Scenario 2

J is for Jungkook

 : This Yours?



After a quick morning shower and changing into my school attire, I rushed out of the bathroom with a sweater over my head, feeling useless because I couldn’t figure out which holes were for the head and which ones were for the arms. And to make me feel even grumpier, it was a sleeveless sweater, too!


I was still sleepy, okay?


When I finally managed the small task, I was surprised to find the room lit with sunlight. I don’t recall drawing the curtains, but I do remember how messy my room was after last night’s tiresome homework battle. I ruffled my slightly damp hair and closed the door to the bathroom, then scooped up all the books from my desk and paperwork scattered everywhere on the floor.


I pitied myself for being consumed by schoolwork and constantly having to hop on the last and latest train to bed every night. But that's just one of the many sacrifices you'll have to make when you're enrolled in an elite international boarding school like mine.




I stared back at the bathroom, confused, as another sound of the door clicking shut reached my ears.


Hadn’t I just closed it myself? It couldn’t have been an echo as the room wasn’t empty enough for echoes to exist and besides it happened around six seconds later.


Meaning it could only have been the main door to the dorm room.


Had Jungkook left already?


His bed at the opposite end of the room was made neat and tidily and his shoes were gone, so I guess he had.


I should probably head off for classes, too…


Just as I was leaving with my half-completed homework all scrunched and stuffed inside my bag, I spotted a shiny object lying around on the new boy’s bed.


The object reflected some rays of sunlight as it was directly beneath a window and it wasn’t until I had crept a little closer towards his bed had I noticed it was a wristwatch.


It was lying face down and, feeling as curious as ever about the newcomer, I couldn’t help resist but pick it up and examine the personal belong. Chrome silver and studded with diamonds around the face, I nodded with apprehension that it was a stylish watch you’d probably find on the wrists of stylish people.


And it was a pretty damn expensive one, too.


I felt kind of invasive to be handling someone else’s belongings so I placed it back on the bed the way I found it and continued to the door. I’m certain he’d come back for it during the day and there were plenty of clocks around the campus so I’m sure he wouldn’t worry about the time.


Now, I shall be off to class without sparing another second because I was running late!




Jungkook had only just exited the dorm, right? He couldn’t have gotten that far…


And maybe if I am quick about it, I can catch up some-halfway and personally take it to him myself like how any good dorm mate should do. Yeah.


 Proceeding the plan, I decided to pick the wristwatch up again and quickly headed towards the door. All I had to do was hand it over to Jungkook, and then we’d make our own ways to class; simple.


I finally opened the door but then suddenly stopped in my tracks after finding the said boy standing right in front of me, his fingers also grasping the door knob but from the other side.


He stared at me with no emotion as I stared at him, and it was then when I finally realized how much taller he really was than how I portrayed him yesterday when we first met. In fact, he was taller than I was. Just by standing next to him, I began to feel inches shorter…


His dark eyes were round and glossy and innocent-looking, reminding me that of a squirrel, and he never dropped his stare even when he shyly released his grip on the outside handle.


“Did you.. come back for this..?” I eventually offered the wristwatch after guessing that he must have come back for it.


Without further word and looking at the ground in a humble manner, Jungkook gave a petite half-nod, I suppose for gratitude, and gently seized the wristwatch from my palm like a child cutely snatching treats from a bowl.


His eyes were shaded by his jet-black bangs, lips pressed into a thin line, but nevertheless he looked quite… cute, that way? I don't know, maybe it was his slight chubby cheeks or aegyosal that gave him a baby-faced appearance.


I smiled at his small action – not really sure why – and searched for my keys. I locked the door to our dorm and when I turned around, Jungkook was gone.





A/N: i was planning on updating much earlier but then i was distracted by a lot of things, so apologies for the late update. hopefully there will be more JMxJK interraction, and longer scenarios as the story progresses. in the mean time, thank you so much for 25+ subs, i hadn't expected that many in two chapters already, i'm very happy!  

oh yes. and happy (late) birthday to our golden maknae! (_^-^)/

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huomionhakuinen #1
Chapter 3: Ah, i really really really like this story, and it's inspiring me to write my own

I hope you update soon!
Chapter 3: stupid~!!! why are so scared of him~? bathroom? really?! dont you have any idea that he will shower before going to bed? applause to the clever Jungkook!!!
jikookjikook #3
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the next chapters~~~ :)
BluebutterflyKPop #4
Chapter 2: Looking forward your next chapters ;-)
Chapter 1: Aww, Kookie sounds cute hahah
Great update!
I'll be looking forward to it :)