Personal Message

HEllO, iM a NewBiE(i WilL repLaCe thIs TiTle aFter I coMpLeTe oN mY 1sT ChapTereD Fics^^) HeRe^^

rEad, ComMenT anD sUscRibe iF u intereSteD wItH mY FFs

~QUe SERa SEra~

FanDom : U-kIsS

PAirIngS: KemaRU(kEvIn/KibUm)



~baBy fisH~

FanDom : U-kIsS

PAirIngS: KemaRU(kEvIn/KibUm)



i'M alSo hAve An AccounT in Lj-ComMuniTy of U-kiSs fFs^^ iF u sEe tHe sTory aBovE iN uR fRienD PagE, iT sHoulD bE me^^

About Me

mY twittEr useRnaMe > ryukie_

mY faceBook useRnaMe > mika matsumoto