Smtown (1 smtown fanfics)

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For my family...

By Exoticookies Updated
Tags  angst   family   idollife   smtown   exo   jealousy   bap 
Characters Dawn Exo other SM artists others..
With 53 chapters, 10 votes, 141 subscribers, 7730 views, 82 comments, 85748 words
Status Completed

Dawn was living a normal life like any other 16 year old girl. She had a wonderful family. She had a wonderful group of friends who loved her. She loved singing and dancing but wasn't thinking of being anything like a singer in the  future. Until one day God decided to bring both her parents to the hospital beds. Being the oldest daughter in her family, she is responsible to be the one who makes the money to support her two younger siblings, Anne(7) and Kendrick(12), and to pay the expensiv