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About Me

im pretty little miss independent.:)
i Mcdo.
i horror movies movies.
i potpot.
i am lolo and lola's girl)

Some facts that you should know about me:
*i make friends.
*i am super lolo and lola's girl.
*i cried over sad movies.
*i laugh out loud over corny jokes.
*i read books a lot.
*im a frustrated writer.
*i used to keep memorable things.
*i don't drink.(have tried it before)
*i don't smoke.
*i never tried cutting classes.
*i get mad.
*i get jealous.
*i'm always hopeful.
*a career oriented woman.
*a family-oriented woman.
*i dont easily give up.
*i believe in "happily everafter.":)
*i'm iN love: