Chapter 1

One Love

            The morning alarm rings, and I slam down on it since I hate the noise of it. The clock reads 8 AM. I slowly get out of bed and open the curtains to the view of Seoul, Korea. Cars are honking, and the streets are crammed with morning traffic. I’m tired and want more sleep, but if I get into bed again, I know I’m going to sleep throughout the whole day.

            So I get ready, and leave the small, one bed apartment. It’s been a month since I came to Korea from the States, but I still don’t have a job. I mean, I don’t have trouble speaking Korean since I was born here, but I’m not used to the atmosphere yet. I left because I didn’t want to deal with what was back there, but here, there’s nothing to do. The money I saved up is almost gone, and I need to find a job ASAP.

            I wander around the streets of the busy city, looking for any kind of help wanted signs. My feet start hurting so I look at the time, and it’s already 1PM. I’m hungry, but I don’t want to spend excess money on food, so I start heading back to my apartment. It’s summer and it’s hot, so I want to go back as fast as I can.

            I get a text message, and as I look to see who it’s from, something bumps into me, and I fall.

            “Ow!” I yell. I look up at the thing that bumped into me, and it’s a man, roughly in his late thirties.

            “I’m so sorry!” He says, and he put out his hand. I grab it, and stand up. I pick up my phone from the ground, and thankfully, there’s only a slight scratch on the edge.

            “Are you alright?” The man asks. I quickly scan him, and realize his suit is an expensive one. And so are his loafers and his watch. I mumble a yes, and I turn around to walk away, when he taps me on the shoulder.

            “Excuse me, but are you a student?” He asks.

            “Um, no,” I reply.

            “By any chance, do you want a job?” He says, and he reaches into his blazer’s inner pocket and hands me a card. It reads ‘CS Entertainment Industries. CEO: Gong, Jichul’.

            “I’m looking for one, yes.” CS Entertainment has all the popular actors, actresses, and models, and is known for being one of the Top 3 entertainment industries in Korea. I look up at the man again, and realize that I’ve seen him in many news articles concerning celebrities. I wonder if he’s looking for more actors.

            “Great!” His face suddenly lights up, and he beams like a child. “Do you have time right now? Or are you busy?”

            I realize I’m hungry, but if I pass this opportunity, I might not be able to find a job for who knows how long.

            “I’m not busy at all,” I say.

            “All right then. Can you come with me? I’ll tell you the details once we’re at the main building.”

            “Sure.” I follow the man, and we get into a sleek Bentley.

            During the car ride, he asks me what my name is, and how old I am. I introduce myself and tell him that I’m 23. He nods, and we ride the rest of the way in silence. Once we reach the destination, I get off and look at the building in front of me.

            It’s monstrous.

            That’s the only way I can describe it. It is huge, with the outer structure made of what looks like heavily tinted glass, and metal framings. Overall, the building is modern, sleek, and classy.

            “Wow,” is all I manage before he taps my shoulder and motions for me to come along.

            I grasp my conscience and follow him into the building. When we enter the building, there’s a huge reception desk with the CS Entertainment logo on the wall behind it. The receptionists all stand up and bow as Jichul walks in. We walk to the elevator bank, and ride it to the top floor. He lets me sit in his massive office, and his secretary offers me a cup of coffee, which I take gratefully.

            He sits on the head of the sitting area, and takes a file from his secretary. His secretary leaves the office and he takes a look at the papers in front of him. He frowns a bit, excuses himself, and leaves the office.

            I’m sitting idly for a while, and the door to the office opens and a man walks in. He looks around, and asks me where Mr. Gong is. I tell him he left a bit ago, and he leaves. About 5 minutes later, Mr. Gong walks in with the man from before, and both of them sit down.

            “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Mr. Gong says. “The job I have for you is a manager.”

            Well that was unexpected.

            “Manager of what?” I ask.

            “One of our actors. His name is Kim Woo Bin. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.”

            “Um, yeah. I have. Isn’t he one of the most popular actors these days?”

            “Yes, he is.”

            “Then shouldn’t he get an experienced person as his manager? I have no experience in this field whatsoever.”

            “Actually, that’s why I want you to be his manager. He’s pretty much had every available experienced manager in the industry.”

            “Um, how?”

            “Let’s just say he’s had problems with his previous managers. All of them.”

            “And you think it’s a good idea to let me be his manager?”

            “Yeah, sure. You’ll be fine. He’ll love you. Don’t worry about it. Here are the papers. The pay is on there. And you won’t be disappointed with it.”

            I look through the papers, and I’m not disappointed at all. I really need the money right now.

            “Okay. I’ll do it.”

            “Great. Just sign there, and you can start tomorrow. Here are the keys to his car, the work car, and his apartment. You can pretty much barge on him anytime you want, and drag his to work when he doesn’t want to. Because he’ll want to skip out a lot. And I’m sorry, but you’ll have to be the one to drag him out of clubs when he goes out. Which will be at least 3 times a week. And that’s about it for the job description. You can take the work van and use that for transportation. Here’s a tablet pc with Woo Bin's personal information and schedule. Any calls regarding Woo Bin’s future schedule and love calls will be forwarded to your phone or email. Anything else you need to know should be in that tablet. Do you have any questions?”

            It’s a lot to take in. But at this point, I’ll do just about anything to earn money.


            “Great. Call me if you need anything. Oh, and please call me President Gong from now on.”

            I leave the room and go to the building’s parking lot to get the van. In the van, I turn on the tablet and look at Kim Woo Bin’s profile. I’ve seen him around the streets on advertisements, but I’ve never seen him in person. I know that a lot of my friends back home like watching his dramas. He’s fairly good looking. I’ve heard that he’s a good actor, too. I want to look at more of his information, but I’m really hungry and drive out of the parking lot to go home.

            After eating a satisfied lunch, I sit on the couch and look through the rest of the files on the tablet. He seems to have a track record for sleeping around with girls in clubs. I have a feeling that this job isn’t going to be an easy one, and I’m a bit nervous for it.

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