but the melody was familiar.


Fly me to the moon,

And let me play among the stars.

Let me see what spring is like,

On Jupiter and Mars~~


I pulled away from the light kiss and ran off towards the music. It was coming from a carnival. There were red, white and blue tents set up everywhere. Some even in purple and green. There were clowns and face painters, bumper cars and roller coasters, food and desserts, but the music wasn't coming from anywhere there. It was still far in the distance. I stopped to catch a breath, but somehow the boy caught up and pulled my hand continuing to run in the direction of the music.



Picture cr:to owner

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