The Cold

The Cold


Yoona stared at the laptop screen. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she slowly closed the device and let out a long sigh. The hate mail had almost doubled that day, just because yet another random celebrity had said she was his ideal type. 
"Oppa isn't yours"
"You're such a , Im Yoona"
"I bet you crawl onto the guys and ask them to tell you you're pretty"
"You stupid , do you think oppa will really like you?". 
No, I really don't think your 'oppa' likes me. 
Yoona felt the tears wet her cheeks.
Ever since she had been widely agreed as one of the most prettiest in girl groups, it had become a trend to say that she was an ideal type. Yoona became a cover for the idols, who dated other idols secretly, while she received all the hate from the rabid fans. Had she really done any wrong? She didn't think that she was to be blamed for anything. She was so tired of everyone saying that she was their ideal type. Not only did they not mean it, but she was never sure if someone truly liked her or not.
"Yoong, you in there?" Taeyeon asked as she opened the door slightly
As quickly as she could, she wiped the tears in her eyes and smiled at her unnie. Taeyeon eyed her suspiciously, but then sighed and decided to drop questioning her dongsaeng.
"Dinner's ready, you coming?" Taeyeon asked.
"I'm not hungry, unnie. I'll just be out for a walk. This place is pretty stuffy," Yoona grabbed her coat and walked off, not even bothering to wait for Taeyeon's reply.
Taeyeon closed her open mouth and shrugged. She took out her phone and began texting to Yoona.
to: Yoong
As long as you're back before 11 alright? Want me to stay up for you? Be careful, yoona-ah.
-message sent-
to: teuk ahjusshi <3
Oppa, Yoong went out again. I think she was crying before I went into her room. What do I do?
-message sent-
Taeyeon sighed and shut her phone before she turned and sat down next to her other dongsaengs who were busy indulging in the dinner prepared.
Tinkling noises were heard and Yoona's hand whipped out her handphone.
You have 1 new message
Taeyeon Unnie
As long as you're back before 11 alright? Want me to stay up for you? Be careful, yoona-ah.
She sighed as she quickly texted her reply. She loosened her coat slightly and watched as the cold mist formed from . She liked the cold of approaching winter. Not only did it make the scenary seem even more exquisitely beautiful, but it also made her so blissfully numb. When she was out in the cold, she didn't have to feel the ache in her bones, or the heaviness of her head. She didn't have to feel the strain her body was feeling or the exhaustion that constantly tore her apart. She was like an angel, or a ghost. Being in the snow was even better, she had her own world where she could pretend everything was alright and that there were no arguments, fights, lawsuits, controversies, fanwars; nothing of that sort. Everything was peaceful, everything was how Im Yoona liked it to be.
Her knees buckled and she collapsed onto the bench, hot tears that were quickly freezing rolling down her cheeks.
"And this was Sukira, thank you for tuning in with us. Until next time!" Leeteuk ended off.
As soon as the 'ON AIR' light turned off, Leeteuk let out a long sigh and slumped in his chair, massaging his neck.
"Hyung you alright?" Donghae asked worriedly
Leeteuk opened his eyes to face the younger male who was tugging on his sleeve. He smiles, hoping it would reassure his dongsaeng. Hyukjae pops his head from behind Donghae and peers over at his hyung, sincerely concerned.
"I'm fine guys, really. Oh, and good job today. Donghae-ah, if you work a little more on your skills, you could be a radio dj," Leeteuk said cheerfully.
Donghae blushed and nodded his head in agreement. As soon as they were done packing up, the three men left and headed towards Leader's car. Wordlessly and with unanimous agreement, they had decided to get some ramyun before returning to the dorm; afraid to disturb the probably sleeping Wookie who would willingly cook for them when they came back.
"Sorry sorry sorry sorry niga niga niga monjeo naega naega-"
Leeteuk swiftly pulled out his phone and stared at the screen.
You have 1 message
Oppa, Yoong went out again. I think she was crying before I went into her room. What do I do?
Leeteuk sighed. His dongsaeng was probably out for a walk again. Yoong was, after all, the MILK club's vice president. Of course she had problems, every single one of them did.
To: Taengoo<3
It's ok Taeng, I'll sort it out. You get some rest ok? ^^
-message sent-
Leeteuk kept his phone in his pocket and turned to face his two brothers. Donghae slurped his ramen comically and chewed before he looked up at his hyung.
"What?" he asked, confused.
Leeteuk smiled and chuckled.
Donghae walked around the park, confused. While they were on their way to the dorm, Leeteuk and Hyukjae stopped the car abruptly and asked him to get out. Right after that, they sped off but not before telling him that he had a job to do.
"What job do I have? Those idiots, I'll really get them for this," Donghae muttered a string of cusses, unbefitting to his image as an idol.
He pulled his jacket closer and sighed. It was very cold and Donghae couldn't stand it. Being in the cold scared him; he didn't like it one bit. It made him feel so distant from everyone. He didn't like the feeling of being alone, in fact he hated it. He constantly needed someone beside him; and most of the time it was Eunhyuk. Perhaps it was a way to get over his father's death, perhaps he needed someone to talk to but he wouldn't admit it. Whatever it was, one thing was for sure.
Lee Donghae absolutely hated the cold.
He trudged on and braved the wind. He was getting really exhausted now. Still, he continued walking, thinking of the warmth of the bed that would envelope him as soon as he reached home. He stopped abruptly and turned, straining his ears to see whether he had heard it right. Yes, there was indeed someone crying. He peeked through the bushes and spotted his hoobae sniffling alone on the bench.
He walked over to her and put his arm around her before silently pulling the girl into his embrace. It didn't matter if she wanted to tell him whatever was happening, it didn't matter at all to him. He understood she was in pain, it was something he was familiar with. All he knew was that in that moment, perhaps, he could make her feel better, and maybe himself as well. He felt her arms wrap around his waist and her body lean closer to his.
And in that moment, for once, he liked the cold.
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tiarashinyoora #1
Chapter 1: it would be perfect if you write sequel of after story...kkekekekk..
but i like this story..a lot.. ^^
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
@summersea-pearl: exactly, Yoona such a great person to begin with so I don't get why anyone would hate her. She's so strong, I admire her so much for that alone. HAHA YOONHAE JJANG! Thanks for reading ^~^
@lovefrostee07: I'm inclined to think that way too, poor yoong T__T yep but we'll be here to help her along! Thanks for reading ^^
@kyusyaz314: Hahaha I was aww-ing to myself while writing this >///< thanks for reading!
@simpleory: Ah I shall right more than in the future just you wait ^~^ thanks a lot!
waaaah ddaebak! it's cute story <3 <3
I'll wait other YoonHae fanfics, ne. Good Job!
kyusyaz314 #5
Awww hae is damn so sweet!! 'for once,he liked the cold' awwwwwwww
Aww, YoonA.... :(<br />
This is so true, I've met LOTS of people hating YoonA. I mean, what had she done to them ? She's just doing her job, and, I think by now, (I hope) she's already immune to these kinds of things, and if not, she already have her DongHae oppa, beside her >///<<br />
YoonHae is sssooooo cuuuteeee !!!!
thanks everyone! i'm not sure about making a sequel though, maybe if there are a lot of people who want one then yeah ^^
i love love love this story so much. there is a hint of truth in this. i mean, all the hate that Yoona gets from international fans, i'm sure she's not oblivious to it. she must have an idea that's why she's in the MILK Club. i actually feel sad for her. but at least she have her group members and other friends with her. Leeteuk is so sly, sending Donghae in the park instead of him going there. the last scene is great.<br />
<br />
are you perhaps going to make a sequel for this? ^_^